
Sorcerer Sleuth

A Sorcerer Detective? Undercurrents are churning, criminal activities have slowly been on a rise. There can't be a better time to open up a Detective Agency, right? Difficulties of being a Private Detective in a world full of Sorcerers are immense. The world is vast, no limit exists, if you truly wish to see the truth even the universe will unravel its origin. But for the time being... - You are a suspect in a top-secret case but you don't remember anything. - Your fortune teller master suddenly becomes unpopular. - You cannot cultivate because of the girls in your life. It doesn't seem like you are qualified to be a great detective yet but every story has a beginning, every meeting has a meaning! Explore a new world filled with tangled mysteries, implausible myths, ingenious crafts, incredible abilities, fascinating people, mighty government and Sorcerers of course! Image Credit - https://www.zerochan.net/Aida+Iro

Tenshadesofwinter · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 14: Awesome Idea

Trace's right arm was aching when he opened his eyes, but he did not move or uttered a sound. The fatigue from last night made him slip into sleep along with Eimi. If not for the awkward position who knows when he would have woken up. Despite these factors, he did not hate the current circumstances.

To the side of the hallway, a window hurled the sun rays inside. With the the corner of her eyes, Eimi determined it was late in the afternoon. Her physical fatigue vanished and she was wide awake now. Just for a few moments more, she repeatedly increased the timer of staying in Trace's embrace in her head.

Eimi and Trace had their eyes closed in the evening when Eimi's pocket buzzed. Someone was at the gate. The tablet inside her pocket repeatedly buzzed before it was answered. It was unclear who moved first but both of them realized it together that the other person was awake. Awkwardly, Eiri pulled her hand away and so did Trace.

Trace and Eimi's face were flushed red, and both refused to look at each other. Using the buzzer as an excuse, Eimi headed to check who the guest was. Whereas Trace when to the garden to check who the newcomer was.

Eimi channeled her mana inside the stone slab and her current mood totally vanished. A pained returned on her face when she saw the face of Khufu Azami. This person had brought out her father's bloody coat yesterday and pushed her over the edge to reveal the register.

Khufu was still invited inside the house. He was in high spirits since Klavior though that unnecessarily guarding a Level 1 Sorcerer would only raise suspicion. But after entering the house something felt off. After giving it much thought, he realized that Trace was not able to maintain eye contact. Khufu did not mind Eiri Swirls not looking at him, she was always like that but not Trace. He took a few wild guesses before sitting down.

"I want to confess something", Khufu said placing some buttons on the table.

Khufu wised for this misunderstanding to be clear as soon as possible. In the morning, he did not get a chance since Klavior and Trace's master decided it was best to leave the youngins alone. But this matter about the altered evidence had been hanging on his heart.

The divide between Trace and Eimi Swirls caused because of the misunderstanding had been noticed by Khufu. He wanted to help fix this because Trace had accidently helped him. It might have been an accident, but the results were extremely favored towards Khufu. Suddenly, being pushed over to the third sequence of Level 1 from the second was something that simply couldn't be ignored.

"When we found your father's coat, it was in one piece", Khufu continued to explain everything in great details.

"Don't worry about the safety of your father. A genius talisman maker such as himself will always be respected. No one will even dare to harm him, even in their dreams", Khufu said.

After hearing it, Eimi felt her chest lighten. Even Trace felt the same as he secretly glanced at Eimi. However, Khufu did not stop at that. He told them about the three guards that were sent over to guard the Swirls shops at all times.

"As we speak, one Level 1 Sorcerer and two Level 2 Sorcerers are preparing their camp in the house across the road."

Eimi nodded, then looked towards Trace. If anyone attacked while Trace was on the guard at night, then according to the promise he would need to head over the basement after raising an alarm. It was not a full proof plan, but it would work every time Trace detected suspicious moments outside the house on time.

For the first week after Eimi's father was kidnapped, she gave up sleep to guard the house. But it took a toll on her body and spirit. Even Sorcerers needed rest, even Sorcerers felt emotions that would break their mind. Thus, she asked helped from the only person she could trusted. No, she asked help from the only person she knew. Trust developed gradually when Trace guarded the house during nights.

Trace did not know what to think of this. Three Sorcerers were definitely better than one. But did it not mean that he would not be needed anymore? He looked at Eimi for one last time before he headed out with Khufu.

No words were spoken. Eimi stood up looking at figure of Trace slowly walking away. Didn't this mean they were stepping back into the misunderstood feelings of yesterday? This atmosphere made her choke, but she whispered gathering with great difficulty – Visit me… okay?

Trace reached at the gate alongside Khufu. His job here was done. From tomorrow he would go back to his routine of sleeping in the night. Would he find another reason to be here? Probably not, he took a breath and held it. But before he could cross the gate, Khufu shook his arm.

"She asked you to visit her", Khufu whispered without turning towards Trace.

"Really?" Trace turned back.

With a thought, the area in which Trace could feel and notice things increased. He waved his hand in the air and a smile escaped his lips. After waving for a while, he turned back and exited the premises.

Stepping outside, he could sense three Sorcerers in the building across the road. He concentrated to determine their sequences but was unable. It was clear to Trace how or why he could sense the surroundings. Maybe it was a trade-off for his weak body.

"What are you looking at?" Khufu disturbed Trace's thoughts.

"That building".

"What were you thinking about?", Khufu asked.

"The sorcerers inside the building and… ".

"Okay okay, let's go to meet Klavior", Khufu interrupted in between, a bit annoyed.

"Thank you", Trace said as he climbed up the carriage, and Khufu smiled lightly on hearing it.


Koyoko Regional Medical Center was in sight but suddenly the carriage stopped. Trace looked outside to see what was going on. His vision filled with a carriage double the size of the ones he was in. Furthermore, this huge carriage was different than the combined Binpark Carriages.

Thin fine purple lines decorated the white carriage. At the corners the bent metal framework depicted silver angels. Trace tried to see who the person using the carriage was, but the windows of the grand carriage were covered with purple curtains. At the back of the carriage was the logo of Cinpark Carriages, the rival company of Binpark Carriages.


Trace and Khufu made their way inside the medical center. Deus Garcia was shifted to the rehabilitation center. It was a big room with large glass windows facing the back side of the hospital. A mini forest could be seen from the window. Inside, there were various weights and walking-courses to help patients get in a better shape.

Deus Garcia was walking on the stair course. His hand was fixed inside the same box as yesterday. Sweat covered Deus face as he took one step upwards. He immediately decided to quit on the course and head back to bed. The big healing box put too much strain on his shoulder and despite wearing it, he felt pain while his hand moved.

Klavior was sitting near the food rack, helping himself with the packed food. Everyday food wrapped up in paper or paper boxes packed with food were kept on the food racks throughout the hospital. A knock sounded on the door, but Klavior did not look up. Deus on the other hand, closed his eyes and sat down in a mediating position.

Khufu and Trace entered the room with temporary identification cards around their necks. The white cards were supported by long white ribbons and had a big picture of the holder on one side. Whereas details about the holder were written on the other side.

"We are going back for a while", Khufu said after seeing Klavior's signal.

"Senior officer Klavior wished to see you before that", Khufu continued in a solemn voice.

He was invited to visit the Sovereign Jurisdiction Department Headquarters. Khufu he did not feel safe at accepting the invitation. But Klavior had invited him to take the test at the SJD. For a senior officer to say this, more or less, meant Khufu would most likely get in.

"Trace, what do you plan to do now?" Klavior asked.

"Why don't you join us?" Klavior added when Trace did not answer.

Joining them meant that he could be a part of an organization that prevents severe crime and saves people. He could help Eimi along with many other people who needed help. Trace pondered about it but could not come to an answer.

"You have a lot of time, think it thoroughly until the next time I come to this city. If you decide you join the SJD. I will take you to the headquarters then. And don't look at me, look at him instead, the expensive clothes he wears, the lavish life he lives. I am jealous", Klavior joked, pointing towards Deus.

Deus Garcia who was sitting at the corner almost coughed out blood. How could this brat be invited to join the SJD. It was irrational, inconceivable, unacceptable, non-reasonable, illogical, improper, he opened his eyes and looked towards Trace in disdain. Nonsense! He screamed in his heart.


The medical center was relatively far away from Coiling Cradle Street by carriage. But Trace chose to travel back with the faster way. The narrow streets cut through the entire city making it possible for him to head straight towards home instead of taking the roundabout roads.

"Master, I am back".

It felt like forever since he last said that. As soon as Trace saw the fresh food prepared, his stomach growled. He quickly took a bath and sat on the sofa in the dimly lighted room for dinner. Not even a single bit was left when Trace was finished. After washing the dishes came back to the fortune telling room again.

"Master, can I join the Sovereign Jurisdiction Department?", Trace asked, lying on the sofa.

"Why do you want to join them?", Master asked.

"So that I can help and protect people like Miss Swirls", was the honest answer.

"By doing that won't you be leaving her behind?"

"She doesn't need protection anymore", Trace said in a low voice. "We don't have much money left either".

"Oh! My apprentice has grown so much in the last few days. But how could he not ask me for help?"

"Do you have an idea master?!" Trace got up form the sofa.

"An idea that will make us rich and successful!"

"And?", Trace eyes shined brightly, he knew there was more to the idea.

"You don't have to leave the city either. And can help many people"

"What do I have to do master?!"

"Your master is a genius!", Master laughed, he also stood up from his seat. "Let's open up a Detective Agency that combines fortune telling with detective work!"

"Ai. The people who can't see the geniousness behind this idea must be blind" - Master

"Master is Awesome!!" - Trace

"XD" - tenshadesofwinter


End of Act 1

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