
Chapter 12: The condition to receive inheritance

Chapter 12: The condition to receive inheritance

"Is it that easy to acquire your inheritance?", Nox showed a doubtful expression as he walled closer to the old man who looked like a spirit.

"The most difficult part lf my inheritance is not the trials but identity", old man showed a reminiscing expression as he continued, "As I do not belong to this world, my inheritance can only be attained by those who are from another world. This is the most arduous requirement that hindered countless people from gaining this inheritance"

Nox excitedly asked," what world do you come from if you're not from the sorcerer's world and how did you even become a sorcerer."

Old man smiled," where I come from does not matter but what should matter to you is how you're going to survive in this world"

Nox was confused, " I don't understand what you are trying to say"

Old man said," you need to understand that this world has many names: sorcerer's, world, world of magic, land of magus, home of knowledge, holy land of truth seekers but the most famous title this world has earned is world of slavers."

Nox was shocked by the information, " what do you mean when you say world of salvers"

Old man smiled, " there is no hidden meaning, this world invades countless other worlds and takes them over. The aboriginals are taken, used and sold as slaves for different purposes, most common of which is experiments "

Nox was now scared, " when you say experiments, you mean like dissecting them ?"

Old man showed a despising exoeression, "experiments are of various types depending upon the need pf the sorcerer like, enhancing a certain ability of subject like physical prowess or mental capabilities, it all starts with studying the internal system of organisms and dissecting is a good method but its too primitive and is used in case a mage doesn't have a proper lab"

Old man continued, " you being from another world and a sorcerer makes you a rare test subject that is highly sought after because experiments on sorcerer's is prohibited by mage council but in case of aboriginals no one will stop a sorcerer from performing inhumane experiments on a sorcerer"

Nox was scared for his life and made a promise to himself not to reveal that he wasn't a native to the world of sorcerer's

Enough about that now its time for me to tell you about the inheritance. The inheritance is divided into level which will be unlocked as you grow stronger

This feature was made to protect the inheritor from coming in contact with something harmful to his life level

You will be accompanied by a guide. Which will be useful to your journey as a sorcerer

The rest will be notified to you by the assistant but in order for you to gain my inheritance. You must make a mana oath that you will help my home world when you have become strong enough

Nox didn't think much of it and quickly made a mana oath.

Old man smiled and said," its time for me to disappear"

Then old man dissipated in to thin air.