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Virlia_Nada · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Get Out Of The Way

"I'm so sorry, Father! An Hui is at fault! But right now An Hui can't stay here for long because An Hui's leg is scratched. Ask forgiveness from your father! Excuse me," An Hui said goodbye and left after greeting.

An Hui purposely to avoid this showdown first. Apart from her tired legs, An Hui also wanted to investigate in detail.

An Hui wanted to confirm exactly what kind of person was in this palace. Among them are his father and stepmother and step sister.

An Hui just realized that she had not met the princesses at all. An Hui wanted to see what these people with no manners looked like.

"Husband, how could you just let her go?! If you go easy on her, she'll just get bigger!" shouted An Hui's stepmother who seemed disapproved of this ending.

"After all, she had already admitted her mistake! I also have a lot of work to do!" An Hui's father replied.

"My husband! My husband! How can you do that? My husband! Wait!" An Hui's stepmother's voice is getting weakened.

An Hui knew that the two of them had also stepped away from her. Now An Hui could rest in her room in peace.

An Hui lay down and again complained that An Hui's physique was very weak. It's a waste if you only practice it a few times.

It would be best if An Hui could get a temporary job related to physical training. But in this world there was no one An Hui could ask other than Fang Chen.

But An Hui was sure that Fang Chen would not allow herself to work. An Hui didn't want to be like a concubine who only received money.

"Hey, this is the first time I'm feeling almost hopeless!" muttered the pessimistic An Hui.

Instead of An Hui thinking a lot but couldn't find a solution, she finally chose to close her eyes and rest.

But just as An Hui fell asleep, suddenly someone break through into her room using a spare key.

What came were two daughters who were the biological children of An Hui's stepmother.

Actually there is still the eldest brother. But he was traveling to a city affected by the epidemic and of his work as a healer.

He was so kind to his younger siblings including An Hui. Of course he had no idea what An Hui had actually experienced.

"Mom said, if this little bastard had changed!" said the second daughter named Liu Wang.

"She's still the same! Stupid and when she sleeps she looks like a pig!" Liu Wang's sister pout.

This year Liu Wang is 17 years old while her younger sister Liu Yan is 15 years old. They were younger than An Hui.

But even so they were not afraid and never wanted to respect An Hui. Therefore they always bullied and tortured An Hui.

"So, what lesson should we teach a brat like her?" say Liu Yan who asked her sister's opinion.

Liu Wang was silent for a moment and thought of something they would use to punish An Hui.

Then Liu Wang's eyes fell on a bucket filled with water in the corner of the room. Liu Wang suddenly had an idea.

Liu Wang walked to the corner of the room and Liu Yan just looked at his sister in confusion. She was curious about what her sister would do.

After picking up the water fountain, Liu Wang returned to er original place. Liu Yan who saw her sister's innate could already guess what they were going to do.

"Ah, I know what you're going to do, Sis! You're really good at teaching someone a lesson!" said Liu Yan who was proud of her sister.

"Shut up, don't be loud! What if she hears it?" Liu Wang raised her index finger to give Liu Yan a warning.

Liu Yan who immediately covered his mouth and shook her head. They giggled quietly.

"An Hui, now you'll know what it's like to bathe in bed!" Liu Wang immediately spilled the water in her hand on An Hui.


An Hui kicked the bucket so the water turned around, instead of spilling over her body but spilling over his two sisters.

"An Hui!" shouted the two sisters.

Luckily An Hui could notice movement even though she was sound asleep. The abilities she had in her previous world apparently followed her.

'I thought they were people much older than me! Apparently just a kid!' An Hui thought in disdain for the two princesses.

"Ah, who's that noisy?" An Hui got up and pretended she had just woken up. "What's going on — What the hell is this? What happened to you guys? Do you want to take a bath together in front of me?" asked An Hui who was deliberately teasing the two of them.

"Shower with your head! You should be here! It's not the two of us!" shouted Liu Wang full of hatred.

Liu Wang and Liu Yan looked taken aback by An Hui's words. What An Hui said wasn't wrong, but it made them both feel ashamed.

"Look! Because of your pig's feet our clothes got wet! How impolite!" replied Liu Yan who helped her sister.

An Hui feel if these two people are so thick-faced. They don't want to admit their own mistakes and instead throw it at someone else's pepper.

"How could that be my doing? I just woke up and you two was already in my room! Moreover, my room is also locked! Do you guys have spare keys?" An Hui again attacked the two of them.

Now they both felt sure that An Hui had changed. She could even always reply word for word with a reasonable answer.

Even her words can make people feel depressed and tell the truth. An Hui's face was so innocent it could even turn into a monster in the blink of an eye.

"So, what exactly is the purpose of the two of you coming here? Do you want to meet me, Sisters?"