
Sorry if it's bad. First time writing, just go with flow in my brain

MC tries to survive in a apocalyptic world. Zombies roam everywhere. Become strong, meet allies. In the end, who will survive.

Raven_LIV8 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A huge Time Skip?!

Decades has passed and my training as now finished. That is right! I can now control my new powers. Though my Status has changed, I can still manage it! It won't be that bad right? right??

*clears throat*

Ahem, anyways, I'll just show you guys the changes. It's better than me explaining. Like they say 'Seeing is Believing!'


[NAME] Rin V. Yaegama


[LEVEL] ---/---


[HP] ---/---

[MP] ---/---

[STR] 9, 999, 999, 99

[DEF] 9, 999, 999, 99

[STA] 9, 999, 999, 99

[AGI/SPE] 9, 999, 999, 99

[CORE/MONEY] ---/---













Yep! I broke some of it. Especially the [EXP] and [SKILLS]. I guess my time inside the void nullified them or more precisely erased them. Though I don't know if I can still do the skills but that is yet to find out. I also got a Special Magic called Void. The man who taught me told me that it was his domain yet it doesn't listen to him anymore since I sto- I mean stepped inside it and stayed for soooo long.

Also found out the guy wanted to trick me into oblivion! Can you believe it?! I mean it's not my fault your magic chose me instead of you!!

Ahem! Back to the topic. Now that I have mastered everything. It is time for me to get out of this waste piece of shi- *cough* this space! Although I can come back anytime I want. Sigh, I'm too stressed for this.

There is also my friends. He said that he scattered them to different places as a precaution. Would not want them to be find out by others, especially the bad ones. No sir.

Enough chit-chat. I'm currently at- well still inside this space. Waiting for the man to- oh there he is.

" What took you so long old man! "

" Sigh. I'm here now aren't I? Also I told you to call me Father already "

" No. You may have taught me some things that I could have figured out on my own once given enough clues- "

" Mhm Hmm yeah sure "

Ghk. This dude is seriously!- Calm down, deep breathes. Just take deep breathes. I practiced this. I can't get agitated so fast. In battle I would only lose if I do so. Sigh. Yes that's right. Find Inner peace.

" Sigh. At least let me finish. Ahem, anyway when are we leaving? "

" Now? " He said, shrugging his shoulders. His gesture irritating me.

Why is that a question?! Sigh. This old man will be the cause of my frustration that will lead to my untimely demise~! Alright calm down. He's just testing me. Yes that's it.

Ah, you also noticed him wanting me to call him 'Father' for whatever reason. I did tell you that this space or void belonged to him, so now that I own it. You know where it went from there. He called it his 'Heirloom or Inheretence' and gave it to me, his 'supposed daughter' . Crazy right?

But I'm still grateful for him telling me where my friends are. And that is the only thing I'll be grateful of him.

I still hold a grudge against him regarding the training he made me do.

" You ready? "

He asked with his famous grin on his very annoying face. I guess I passed his test huh.

I sighed, knowing he'll do it without my consent anywa- .


Haah- Hah Haah- Haah

*Deep breath*

Fudge! I hate that guy!!!

Who does that out of nowhere! Didn't even let me finish my dialogue.

Tch. Now that I look around. I seem to be in a beach? I mean there's sand in my feet and ocean next to me, so.... Yeah beach.

Wait- Beach?!?

Why here?

Couldn't he just sent me at least in a forest or something? That way I might have a starting point. Sigh, what's the point. He's just trying to mess with me now. And I might say, he's doing a very great job at it.

I walked somewhere- just out of this beach. Got sand all over my feet now. Ugh~

Now where was I? Ah, yes. Looking for a place to stay, at least when I figure out where I am. Curse that old man.

After walking for a while, I finally found a town? The fudge? Where'd this town come from? Did I take a turn or what? I'm so confused right now.

No matter. I walked inside the town and I must say it's quite lively.

I let my feet do the rest while looking around. The town was just like in earth. Yet there is clearly something different about it. But I can't pinpoint what it is. Hmm.

Oh? I somehow arrived- well my feet walked me here so. Inspecting the place. It looks like a haunted mansion. With how it looks old. Nightime approaching, I decided to stay in the mansion? So I walked in and I must say. The outside is old yet the inside is new. They did have a saying 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' .

I found a room in the very long hallway. Seriously the hallway was really long.

The room was mostly plain. No decorations. Well what did I expect? It is an old mansion.

Flopping down the bed. I let my body relaxed against it. Man, didn't know I was that tired.


I'ma sleep now. I still have a lot to do tomorrow.

Next morning.

I woke up refreshed. Man I really needed that huh. I walked out of the mansion, the moment I did I was attacked by a foul smell. Because I'm not human anymore, my senses kinda got messed up as well. Following the smell, I was led to a school? Okay?

I was about to enter but got stopped.

" Hmm, a barrier? "

Wonder what's going on. Tapping my finger on it three times. I watched as a part of the barrier broke, giving me a way in. As soon as I did the part that was open closed back.


Heh. Guess the old man did help after all.

After that I directly went towards the scent and boy what I saw was freaking crazy!

The place had many holes. Literally craters.

I look up and saw an angel? No it's wings was black, so a fallen huh. It also had a lot of wings.

" Hahaha! Is this all you got? Tsk tsk, such a disappointment. Especially the Gremory House. "

It- or He? spoke towards the people on the ground. Wait are they even people? Considering they're enemy is a fallen that must mean.

" Devils "

I said out loud. Loud enough for everyone to hear. They all looked towards me as I stared at them blankly.

" Who are you? "

He said with venom in his voice.

He's mad huh. Must be cause I ruined his 'fun' .

" Tch. You men are the same. "

As soon I the words left my mouth. I teleported in front of him and decapitated his head or so I thought. He managed to dodge at the last second. So I only got the wings on his left side.


He screamed in pain and srceeched at me.

" Hm? Oh! Sorry bout that. You see, you kinda ruined my day today. "

I said as I walked to him to which he backed away.

" huff- wha-what are- huff- talking a-about? I don't even know you! "

He said between his breath.

Guess his losing his life. Better make this quick then.

" Oi oi, you can't be dying already can you? I mean I still haven't payed you back yet! "

I shouted at him. My hand ready to deal.more damage but before I could a portal appeared.

" Huh? "

" Thank you for paring his life, whoever you are " The man in white suit said. Behind him was a girl with cat ears? and a monkey?

" Sigh. Yeah yeah. Just get him out of here. I can't stand his scent any longer "

" Very well " He bowed and motioned for the other guy to pick up the fallen.

He was about to leave but stopped and asked.

" May I know your name? "

I looked at him through the eyes and saw no ill intentions. So I gave it to him.

" Rin "

He bowed again and left using the portal they came to.

Now then. I looked towards the devils on the ground, shock etched on their face. Huh, I feel like this happened before. But I can't remember when.

" Uhm, excuse me "

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the redhaired girl. Now that I look closer. Something seems to be asleep inside of her. A potential?

I hummed and she took it as my reponse.

" Thank you "

" For what? "

She looked back to the others and sighs.

" For taking care of the fallen angel "


" Oh! ah that guy? Don't worry about. He just irritated me. "

She tilted her head with a look of confusion on her face.

Cute. Wait what!?!

*Clears throat*


" Yes. His scent was to be exact "

" Scent? "

" Uh huh " I nodded. " He had the most foul scent I've ever smelled. Seriously not even the worst villain that had killed thousands have that kind of scent. "

" I see " She seemed perplexed but decided to stop prying further.

" Oh, the barriers gone now by the way "

I said as I waved to them and left. On the way I heard shouts but ignored it. For I am starving!

( Red head girl PoV )


What did she mean by that and how did she evn break the barrier.

" You okay Rias? " Akeno asked, clearly worried. For I have been staring at the girl's leaving figure for too long.

With a sigh, I answered back;

" Yes I'm fine Akeno. Let's go back "

Akeno nodded and so we left. I took one last look at the place the girl left to before following behind the others.

Sigh. Whoever you are. I hope we will not become enemies in the future.

With the power she desplayed. I don't think that we can defeat her, even with my brother and the other leaders.