
Sonia’s return

Sonia and Jack have been married for 4 years already and have a 15 year old boy, Christopher. While going on a business meeting with cyndi, her best friend and co-worker at the same time, a tragic car accident occurs. this accident turns everything upside down in the life of Jack and Christopher. Suspense ....

Aich199 · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 1

Darling lunch is served come down, said Sonia setting the table

-hello bab


Sonia: but didn't you call Christopher?

Jack: no, he came into our room very early that he had to watch at 7am, I thought you heard.

Sonia: no

Jack: it's normal, after the thrusts that I gave you last night, you slept like a drug addict. Hahahaha admits that your husband is powerful.

By taking a piece of bread.

Sonia: tchuiips! Ohh stop I admit nothing at all.

But it bothers me Christopher has not taken his bowl, I hope he will compose well.

Jack: he's a man, he's going to manage, stop pampering him he's already 15 years old.

Sonia: that's your problem, Christopher will always be my adored baby.

Well, I'm going, the driver is already there, I would have to even give him his leave.

Jack: for you to do how?

Sonia: I remind you that I have a driving license.

Jack: but you're not fit yet

Sonia: if it's just that you underestimate too much

Jack: Hmm bb it's because I love you too much and I don't want you to suffer. Driving is suffering.

Sonia: that's it, but know that one day I'm going to rebel.

Jack: hahaha you have what head.

I also go there, I have a meeting with Chinese partners.

Sonia: we eat at the restaurant today nespa, what do you say? So I tell the cleaning lady to take a little time off, since tomorrow we are spending the weekend in our house in the countryside.

Jack: you have already established your program I see

Sonia: my program? Our program . Anyway, we'll talk about it tonight with Christopher.

Kiss bab I love you.

Jack: I love you.

Then everyone goes back to their car, management works.

Jack's meeting with his partners went well he won a big deal.

As for Sonia, things are going pretty well at the office. She takes her midday coffee break with her best friend Cyndi who is also her colleague.

Cyndi: ahh I'm really too tired this company is abusing my work.

Sonia: you speak without knowing I assure you.

Hot chocolate please

Cyndi: a coffee.

Cyndi: since Monday and Tuesday are public holidays it will be a long weekend, I will be able to rest well.

Sonia: we are taking the opportunity to go with the family this weekend to our house in the countryside, are you coming with us?

Cyndi: ohh no you would be in family, you will talk about your family stories, you would be in love and I will be bored gravisim.

Sonia: I don't know why you don't have a guy, otherwise you could have spent this weekend at least in someone's arms

Cyndi: but too bad, I never had the chance with the guys you know it always ends badly.

Sonia: don't worry, you'll find your Prince Charming.

Suddenly Sonia felt unwell

-Ouch!! My God

Cyndi: are you okay?

Sonia: I have had a stomach ache since morning but now it's getting worse. I think I'm going to go see my doctor. I might come home once. Please, when you come back, can you take my briefcase home?

Cyndi: of course go ahead

Sonia: I'm calling my driver. Please tell us what happened when you got to the office.

Cyndi: worry.

A few minutes later the driver arrives and drives her to the hospital.

- wow what a surprise madam willson

Sonia: hello doctor Martha

- But it's been at least years since we entered a hospital. What brings you here?

Sonia: I have had a bad stomach ache since morning.

- what have you eaten since yesterday

Sonia: last night I had a soup with bread. And this morning wholemeal bread with milk.

- are you on a diet?

Sonia: yes we can say, I eat light to avoid the weight.

- since when?

Sonia: 1 month

-your husband accepts that?

Sonia: ohh Marthe, if it's because of the diet what I've been feeling this pain since.

- Well first we will do blood and urine tests, prescribe a few tablets and in the meantime you stop your famous diet.

Sonia: okay.

- you get the results tomorrow evening

Sonia: tomorrow night? Ohh lalala I'm going to the countryside with the family, could you send this to me by post or mail? I'll give you the address.

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