
Soul's Revenge: The Devil's Advocate Unleashed.

"arrrrgggghhh," the glowing soul wailed in anguish as it descended down the fiery burning pit of hell where Satan ruled supreme. the last incident surrounding his death floated like a hologram before Satan as he smiled mischievously nodding his head. "A perfect instrument for more souls," He said as he flicked his hands stopping the souls descent. It floats forward until it came to stop in front of Satan naked as a newborn child. "Son, you seem to have a painful death in your former life" he began with a sly smile on his face as he paused and continued. "if you should have a chance to go back to the world again. what would be your line of action?" The center of the soul glowed dark increasing in thickness until it was a glowing dark mass. it's voice echoed loudly in the mind of Satan three words that radiates terror. "Revenge! Vengeance!! Anarchy!!!" "Indeed, you have chosen well. go back into the world, wreck havoc, create chaos untill all shall bow before me through you," The soul shrieked loudly as a wormhole opened up behind it sucking it back into the world of men. My name is Scott Baggins and I am the devils incarnate, I have come to wreck havoc on all that has stabbed me in the back. Anarchy and terror is loosed upon the world. Fear the revenge of the devil's advocate.

Lightwood_101 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Cryptic Words From The Gods

The King and his council of Elders had just finished a debate on the issues of the kingdoms security and welfare when the door of the council hall burst open as a guard walks in and stood few meters away with his head bowed.

The King waved a hand urging him forward.

"My king, the messengers from the temple of Athena awaits outside, they wishes to speak with you." He relayed as the king's face brightened up in joy.

"Bring them in immediately,"

"Yes my Lord" The guard replied turning towards the door, opening it and waving the messengers in.

"What news from the goddess great ones," Kong Dinos asked without any delay.

"The goddess spoke but a little, no explanation, just some ominous words; that hung heavy in the air," The chief messenger answered with a heavy voice stepping forward

"Speak then, we shall hear the message no matter how hard." The King retorts.

"Terror, Anger, Chaos, Anarchy VENGEANCE. I have returned and with me the wrath of Hell," The chief messenger said. "that's is the message my king, and there is no explanation even from the goddess herself," He ended taking a step backwards.

The entire hall fell into silence as a thousand and one thoughts ran helterskelter in their minds. The words had great hold on them as just like when the prophecy foretold the coming of the demon king years ago. This time, these words heralds something more fearsome than the demon king.

"We beg to take our leave now my king," The messengers spoke as they slowly backed away closing the door behind them leaving the nobles in their thoughts.

"What do we do now, the message is clear but we need an explanation." Elder Argus broke the silence that threatened to suffocate them all.

"What do you suggest we do now, the priests of Athena has delivered their message just like the goddess handed down without any explanations." Another of the elders chipped in. "I think it's now up to us to do something about it then." He concluded.

"Where do we even start from, the oracle's if Delhi are silent just as they priests of Hera." King Dinos asked, pausing and looking each and every one of them in the face before continuing. "Where do we seek answers from now."

The whole hall fell into silence once again, this one more ominous than the first. Everyone thinking of a way of escape for the situation at hand.

"My king I would suggest you first speak to the people calming them down, maybe assuring them that everything is under control. So they wouldn't panic," Elder Agamemnon spoke up hesitantly.

"I think you made a point there Agamemnon, that should be our first line of action before any other thing," Elder Argus said with a bright smile as king Dinos nodded, seeming to buy the idea.

Suddenly a loud commotion was heard just outside the hall, and as it seems the mouse was getting louder, the the door burst open as the two guards stationed in front of the door fell into the room clearly pushed by a couple of peasant men. Mostly farmers and traders who lived within the city walls.

"May you live long my king," A stout young man who seem to head the group spoke out as the King waved to go on. "A mysterious woman showed up at the marketplace today, bearing an ominous message dying few minutes after shouting it in the face of everyone. So we decided to come relay it to you."

"That is really nice of you, great men of Rohan. You have really done well by coming," The king's spoke aloud with a smile. "So please tell me what message did see bring?"

"Satan has come into your midst, his servant shall wreak havoc until no man shall bow onto any other but him, Beware!, let all men get ready to witness the true power of Satan's reincarnate. He is he that is destined to bring terror into the heart of men;, those were her exact words my king," The man spoke slightly aloud, afraid something was lurking in the corner ready to pounce on them.

The Elders looked at one another in fear as it was visible that whatever that attacked the generals would soon start attacking everyone, it was only a matter of when will it be.

"You may take your leave now lads, we will summon you if we need any more information," King Dinos said in a low voice as the group dispersed while the guards closed the door behind them.

"My king, we really need answers this time. The messages are coming loud and clear, at least this one was somehow understandable," Elder Argus threw in while adjusting his cloak.

"Even the Demon king didn't give us much headache as this. I think we have to invite the druids to finish this being off once and for all." Elder Agamemnon suggested as the others contemplated his suggestion.

"You know it isn't only about inviting them, it is also about persuading them. The druid requires great patience and good manner if approach to be able to make them render their help," Elder Argus threw in as everyone nods in agreement.

"Aside that, who would agree to travel across the dark forest to bring them here to us," A member of the lower class elders threw in a point.

"When the time comes, we will think of who to send. Right now let's focus on how to go about bringing them to Rohan." King Dinos breaks in clearing the air.

"Well also inviting them requires a great price because as you know, they always demand a reward after their task is complete," Elder Demetrius interjected throwing light on the suggestion."and they never name their price untill the task is completed." He ended.

"Let them come, then we pay the price come what may," King Dinos said ending the conversation as they began deliberating on how to bring the druids and who to send to persuade them to come.