
Sorry if it's bad. First time writing, just go with flow in my brain

MC tries to survive in a apocalyptic world. Zombies roam everywhere. Become strong, meet allies. In the end, who will survive.

Raven_LIV8 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Another rescue Mission!?!







Rin blinked in shocked. She did not expected that. Does the system want her for something? Seeing as it keeps asking her to rescue others.

For now she decided to go back from her patrol. Shiro and Shina also wanted to come along, so she allowed it. The boy was skilled in martial arts, making Rin wonder how they ended up in their previous situation. They still didn't tell her, it was after all bringing back bad memories. So there are now three people and one pet traveling to save whoever Elena is.

" Are you sure you know the way? " Shiro asked, doubt in his voice.

Over the past days they started to get along well. Shiro knew she mean no harm to them, but the experience he had kept him from trusting Rin fully.

" Yes "

Shina still stared at Rin but there was no wariness present in them. It still made Rin uncomfortable though. Having humans talk to her. Rin's life revolved around zombies now, so she was naturally awkward with it. But she managed to hide it from the two.

They were now headed to somewhere North. The zombies were -of course- alot of them. Shiro had already seen her skill in killing, so he was not worried. Besides he also knows how to fight.


??: Drag her to the place!

Two men came over and stated dragging the person.

?: Why? Why are you doing this! Ali! Answer me!?

The man 'Ali' raised his hand tstop the two men. He stepped closer and looked at the person coldly.

" Because you have caused to much pain to my dear Elise " He said in a monotone voice.

The person in question was of course confused.

?: What are you talking about?

The man saw confusion in their eyes, for a moment he hesitated. What if he was wrong? Then he would lose a valuable fighter. But Elise. He was torn in making a decision. It's either a valuable ally or his lover. His face darkened and spoke in very calm voice.

" You were planning to leave her to the zombies when your mission arrives and since she was in your team and my lover, you planned a way to get rid of her then come to me to say that the zombies got her, comfort me so you could have the place as my lover. "

He paused, looking at the person's shocked face -which made him more cold.

" Weren't you, Elena "

It was more of a statement than a question. However the person stayed still.

Elena couldn't believe her ears. He said she was planning to kill her own sister. That's her own sister for god's sake! Why would she need to do that? And what's this about me jealous of her becoming his lover? Is this guy going crazy?

She didn't need to ask on who he heard it from. No, she knew who it was but didn't want to believe it.

They say 'Reality is harsh'

Heh- guess even 'Blood is thicker than water' is nothing to her.

The sole question is 'Why?' Why the need to do this? She wasn't even interested to the guy. Heck- the only reason she's friendly with him was because he treated her sister with respect and love. She saw how he was infatuated with her. She may have understood if it's him but it's not. It's her own goddamn sister!

Elena lowered her head, her hair blocking her face. No one knew what would happen next. They wondered if she would go crazy and claim ridiculous feats or deny all of it. They were waiting but was shocked when she started chuckling. They looked at her as if she's crazy.

" I see, if I that much of a bother to you, you could have just gotten rid of me, y'know "

Her voice sounded bittersweet. Her words were directed to someone behind the door.

Hearing the door open, Ali looked to see his lover, Elise. She stood there with unreadable face. Walking closer, she looked at her sister, Elena and made the space between them smaller. Seeing her action alarmed Ali but he did not stop her. This may be the only time they get to say goodbye.

Elise looked at Elena- who was also looking at her. Sadness evident in those blue eyes. It made Elise falter but she remembered the words of her bestfriend.

" I'm sorry "

Elena looked at her one last time before getting dragged away. She didn't resist and it made someone elated.

" Elena "

The said girl perked up at the new voice. When she did she saw her sister's bestfriend, Maya. She frowned upon seeing her, she had a bad feeling when Maya went close to her.

And as if the devil, she whispered the words that made Elena raged.

" I'm sorry but it was the only way, and don't worry about your sister, she'll be with not too long "

" You!! It was you! How dare you manipulate my sister! You'll pay for this! "

By the time she finished shouting, the two men already brought her to the edge. Before falling she saw a glimpse of Maya smiling evilly and then she fell.

There were screams and groans on the pit. Elise closed her eyes not wanting to imagine what happened. While Ali covered her ears, although Maya was not happy seeing this, she had to bear with it or else her plan would fail.


" Are we there yet? "

" Yes just across this path, so stop asking already "

Shiro groaned while Shina was looking at the two bickering. She had gotten to know Rin in their journey and was happy they were now friends. Averting her eyes, she looked towards a direction where she seemed to hear noises. Looking back at the two it seems that she was not the only one.

" Hah~ guess we know where now, follow me and don't make any noise "

While they were traveling, Rin wanted to see their combat capabilities. So she decided to let them kill all the zombies they encountered. She also noticed that they did not have the abilities she has, just normal fighting style. Thus she came to a conclusion that she's the only one who wields the system. The question is why her?


We arrived at the place and let me tell you it was not a pleasant sight at all. The pit was filled with zombies. I don't think anyone could survive this, at least not too long. Scanning the place, I noticed a person. Wide eyes, I looked towards the other two and they had the same expression.

The person is quite skilled but at this rate she won't last. There's just too many zombies. I ushered the two to follow me and went to a spot free of zombies.

" Kill all of them " I said as I jumped inside, followed by the two.

Wondering how they're gonna kill them? Well I gave them weapons made of ice. Yes I acquired Ice magic, I've practiced it everytime I get a chance and I must say, I'm quite pleased with my achievement. It reached level 5 before coming here.

While the zombies were busy after the girl -who I now identified. I threw small daggers towards them instantly killing the ones' who got hit.

You see my Ice is different from a normal Ice. My ice doesn't melt unless I want it to, they are also very sharp, sharper than any sharp-based weapons. And whatever it touches freezes it. It's already my favorite.

Crushing the frozen zombies, they're remains scattered in tiny pieces. I went straight to the girl. I stopped an attack behind her by my wind magic. She was surprised at first but quickly regained her posture. We were now fighting back to back. The siblings were also doing okay. We were winning, despite being outnumbered. The zombies were dying one by one and we were still not exhausted -except for the girl.

Training the siblings stamina was a great choice after all. Now they can fight and last for 5 hours. I know crazy right? Of course! I was the one who trained them after all!


Any~way. After the fight we got out of the pit and get ourselves clean, except me. I already used my skill [CLEANSE] . The girl as expected collapsed after the fight ended. I was still surprised at how long she was able to last, she must be trained. I also cleaned her wounds and I'm shocked to say she was not infected at all. I mean she had a huge bite mark on her shoulder. This girl is special that I can tell. Is that why the system wanted me to save her?

Sitting against the tree, I watched her as my eyes slowly closed. Hearing footsteps and a familiar smell, I relaxed and went asleep for the day.