
A Breach of Trust

"You should return to Trinquile, Son. Ursten and its neighbors are going to be a very tumultuous place in the near future, and I think it would be best that you train to become more powerful before you get tied up in any more conflict." Tam and Kothar were resting in the courtyard after a morning training session, seated under the battered tree that Kothaar had practiced his first spells on.

"Of course, Father." Kothar assented, even though he wished he could stay and fight, he had realized how lucky he had been in the battle with Kultas' army, if anything it was a mock battle, with soldiers who were reluctant to truly injure each other.

"A carriage will be here this evening. Take anything you need from the house, especially any mementos, I'll send someone for you when things settle down." Tam gave Kothar a warm smile and grabbed him in a friendly half hug, tousling his hair.

"Stay safe, son, I'm needed at the keep." Tam left without too much fuss.