
Sorry if it's bad. First time writing, just go with flow in my brain

MC tries to survive in a apocalyptic world. Zombies roam everywhere. Become strong, meet allies. In the end, who will survive.

Raven_LIV8 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Supernatural Town?! and The First Key

After the event with the fallen angel. Rin decided to eat as she was starving. Unknown to her. Fate decided to have fun with her.

As for her feast, which surprised everyone on the place she ate. Rin ordered for at least 10 plates. Yeah, she did.

Once she was satisfied, Rin decided to explore the town for a bit. Trying to at least familiarize herself with it.

( Rin PoV )

My walk around the town was fairly peaceful. I did not spot a supernatural being anywhere, And if I did. I would be notified by their scent.

Ah, I remember not mentioning that didn't I. Well what it basically means is that, I can smell different scents on different being as well.

For example.

A human has a scent of water. The devils scent is fire. Angels have wind, while the fallen is earth. Lastly, the Nekomata and Youkai have the same scent, that is their part animal. Like for a cat nekomata, they have the same scent that a cat has but mixed with humans.

I compared them to the elements since they are a lot easier to understand this way.

The other scent is the counter for how many one has did any deed.

For example.

The stronger or foul the smell, the more bad deed they did. The lighter or calmer one, the more nice deed they did. Think of it like how a person has many karma. The higher the number, the stronger or foul scent they have. The other side, the lower the number, the lighter their scent is.

It will be like this;

If the karma number is above 100, then that person has stronger scent.

If the karma is preferably below 50, then the lighter their scent is.

Now, instead of karma, replace them with sent;

If the scent is stronger, the more bad things they did.

If the scent is lighter, the more nice things they did.

That's how scents works for me. Added by my enhanced senses. I can basically tell the difference in an instance.

Enough explanations. I still need to find something. Some kind of stone? Well that's what the old man said.

While looking around, I noticed a presence following me. They're quite bad at it. Hmm... Should I let them follow me? or Not?


Shrugging my shoulders, I let the little ninja follow me. At this point I already arrived at my destination.

In front of me is a cave. The inside is quite dark.


Using my magic. Fire appeared and circled around me. Lighting the way.

The cave was cold and the deeper I go, the colder it gets. Guess that's because of the attributes on whoever I'll find. But if I were to take a guess, it would be Shino. He has potential for Ice Magic after all. How do I know that? Well, I found out when we were saving Elena and saw a glimpse of him using it, though subconsciously.

Reaching my destination, I noticed a stone different from the ones I passed by. This one had markings on it and a hole that looks like a keyhole.

Huh. So that's what the old man meant by me needing keys. Hmm, where do I find the right one though?

Looking around, there's nothing that's actually stands out. Wait- I saw a white-bluish key before but where?...

Hmm... Oh! That's right! The redhaired girl!

Okay, now that I have a lead, I'll come back to you Shino. Just wait for me!

As I go back out, I did not forget to put a barrier around the place. Lest someone unwanted get's invited.

My walk back was fairly quiet. The little ninja that followed me was gone. I wonder if they went back to report. Heh, if they did then the more fun for me...

Arriving at the place I used to stay, though I did not think it would take me a full day inside the cave. That means that the time inside is different to outside. A seperate dimension...

Hm, there's light inside. I wonder...

Oh well, whatever happens, happens. Not like I can control the situation...

Shrugging my shoulders, I went inside and see what may surprise me. Though I already have an idea on what might happen.

( 3rd PoV )

As Rin enters the mansion. Those inside gets alerted by the presence they feel. However, a redhair girl thinks otherwise. She felt that the presence was somehow comforting to her. She also remembered that she felt that way before but when?

As Rin grew closer, everyone felt restless. They did not know who could emit such aura nor if it's an enemy.

All heads went to the door and they all waited anxiously. As the doorknob twisted, every single one of them felt a heavy pressure. They all felt the death coming, yet none of them made a move. Not even a twitch.

Finally, the door opened and slowly revealed a figure they all saw before...



Sorry for not posting for a while, couldn't figure out how the story continues and I am still figuring that out. So, this will be a short one and there's also a part two of this chapter. So until then...

Thank you for reading!! ;)

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