
Chapter Twenty One

* Nick *

"I'm coming to get you Emma!"

I teased as I saw her swim farther from the water where I come out after the jump. She let out a playful laugh.

"Then come and race with me to the big rocks."

She swim like a fish getting away from the bait and when the water turned shallow, I saw her naked body in the crystal clear water. A mermaid in fresh water, a beauty that give a hard reaction to my body and my mind. I become aware of the place where there is no other audience to her nakedness but me. Damn you Brad! Wherever you are right now, what's about to happen is beyond my control anymore.

I swim towards her faster as I saw her get out of the water and into the big rock, before she could take another step farther I grab her right ankle back in the deep. I pulled her towards the deep water hearing her protest as she wriggle and kick my arm but nothing could stop me when I grab her on the waist closer to mine. Then we both come out to gasp for air that filled our lungs.