
Song of the True Kingdom

Lee was an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in the True Kingdom. The king, Young, aimed to undermine Windyce's power. So he ordered Lee to search for the Buddhist relics in the Big Desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce began. Young had three ambitious sons who were keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also started. Step by step, Lee learned a lot on the road and finally became a fighting master. He thought he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroyed his dream. The game of power and war has just begun......

LongRain · Fantasy
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Todd's Show Time

At daybreak, a guard stood outside the door and called Lee, informing him to prepare to go to the palace.

The palace was located north of Cactus, which would take Lee around an hour to reach by carriage. Lee wore the clothes the official had prepared for him. It was a clean green robe with a waist sash, which suited him just fine. Lee looked at himself in the mirror and thought his appearance did not bring shame to the True Kingdom.

Lee opened the door, finding Tang standing outside in the same robe. Tang felt uncomfortable all over as the robe was a little small for him and he didn't usually wear a robe.

"The robe is tight," Tang complained.

"Be patient, it shouldn't take long," Lee comforted him.

After they left the Guesthouse, they discovered a herald who had been waiting for a long time.

"Good morning! I'm Vic," the herald greeted. "Let's go."



Lee, Tang, and Vic got on the carriage one by one, and then Vic ordered the coachman to set off. It was getting brighter and brighter as the carriage moved forward.

"It is really a long distance," Lee broke the silence in the carriage.

"Indeed," Vic said. "But I've gotten accustomed to it. You know, every day there are always envoys or diplomats visiting the Regent."

"Does Locke live in the palace?" Tang was curious.

"No, he owns a mansion very close to the palace; he usually sleeps there," Vic replied.

"He must be very busy," Lee said.

"Yeah, the Regent now is carrying the kingdom on his shoulders; he works so hard," Vic said, showing sincere respect for Locke.

Lee couldn't help but sigh. "What a great man!"

Tang knew that Lee had started his performance again, so he just kept silent, not willing to play with him.

"The Regent not only needs to deal with governmental affairs but also has to face challenges from Andrew..." Vic just realized he was speaking a secret, so he shut up.

Lee smiled slightly. He looked at the scenery on the street. Many people came out from their homes in the early morning and prayed towards the center of Cactus.

"Who is Andrew?" Tang asked.

"Tang, don't vex Vic," Lee stopped Tang.

"It doesn't matter," Vic spoke. "Actually, it's not a secret. Andrew is our army captain, in charge of military affairs. Locke and Andrew have had a conflict since they were young. Now Andrew isn't satisfied with Locke as the Regent."

"Will Andrew be at the palace too?" Lee asked.

"Yes," Vic said. "I heard several big names are here. You are from the True Kingdom. They are surely paying attention to you."

"We're flattered," Lee said.

"I just tell the truth," Vic said.

Then there was another silence between the three of them. Lee closed his eyes and rested. He needed to consider the information he had gotten.

It seemed that Locke had a bad relationship with the military. If Locke could not command the troops, his position would indeed be shaky.

Lee sensed the carriage stopping, and he opened his eyes.

"Here we are," Vic said.

They got off one by one. What came into Lee's view was the palace of the Falling-Moon Kingdom. The gate was open, with two statues of black-scaled snakes standing on either side.

Lee never expected he would first visit the palace of another kingdom before setting foot in the palace of the True Kingdom.

Vic led them a distance to a side hall, where they could rest and wait for a summons. Besides them, there were already several other people who smiled and gestured to Lee and Tang.

"I'll go to inform your arrival," Vic said, and he left the hall.

"I guess you are the honorable guests from the True Kingdom?" A beautiful woman approached and asked with grace. Her movement was elegant and confident.

"Yes," Lee replied.

The rest of the people also gathered around after hearing Lee's answer.

"I'm Kelly, the master of the guild. Glad to meet you," Kelly bowed slightly.

Lee immediately stood from his chair and bowed in return. He was taller than Kelly, which made it possible for him to see Kelly's exposed cleavage. He felt his mouth go dry.

"Glad to meet you too! I'm Lee," Lee said.

"I'm Tang," said Tang. He rushed forward and pushed Lee aside.

"You are really tall," Kelly said with a light smile.

Tang laughed foolishly and couldn't think of a word to say.

Lee admitted that Kelly was particularly attractive as a mature woman. Every frown and smile of hers was heart-stirring.

An old man with white hair and a beard sneered at Kelly. He couldn't stand Kelly's flirting and then looked at Lee.

"I am Todd," the old man said, "Locke's cousin."

"What an old cousin!" Lee thought. He guessed that Todd was around his seventies.

"Very glad to meet you, Todd," Lee greeted.

"Are you available after talking with Locke?" Todd asked directly.

"Hey, Todd, don't be so rude!" Kelly said with a bit of anger. This old man was always at odds with her, which grossed her out.

"Not your concern! I'm asking Lee!" Todd countered. His voice was full of energy, and it seemed that he had another ten years to live.

"Calm down, calm down," a young man in gorgeous clothes came out to mediate. "This is not hospitality."

"Save it, Steven!" Todd sneered. "What are your hospitality? I never knew that. I think Quinn didn't teach you."

"Todd, you old goat, you're a piece of shit!" Steven cursed, and his face turned red. Obviously, he was not as good as Todd at trash talk.

"See," Todd shook his head. He was experienced in provoking people.

"Enough," the last one in the side hall spoke. He sat on a chair, seeming a bit unsatisfied. He was thin, with bright eyes and dark skin.

His words worked, and there was silence in the side hall.

"Paul," Paul was frugal with words. He just nodded to Lee and then closed his eyes, ending the awkward situation.

Gentle laughter broke the silence. Kelly said to Lee, "Just a joke. Never mind. Tonight there will be a feast at our guild headquarters. Would you like to join us?"

"Sounds good," Lee replied. "I think we'll go."

Tang agreed without hesitation.

"Great! You live in the Guesthouse, right? I'll send someone to fetch you," Kelly said pleasantly, glancing provocatively at Todd.

"I'll go too," Todd said.

Kelly's smile froze for a moment.

"At your age, don't join in the fun. If you die from excitement, Kelly would be blamed," Steven said sarcastically.

"Yeah, Steven is right," Kelly agreed. "Todd, you'd better stay at home and not move."

"I have a stronger body than you, Steven. You go to brothels every day, and your body is exhausted," Todd said. Facing Kelly and Steven, he was fearless and responded calmly.

"Master of wrangling!" Even Tang had to praise Todd's "show." He had decided to learn the art of cursing from Todd.

Steven chose to ignore the old goat and asked Kelly if he could go to the banquet too.

"It's a banquet, not a brothel; you're going to the wrong place," Todd said.

Kelly agreed to Steven's request, and then she asked Paul if he was interested.

Paul nodded.

At this time, Vic came back.

"Lee, Tang, Locke said he would see you two first. Follow me," Vic said hurriedly.

Lee and Tang looked at each other, then bid farewell to the people in the side hall. Next, they walked out right after Vic.