
Fireflies by Owl City

I woke up in a field. I don't know how I got here. There is fog everywhere, and I can't see my surroundings well. I slowly stood up, looking around for anything that would show me where I was or how I got here.

Then, I saw it. You wouldn't think a firefly would have such a large effect, but in that moment, in my confused and dazed state, it was as if it was a firework.

I stumbled, trying to catch it before it blinked out, as fireflies tend to do. Before I managed to reach it, I slipped and fell face first. I jumped up as fast as I could, but the firefly was already gone.

As I stood there is the dark, foggy field, a sense of powerlessness overwhelmed me. I felt like I'd be trapped forever. Just as I was giving up hope, it lit up again. I was so excited, I ran over to it.

As I ran, more and more fireflies lit up my surroundings. I slowed to a stop as they danced around me. I started moving with them, dancing along the path they chose for me. As I reached the end, I found a door, open just a crack.

I knew then that this was a dream. I could barely see myself sleeping in my bedroom through the door. I wasn't ready to wake up, so I turned around to look at the fireflies. It was then that I noticed that all but one were gone. It waited, glowing.

As I looked at it, I knew it was time to say goodbye. I waived one last time, then turned and entered the door.