
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs

chapter 11: Edna iii

You know what it means?"Storm yelled but got no reply from Edna who had a full look on her face

"Unlike you I don't have to charge my attacks the flow of energy through this body Is exactly like breathing"Storm yelled with an insane look on her face.

 She raised her her other hand forward and a green shield emerged and appeared in front of Storm.

 "Consecutive strike...."Storm paused

 "Striking storm"She yelled

And multiple beam flew directly towards Edna all at once as a never ending consecutive strike.Edna saw it coming and raised a shield infront of her,and the beam started striking shield hard.Storm didn't stop her strike and continued and multiple shot became faster and more intense trying to put pressure on Edna shield.

Storm was making her way into a frenzy and was not thinking of stopping,

"You can hide behind your weak little shield like a coward"Storm yelled

"I can keep on striking until your shield slowly cracks and break let see how long your weak shield will last"

Storm yelled with a psycopatic grin on her face and her shooting attacks became sharper and deadlier and did not not look assive she was going to stop at all.

Her shots became intense and each collision with Edna shield gave oof a bright green glow. Storm had anger painted look on her face,as she saw that her attacks had no effect on Edna shield.

 "Her shield is tough if I keep this up I'll exhaust myself" Storm siad to herself.

 Storm turned her head to the left and blinked her eyes,then one of her friends came forward and threw a wooden shield at storm who turned to her left and caught it.

She stopped shooting at Edna, the shield before her faded and Storm boosted towards Edna and in the blink of an eye she was infront of Edna and she raised the sword up and about to use it to strike Edna.

 Storm eyes widened in shock as the sword stopped in mid air,no wait Edna stoped the sword with her both hands in front of her.

The storm heard terrifying dull cold tone from Edna.

"You know I didn't get to answer your previous question"Edna said which caused Strom to frown.

"You know what it means....."Edna said in her dull tone and paused.

"That I don't have hold back"she countinued which made Storm eyes widen,The a strange wave was released from both of them, that Storm and even the audience felt.

In the blink of an eye the wooden shaped sword was turned completely black Ash.

 Storm saw this and couldn't believe her eyes, she jumped backwards far from Edna, to be in the perfect position to defend her self.

 Edna raised her hand forward with a scary dull look on her face,and a big red cube formed on her hand.

*Gasp*from the audience

"You really believe that would work on me "Storm yelled at Edna shaking off her fear.

"Storm shot"She yelled and streched her right hand forward towards Edna, firing a straight beam towards Edna. The beam struck Edna shield and had no effect on her, whuch made Storm eyes widen in shock and with fear painted all over her face.

 Everyone watched as the the cube in Edna's left hand started to release started to release light red charges,it was not looking for storm.

"What the..."Storm paused noticing Edna's terrifying gaze on her.

*Murmurs*murmurs*from audience

 The cube then split and they were like small,red cube with red lighting charges, Storm stood in shock.

"Viper" Edna said and pushed her hand forward and the red cubes shot directly towards Storm.

"Shell shield" Storm yelled and a green shield aoval shaped shield appeared infront of her, awaiting Edna's blast a the beams flew directly towards Storm.


Storm was on the floor with multiple holes in her body but was still alive, the energy based body she created can't die but the energy can be exhausted and when that happens the body will fade away revealing the real body of the person.

 "How?"Storm asked struggling to get up as the holes in her body and as causing the release of energy .

Edna walked forward to her with a scary look on her face as she looked down on Storm.

"Theres nothing training cannot do" Edna said in cold tone

Then her face returned back to her jolly, happy look.

 "And I hate bullies with passion" Edna said in her cute voice,and she walked out of the ring.

*What happened*

The blast was going straight for storm shield and then the red, charged filled blast all changed direction, They all dispersed into different direction some going left some going right and some going upward.All avoiding impact with the shield and turning back to storm direction,and all went through Storm's body putting holes in her body. Storms was standing as holes were inherited body, she then fell on her knees and then fell to the ground.


Storm watched as Edna walked away as she was trying to stand up a crack was moving across her face,her energy has been exhausted. And light shines over her and as the light went dim her real body was revealed.