
Sorry if it's bad. First time writing, just go with flow in my brain

MC tries to survive in a apocalyptic world. Zombies roam everywhere. Become strong, meet allies. In the end, who will survive.

Raven_LIV8 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Hello, remember me? Yes It I, The MC!


Anyway~ back to the story!

I am currently doing a dogeza (is this the right word?) in front of me is the girl I saved. She's staring at me with those blue eyes that pierce through my soul. Cliche? No- seriously, she is literaly doing that!

" Uh- "

" Sorry "


Wai- what?

Hold on a sec, why is she doing the same thing I'm doing!

*clears throat*

" Oh- uh wh-why are apo-pologizing? "

" *sigh* I tend to stare at people I don't know, it's a habit I'm trying to get rid of- well tone it down since it's making people uncomfortable " she explained, fidgeting in her seat.

Why the hell does that look cute?!


" Don't worry about it, heck- if I were you I would do the same, it's hard to trust others in this kind of situations after all, so I don't really mind it "

After I said that she just nodded and it went silent again. Gosh~ it's so awkward! I'm feeling deja vu from all this.

" We're back "

Sigh. Thank goodness Shiro and Shina came back, I won't be able to deal with it and might just flip, of course that didn't happen. Things will be bad if that happened, y'know?

" Welcome back, did you guys find anything? "

I went to them and greeted to which they respond back. Settling their loots, I see they collected alot. Oh! I haven't informed you guys about my status. Fortunately I managed to finish the missions and got amazing rewards. I also already distributed all the cores -of course I left some. I remember we can use them as currency now.






Along with the previous mission I completed. I now have 2,000 cores in me minus 1,000.


[NAME] Rin Yaegama


[LEVEL] 40

[EXP] 1,590/40,000

[HP] 5,000/5,000

[MP] 30,000/30,000

[STR] 150 > 300

[DEF] 100 > 200

[INT] 110 > 300

[AGI] 130 > 200

[CORE] 2,000 > 1,000











I also noticed I haven't used the skill [ABSORB] too much. I hope it has the same function as a vacuum. That would make it easier for me to collect the cores without needing to touch them. Also useful against theives. I might work on that.


" You wanna explain how you knew the situation back there? " Shiro asked.

Rin sighed knowing he would ask that sometime. Waiting for the others to sit across her. When they did, she took a deep breath and looked at them.

" This may take long "

" We don't mind "

As sson as she spoke, Shina replied. Rin was shocked to hear her talk. She never really speak, just nods.

Getting out of her shocked she cleared her throat. Right now she does not trust her voice. Rin was nervous- very nervous. It would be embarassing if her voice came out wrong.

" Okay then, where do I start...Hmm alright. Shiro, Shina "

Both perked up at their name being called.

" You remember me making Ice out of nowhere? "

Both nodded. Elena sat there in silence. She will ask questions later, for now she would listen.

" Alright, I can actually use magic "

Rin paused, letting them take in what she said.

" My magic was provided by a 'system' They will give me Missions and rewards as well. I got it when the apocalypse started. Stayed in school for sometime. Got a Mission to rescue survivors, as well as the newcomer "

" Wait " Shiro raised his hand for a thought.

Rin obeserved him- his expression precisely. Right now she focused on Shiro solely. She'll let others ask her after.

" You said you saved us cause this 'system' you speak of told you to " He said more of a statement than a queation.

Rin nodded.

" The same goes for miss Elena here "

Again, a nod.

" If what you say is true, then that means the 'system' needs you to do something "

Rin thought about his words. He's right, Her saving them must have meant something right? But what do they mean? What do they want? From her? and why specifically her?

" Your right " she muttered but the other three heard it.

" It seems you don't know either huh "

Rin looked at Shiro. motioning for him to continue.

" I think something big will happen "

The others look at him confused.

" Think about it, why would 'it' send you to us? "

" To get allies "


" That's right, and you getting powers others don't- can't possibly have "

" Something big will happen and it will be troublesome "

Shiro nodded. He glad he made his point. Rin was smart, that he could tell. She just needed others opinion to reach her own. Give her some few clues and she'll solve the rest.

Though he can feel that she rarely uses it.

" Wait, so your saying this was planned by the 'system' ? "

Elena asked. Throughout the conversation she stayed silent but he had to make sure. The whole situation was crazy already and now they're saying there's more? and it's apparently big too?

Both shrugged their shoulders. They too were surprised at the discovery. After that they went to sleep for the day.

As usual, Rin stayed outside to guard. She was surprised to see Shina walk out and went towards her.

Shina sat next to Rin, both in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable though.

After a while Rin decided to start a conversation.

" Can't sleep? "

Shina hummed in response and looked at her.

Making Rin self-conscious. If one would look closely, she had red tints on the cheeks. Which for some reason made Shina feel proud. She really had that effect on Rin.

" Your blushing " she pointed out.

Rin chuckled nervously. " Uh- yeah um haha "

Couldn't take it anymore Rin stood up and went inside but left the door open a little. Seeing this, Shina smiled. She didn't know why but seeing Rin's reaction made her happy.

Her face had a small smile. Deciding it's time to go back, she took one last look on the moon and went inside.

On that night, the moon shined brightly, illuminating many outcomes that may help or stop our MC and her friends on their journey. What does the future holds for them in this apocalyptic world, with enemy possibly stronger than them? What is the 'system' trying to tell Rin? Will her journey end in peace or in chaos?......