
Sonic Rockets

Rocket the Beaver is an extraordinary Beaver living in Green Hill Zone with his new friends, May the Cat and Ash the Hedgehog. They will encounter lots of animals and enemies in this oddly fantastic world. This game is not owned by me. This game is owned by Sega and Basically the Sonic Team

Kris_Penn · Video Games
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44 Chs

EP13: Galaxy the Beaver part 1

A boat is coming up ahead in the seas. It's a young brave animal with rare fur color. He then heads his way to Green Hills to find someone special...

Name: Galaxy

Animal Species: Beaver

Age: 15 / Modern

Powers: Super Strength of the Stars

Hobby: Playing Games

Type: Fur Colors are Galaxy colors, White Gloves, Rails shoes, Wears goggles

"This is just the Island that has so many interesting animals. I hope there are Beavers in that island."

While he was just sitting in the boat, a Flying Robot bug sees Galaxy and Eggman is laughing of his next evil plan.

"If I can't kill Rocket the Beaver, I'll have to kill this rare looking Beaver. But something tells me that Galaxy will be Rocket's friends too. Galaxy Emerald, he must have it!"

The robot bug flies it's way to the Green Hills Island first. He was about to disguise as an ice cream man nearby the beach.

"Here's my evil plan: I'll poison up this Beaver with an ice cream. And then I'll also get one dollar for this! Evil plan comes with evil money! Hahaha!"

Galaxy finally arrives at Green Hills and he was greeted by lots of people. Galaxy was just an ordinary guy with some extraordinary powers. He's kind and always likes to make friends. Galaxy comes around the beach...

"Hello, Mr. Galaxy Guy, would I interest you with some Ice Creams? My ice creams are the best selling in Green Hills of course."

"Oh, sure. I would like something to eat or drink though. I'll just buy one."

"That'll be one dollar, my good sir."

"One dollar alright. Oh my God, that's a little bit expensive. Here you go, sir."

Galaxy gives his one dollar to Dr. Eggman and he then gives the poisoned ice cream to Galaxy.

"Thank you so much for buying our ice creams, sir. Don't forget to buy our ice cream any time! Enjoy... your last meal, Galaxy. Muahahaha!"

Galaxy goes his way leaving the beach. He almost licks the ice cream but a kid runs over him and crashes him. Galaxy's ice cream then fells to the ground.

"Oh, I'm really sorry for this, sir. I'll buy you a new one. Where did you buy the ice cream."

"No, it's alright. Something tells me that I don't really need to buy ice creams. It's fine, try to see where you're going first, kid."

"Alright then, I'll remember that advice. Thank you, sir." The kid as he goes to the beach

Dr. Eggman then sees his Ice Cream fell and he then gets angry after that. His plan of removing Galaxy is failed only because a kid can't see where he's going.

"Excuse me, sir. I would like to buy ice creams."

"Oh, I'm sorry, my child. But we're out of ice creams right now. You can try again tomorrow."

Dr. Eggman then leaves the ice cream stand and he just goes his way to his secret hideout on Green Hills. The kid then sees lots of ice creams and the kid just takes some of it. The kid then goes to the beach as she enjoys a none poisoned ice cream.

"Galaxy, he's pretty lucky how he's not dead yet. Maybe I'll put up another plan by sending one of my greatest invention of them all. Introducing Robot-Bull. Muahahaha!"


Galaxy is walking his way towards his new home. He then sees a note to find a girl named "Rin the Beaver". It's not sure that there's even a girl living in that island named Rin.

"Rin the Beaver. I've never seen her face or her appearance but I'll go ask someone if they know her. Oh, like that guy!"

Galaxy sees Rocket and Ash talking about Games and stuff. Galaxy comes to Rocket and he's about to ask something about Rin the Beaver.

"Hey, guys, have you seen a girl named Rin the Beaver? I don't know what she looks like but I'm pretty sure she lives here."

"Oh, there's another Beaver in this place? But while living in this island, I've never seen anyone named Rin the Beaver."

"Aww, shoot. Anyway, I have another guy in my list, his name is Newt the Wolf. Have you seen him?"

"Nope, but in my school, I have a guy in there and he's a wolf. I don't remember his name but I'm pretty sure that's him."

"Alright then, one more final question: Do you guys know the Houses around the beach. I'm going to live there with this roommate, Ash the Hedgehog."

"Ooh, that's me! I'm Ash the Hedgehog! So, we're going to be roommates, right? I can't wait to show all of my manga too you. Let's go there now."

"Wait, what do you mean "show all of my manga". That means I haven't seen all of your cool collections yet?"

"Don't worry, Rocket, I'll show them with this guy too. Say, I haven't even know your name yet."

"Shoot, where are my manners?! I'm Galaxy the Beaver."

"You're a beaver too?! Awesome, my mom and myself are the only Beaver in this island. By the way, I'm Rocket the Beaver."

The three of them goes to Ash's house. Dr. Eggman was watching them behind. He then starts a new strategy that he won't spoil it up even though he wanted it to spoil his plan. Sorry, guys, Dr. Eggman can't ruin episode 14 yet.

They then enter Ash's house and Galaxy is a little bit excited how his house was really fancy. Dr. Eggman's motobug tries to watch in the windows and he sees the three of them going upstairs.

"Muahahaha!!! Listen up, my plan for this is going to be..."

Alright, that's enough, Dr. Eggman. You don't need to spoil Episode 14 now. Let's end up this episode so he won't spoil the fun.

Episode End...

Next: EP14 - Galaxy the Beaver part 2

Written by: Me

Galaxy's Form Information...

Name: Galaxy

Animal Species: Beaver

Form Obtained: False