
Sophia Knight

Can her past withstand his present and future? Read about Sophia and Parker to find out.

Lola_Crowns · Urban
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19 Chs

chapter 5

Sophia's P.O.V

I tried to close my mouth and keep my eyes to their normal place but as usual the censors carrier to my brain already stopped working.

He quickly scan the dinner looking past my face. Ah.. Thank God he didn't recognize me. OK, I take that back, I knew for sure he has already recognized me as he slowly turned back his head towards my direction locking his gaze with mine.

He stood there like a predator that's about to pounce on its prey. His eyes bored into mine as he was walking towards a table. "He's walking towards our table" Lara whispered to me.

Wait.... What?...shit... oh no... I'm definitely screwed. So many things were running through my mind like starting to look for another job, what if he came to the dinner to fire me himself, what is he doing here and so on I can't even pin point about.

I tried keeping a cool face as he was approaching our table. He got to our table still looking into my eyes. I could see so many emotions passing through his blue eyes like that of relief, care, anger?

I couldn't decipher, maybe I'm just misreading his face. But with my past experiences, I have never once misread a face.

I was brought out of my thoughts with his husky, rich and deep voice "may I sit? he asked me with a straight face. I gulped down and nodded my head indicating for him to sit since my mouth stopped working.

I can't help but feel intimidated by him; why? I can't answer that question myself. His stance alone could make one cower in fear.

He gently dragged out a chair from the table and took his seat. He chuckled at me "use your words next time miss Sophia" he says still looking straight into my eyes.

Those eyes, I could get lost him them for they are unearthly beautiful. Those eyes have been pulling me in since this morning.

I really need to stop looking into his eyes or I might get lost in them and never be found again. "What is he doing here?" I thought to myself.

I heared him chuckling out again "You're wondering what I'm doing here". Huh? did I think that loud? I should get a lock for my thoughts and mouth next time.

My mouth doesn't work at the right time, It always working at the wrong time. Face palming my self mentally, I sighed. "I just want to eat" he said or I'm I not allowed to eat again? He asked me.

No si--sir; I didn--didn't mean it that way. Why the heck I'm I stuttering? I don't stutter, yeah... right.. I don't stutter indeed (note the sacarsm). What are you doing to me Mr Parker? I mentally asked myself.

But he doesn't eat outside for lunch, Hmmm.. well... Maybe he needed some fresh air, I thought to myself. He nodded to one of his bodyguards and told him to get either a waiter or a waitress for him.

A server should have come by now anyways; I guess no one is brave enough to attend to him especially in this small dinner.

The bodyguard immediately went and got a waitress for him. "So won't you introduce me to your..ummm... friends?" he asked raising his left brow unsure of how to place Lara and Blake.

Ummm... Yeah... Sure... "Meet Lara and Blake" I gestured with my finger pointing to both Lara and Blake, "they are my friends. "Blake and Lara, meet Mr Parker, my boss and the CEO of Parker industries" I say introducing both parties to each other.

Wow, I'm proud of myself; I didn't stutter this time..high five girl. "Nice meeting you Mr Parker" Lara said shaking his hands and he nodded his head towards her as an acknowledgement.

"Nice meeting you", Blake said shaking his hand and he gave a brief nod just like he did to Lara. I'm guessing he doesn't speak much.

The bodyguard returned with a waitress whose whole body is already shaking out of nervousness. "What would you like to take Mr Parker" the waitress asked with her best professional stance and without stuttering.

I mentally gave her a thumbs up for a professionalism. "Just get me chicken wings and a diet coke" Parker replied her. "Anything else, Mr Parker?" the waitress asked him not looking at him and pretending to write on her note pad "nothing else" Parker replied her blankly waving her off.

Not too long, the waitress brought his order and placed it gently in front of him. "Enjoy your meal sir" she said and scurried away without even waiting for his response.

I couldn't concentrate on my meal which I'm sure same goes for Blake and Lara and other people seated here. It's like I've forgotten how to eat, like I was never even hungry in the first place.

His eyes were on me the whole time he ate. I could feel his gaze as I squirmed in my seat feeling uncomfortable. He finished his lunch and finally stood up making his chair drag backwards and said the most shocking thing I've ever heard someone saying to me.

"It's nice having lunch with you MY CHOCOLATE BEAUTY" he said before leaving with a little smile on his face making his words sound genuine.

I don't know if this chapter feels cliché but I hope you enjoy it 😍😍