
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 13: Zerav ii

Why do you struggle" His opponent finally spoke and Zerav turned his head to look directly at his opponent.

"A nobody like you never had a chance of defeating me so why don't you quit now while you still have the chance to"his opponent finished

 Zerav still had an emotionless look on his face, and then the tables turned on his opponent.

 Zerav tightened his grip on his opponent hand and dragged him closer to himself and using his knee to hit his opponent mid section causing him to groan in pain. Zerav then held his opponent by the collar spinned his opponent and threw him out of the ring.

"Winner Zerav Clinton" The teacher yelled but there was no applaud for him just murmurs that popped up as he left the ring He stepped down from the slightly elevated box shaped ring. He looked around first turning his head to the left seeing some students who took gazed at him and then the right also seeing some students a few steps from his location then he sighted koska who was far from him resting on a wall.

 He Bagan to go to Koska when the most strangest thing happened to him, on his way a group of girls blocked his way infront of him

"Hello" one of the girls said

 He slanted his head to the side trying to make out what was going on here but he kept quiet and did not respond not did he say anything to them.

 "How rude "another girl said and he looked at the girl at the front.

"Do you know who is talking to you" another said.

"No worries"the girl in front said.

"Let me introduce myself" the girl said

"I am Felicia mist from the mist family heritage the fifth most powerful family that rules all other family of socery.

The girl named Felicia said

Zerav stared at her for sometime there was an awkward silence between him and the girls until..

"Who are you"he said,Zerav spoke.his thick voice made shivers go down the girls spine.one of the girls shook it off

"What!!!!!"She yelled in shock.

"I don't have time for this" he said again and Zerav walked away leaving them in shock and confusion.

"What a proud ordinary he is" one said

"I agree" another said

 All Looking at Felicia whose gaze is still on him as he was a few distance away from them.

"Common Felicia....."they said dragging her to start going.

"The only thing pretty about him is his face and beside you need someone on the same callibar as me" one said getting Felicia attention and they all went.

"How does some like him attract me, his gaze on me feels warm secure I just don't kno why I want him" Felicia said to her self as she left with her friends.

 Zerav walked towards koska who was just chilling and watching,

"What was that about?"Koska asked in a dull tone

"If I tell you I have no idea would you believe me" Zerav replied

 They both looked back, they saw a fighter in the ring has already been defeated, a girl in red hair unlike Edna hair which was light red, hers was dark red hair and white eyes with dark pupil in her eyes.

"That's the daughter of the leader of the 3 highest family Amelia rose" Zerav said as he watched

 "Hmm that's interesting"koska said with little enthusiasms in hi tone

"But not my concern" He said with a cold tone in his voice.

"Koska Hashira" The teacher called.

And koska started moving forward leaving Zerav behind him

"Break a leg"he heard Zerav say.