

A low whirring sound filled the room, and below Kothar felt a strong vibration from his electromagnetic sensors, and rose to his feet with a grin on his face.

"Already? It's only been a day. I know most of the parts were assembled, but this is impressive." Kothar was impressed, he had expected the jerry rigged gear to hamper Silane far more, of course this was nowhere near what her efficiency had been like when she had had access to hundreds of labs and robots to do her bidding, but it was impressive nonetheless.

[Thanks for the compliment, but why don't you get up here, so you can get in the cockpit, and we can take this machine for a spin.] Silane piped up, now that her full focus was no longer taken up with constructing the ship, she could get back to helping and sometimes harassing Kothar.

[My pleasure.] Kothar bounded up the tunnel that led to the room that he had taken all the basic components to, only a day ago.