
Sorcerer's Path

It began with a book appearing before him. It holds within it secrets of the past along with his identity. The book acts as an anchor for his journey into the world of Erenoa and as a sorcerer, meeting with all sorts of legendary figures as well as getting stronger and making work of powerful entities with agendas of their own.

CatasOR8 · Fantasy
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137 Chs

Pride And Arrogance

I am as lost and perplexed as you all are. While he continued to tell me what I am, I remained silent not of my own will but because I was confused, caught unaware and without words to refute him.

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying what he is saying about me is right. I am just saying what he is saying about me is... Astonishing!

Not astonishing in a wonderful way, nor do I mean it in a bad way.

This is confusing, and that is just how I feel. His words render me speechless, literally.

I am inclined to believe that what he said is the way I truly am. I mean come on... I am fun not prideful.

Besides, doesn't being arrogant require one to have something worth bragging over?...

I have got nothing of such going on in my life. And if being an Oduduwa is the said requirement for arrogance, I say that is bullshit.