
Sonic Rockets

Rocket the Beaver is an extraordinary Beaver living in Green Hill Zone with his new friends, May the Cat and Ash the Hedgehog. They will encounter lots of animals and enemies in this oddly fantastic world. This game is not owned by me. This game is owned by Sega and Basically the Sonic Team

Kris_Penn · Video Games
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44 Chs

EP15: Sky World

"Hey, Rocket, check out that cool floating island up there! Wouldn't it be very cool if we go up there."

"I sure would love to go up there. But the rails are still broken so we can't go there yet."

"Well, that's pretty much a bummer to me. Besides, I haven't even see that floating island yet. This floating island must've move by itself."

"Look, Ash. There's a rail stuck on the island. Maybe that's why the Floating island stopped at this island?"

"You're right. Let's go to May's house. Maybe she would know what this floating island is about."

"Too late, guys. I'm already here." May as he walks towards both of them

"Oh, hello, May. Didn't expect that you followed us all the way here."

"Well, I'm just a little bit lonely though. By the way, where's Galaxy?"

"Oh, he's still sleeping in Rocket's house. I don't know, but some reason he stayed up all night to watch his show. So, when it's 6 AM, he started sleeping now."

The three of them goes to the hills to see the floating island closer. May sees someone there.

"G-guys! Someone is there! L-look!"

Rocket and Ash sees up on the floating island but they saw nothing. May is the one that can only see it because she had an incredible sight. May then screams to call him or her. But the person in the floating island doesn't want to watch what's down maybe because he or she is afraid of heights.

"Oh, boy. I can't tell if the person is a he or a she. But I'm definitely going to save her."

"If you're going to save this person that's stuck on the island, then I'm going too!" Rocket as he pats May's shoulder

"Hey, guys, but how did we know that this person was stuck. What if it's just Dr. Eggman's minions."

"You got a point, Ash. But I saw this person, he or she is tall and somehow this person holds something. Maybe it's a she."

Mean while in the floating island...

"P-please help me..."

Sonic Rockets / Season 1

Episode 15: Sky World

Rocket sees a rail there and he just goes to it. Rocket sees the broken rail and he jumps away to the ocean. He then gets wet and he's pretty much regret what he's doing. Ash then comes to his place...

"Rocket, are you alright?" Ash calling for Rocket

"I-I'm alright. But my shirt is not fine, I gotta tell you that."

Rocket dries himself in the sun light. While that, Ash tries to find a rail to get to the floating island. Ash sees something, it's a balloon and it's headed to a trampoline in a hill.

"That trampoline would throw us far from the sky to the floating island! I know what we have to do now. But yet, we still gotta find some fine rail or we'll never save that person. Ash use this beach ball so it could jump you to the hills."

Ash throws the beach ball nearby the hills and Rocket just dashes his way to the beach ball. He then jumps really high until he can reach the hills.

"Looks like we don't need rails to do the job. Well, maybe only for me. Ash, you could try to find a way in the hills."

"No need to, Rocket. I already find my own way in the hills." May as he goes towards Rocket

"M-may?! How did you get here so fast?"

"There's an available rail on the edge of the beach. Ash can go there and the rail will end up here. By the way, I just run my way through the island."

"Wow. Maybe you have powers, May. Alright, Ash, just go to the edge of the island. I can see rails here too."

Ash goes to the edge of the beach and he jumps onto a rail reaching on the hills. They all just need to dash their way to the trampoline there. Rocket dashes first and he jumps really high. The both of them dashes too and they finally reach the floating island.

"Wow, guys, this floating island looks empty but it's pretty cool."

"I've never even see something like this before. Maybe the view is going to be fine down there." Ash getting impressed

"Alright, let me see try to see the view down there. AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!"

Rocket then runs to the middle of the island.

"What's wrong, Rocket? It's not like there's something terrible down there. See, there are nothing terrible down there."

"I'm afraid of heights. I've never seen this height in my whole life. How did I get down here?"

"Calm down, Rocket. I, May the Cat, is not really afraid of heights. See, there's nothing to..... AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

May also gets to the middle of the island because she's also afraid of heights. Ash facepalmed to both of them. He then tries to find the person stuck on the island. Rocket sees a rock and someone's hiding there. Rocket tries to see what's behind the rock and he saw the person that stuck on the island...

Name: Cream

Animal Species: Rabbit

Age: 7 / Classic

Powers: Unknown

Type: Creamed color fur, very short, her skirt color is red, her ears is long

Best Friend: Cheese

"P-please don't h-hurt me!" Cream as she hugs Cheese while being afraid

"We're not here to hurt you. We're here to save you. What's your name?"

"I'm Cream. And this is my friend Cheese."


"I've never seen this type of animal before. Is he an alien? Anyway, let's go down here so you could be safe."


Cream climbs on Rocket's back and he then uses all of his powers to face his fears: Heights.

"May, Ash, let's jump to the Ocean. Cream, this might be a bad idea but I hope you could swim."

"Alright. But if I'm drowning, would you save me?"

"Of course I will! Let's go!"

The three of them jumps together as they land on the see. After that, they've reach the beach. Cream now doesn't know what to do. This is Green Hills Island but it's not her home. Cream decided to stay with May for a while.

Episode End...

Next: EP16 - Cream the Rabbit

Written by: Kris Penn