Hey there! Welcome to Sonic Runaways Misfits. I'm Nat Quin, the author and creator of Sonic Runaways and the AU it is based on. If you didn't already know, this is a spinoff of the Sonic Runaways series here on Webnovel, each arc starring different characters, usually from the main series. It is STRONGLY recommended that you check out that series and at least finish the "Genesis" saga before reading.
You can read Sonic Runaways here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/sonic-runaways_20196626506046205
Also, this series is not written in the same order as the main series. So major potential spoiler warning if you're not all caught up with the main series. We're going all over the place in the timeline. For example, one Misfits arc may take place after the fourth main-series arc, the next may take place before the first main-series arc (yes, that means there will be origin stories here and there). This is all canon, though. Except for the "What If" stories, which diverge from the main timeline. Misfits will also probably be updated a lot less often than Sonic Runaways as to not interfere too much with the release of the main series chapters. I am only one person and I don't want to keep the majority of my audience waiting while I work on side stories. Also, sometimes different arcs will start in the middle of the lifetime of other arcs. This does not mean the interrupted arcs are canceled. I will do my best to avoid canceling any arcs during their publication.
One last thing, most stories here will probably be originals, meaning the majority will not be based on any pre-existing Sonic the Hedgehog material whereas the main series is full of reimaginings of all sorts of Sonic stories.
That should be all. Thank you for listening to this preface, and I hope you enjoy Sonic Runaways Misfits!