
Soul's Revenge: The Devil's Advocate Unleashed.

"arrrrgggghhh," the glowing soul wailed in anguish as it descended down the fiery burning pit of hell where Satan ruled supreme. the last incident surrounding his death floated like a hologram before Satan as he smiled mischievously nodding his head. "A perfect instrument for more souls," He said as he flicked his hands stopping the souls descent. It floats forward until it came to stop in front of Satan naked as a newborn child. "Son, you seem to have a painful death in your former life" he began with a sly smile on his face as he paused and continued. "if you should have a chance to go back to the world again. what would be your line of action?" The center of the soul glowed dark increasing in thickness until it was a glowing dark mass. it's voice echoed loudly in the mind of Satan three words that radiates terror. "Revenge! Vengeance!! Anarchy!!!" "Indeed, you have chosen well. go back into the world, wreck havoc, create chaos untill all shall bow before me through you," The soul shrieked loudly as a wormhole opened up behind it sucking it back into the world of men. My name is Scott Baggins and I am the devils incarnate, I have come to wreck havoc on all that has stabbed me in the back. Anarchy and terror is loosed upon the world. Fear the revenge of the devil's advocate.

Lightwood_101 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Herald Arrives

The first light of the day brought forth a fast rising gossip amongst the maids and servants of the various nobles and high officials, the news of the night demon that wields the berserker blades as they called it and what he had done to the two generals had spread like wildfire.

The disheveled cobblestones and broken statute bore witness that it was more than a simple rumour.

The King who heard about the spreading rumour which was striking fear in the hearts of many summoned the four generals to his palace.

"What is all this which I hear this morning immediately I rose from bed?" King Dinos asked immediately he took his seat.

"Someone attacked me and general Lucian last night, he claimed to be the wielder of the berserker blades." General Gwaine answered while raising his shirt to reveal a slightly smoking gash on his lower abdomen. "This was a cut I received when I fought him that night, I don't know but he carries an aura that even the invincible demon king didn't have in his lifetime."

"What are you insinuating Gwaine?" General Scott asked from his seat opposite general Lucian.

"What am saying is that whatever that attacked us last night wasn't human, it was purely a demon,"

"And why would you say so, do you have any prove to counter the fact that it was a Demon." Scott began as he paused and continued. This time looking at them in the face. "Calling it a demon would demoralize the soldiers, you said you fought with it that night. What would stop is from fighting it too when it come again?"

"Besides if the soldiers lose their morales, who them would defend the city?" Scott asked as he relaxed into his seat smiling inwardly. He loved feeding on the fears of terror the soldiers develop before him whenever he appears, and to get it; they have to have their morales high.

"You have spoken wisely Scott," Kong Dinos commended Scott as he faced Lucian. "Double the guards, make sure no man leaves or enters the city at night. Tighten up the security,"

Lucian nods acknowledging the command as the king faced Gwaine.

"Go to the temple of Apollo, there the divine healer's will attend to your wounds. While we seek guardians from the Athena." The King commanded as Gwaine nodded in acknowledgement too.

Facing Scott and the last general Sir Perseus he issued a command.

"Go the valley of the king's where the temple of Athena is situated. Talk to the priests and ask them to commune with the gods and tell us who this unknown man is,"

Scott and Perseus nodded and they both acknowledged his command, standing to their feet at once they bowed courtesying before leaving the king's chamber's.

Scott and Perseus leaving for Athena's temple while the others went their own ways.


At the temple of Athena, the priests preparing for the divination ritual, with the high priest heading the ritual preparations.

*It seems his works travels faster than he thought they would* Scott thought as he smiled inwardly.

"Tell the king that we would deliver a message to him when we are done," The high priest suddenly said as if he knew why they came.

"With the look on his face, he requires an urgent answer before the citizens are thrown into chaos." General Perseus puts in as Scott smiles mischievously.

"Go to your king and give him my message; I will have an answer for him before nightfall," The priest commanded as he turned his attention to the ritual preparations leaving the duo standing.

Perseus turned on his heel tapping Scott on the shoulder as he followed suit, together they walked outside the temple.

"Why do the priests try to keep us away from seeing the ritual processes?" Perseus muttered aloud immediately they were outside.

"You aren't a priest, or did you turn one overnight?" Scott asked with a twinkle in his eyes as Perseus smiled mischievously climbing on this chariot as Scott took his, with a swipe from their whips, the horses took off.

Arriving at the palace, the king was already waiting for them in his chamber's together with the elders of the council.

"My King" Perseus began as Scott stood behind him. "The priests were already in the middle of the divination ritual when we arrived, but they promised to send an answer before nightfall." He ended relaying the exact words of the high priest to the king.

"Why would they take till nightfall? the people are clamouring for an answer.and I need to give them one." King Dinos said in anxiety.

"My Lord, I suggest you give them till nightfall as they requested. Then after that we know the next line of action to take," Elder Argus said in his frail old voice.

"I think I agree to that also, we wait till nightfall for their message then we know what to do next." Another of the elders chipped in.

"Then so be it, till nightfall it shall be then," King Dinos finalized as the elders nodded in agreement.

Waving the duo away, the king and his council turned to matters concerning the kingdom as the duo left their presence.

Once outside Perseus brought up a conversation.

"You know something Scott," he began, "Ever since Gwaine mentioned the name of demon or should I said the night miscreant. It seems to ring a bell somewhere but I've figured it out,"

"And what might that be Perseus," Scott asked itching to hear his premonitions.

"You know, to be honest. You are the only one that calls your twin axes the berserker blade's. You've told me that you love calling it that name since the first day you father gifted them to you." Perseus paused and continued. "What I don't understand is why it seems to be a coincidence that you both has weapons that bears the same name" He ended stopping and looking Scott in the face.

"You know, it might be a coincidence but trust me I have nothing to do with this." Scott said with a smirk. "But nevertheless, I want to see you at my place tonight. Come by the seventh watch," He requested as Perseus nodded and he bade him farewell and mount his chariot leaving Scott standing and gazing at his receding figure.

As he turned mount his chariot a loud commotion suddenly erupts from the end of the city's marketplace as Scott heads there, in the middle of the market seated by the fountain the old hag sat speaking in a loud voice the exact words he had imprinted in her when he possessed her that day.

She was now a shadow of her old self.

"Satan has come into your midst, his servant shall wreak havoc until no man shall bow onto any other but him, Beware!, let all men get ready to witness the true power of Satan's reincarnate. He is he that is destined to bring terror into the heart of men." These words she echoed consistently and repeatedly walking through town's and cities.

"You're released," Scott murmured, like a fading phantom the dark eyes faded away as the woman slumped and breathed her last.

The people fell back in shock, they hadn't seen such thing since there entire life's and now it has begun.

Evil is about to let loose again.