
Song of the True Kingdom

Lee was an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in the True Kingdom. The king, Young, aimed to undermine Windyce's power. So he ordered Lee to search for the Buddhist relics in the Big Desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce began. Young had three ambitious sons who were keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also started. Step by step, Lee learned a lot on the road and finally became a fighting master. He thought he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroyed his dream. The game of power and war has just begun......

LongRain · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Immortals' Trick

It is rare for the dry desert to rain. Dark clouds gathered in the sky. With a thunderous command, raindrops fell one after another and hit Lee's head.

Seven days ago, after getting intelligence from Mark, Lee just left from Gady and started his way to west.

Anthony stood at the door of the inn, watching Lee and his guards walk away, the expression on his face changed from panic to cold.

"You're so lucky," Anthony whispered. "Why my poison is not working?"

"I'm really unlucky." Lee said to himself, "Zero went crazy and asked me to come here. Then Lina tried to kill me. Now it's even raining in the damn desert."

The heavy rain covered Lee's muttering, and everyone was poured.

Seeing that Lee and others were already trembling and soaked, the dark clouds finished their task. They quickly dispersed and disappeared, and the sunlight fell again.

"Damn It," Lee said weakly. 

Lee kept forward towards the direction of the missing group these days but find nothing. Although he still encouraged the guards to look for possible clues, he thought the missing group had died. In fact, the feeling of frustration spread among them. 

Except that, Lee was considering the information from Mark and could not explain why Lina acted so abnormal. As the daughter of a rebellion leader, Lina did not admit her assassination to Lee. It seemed that she did not have her own pride at all. Also, why did not she run after shooting the arrow?

Regarding Lee's doubts, Tang had his consideration, "She thought the arrow must kill you, and she could run when we were in a chaos. But things were out of her control and she lost the chance to run. She could only hide her bow and arrows. However, she was not a good killer and actually hid the bow and arrows in her room. I guess it's her first time to attack. She's only trained but never tried." 

Lee shook the raindrops off his head, attempting to leave everything behind.

"General, look! A city of the Falling-Moon Kingdom!" Eric suddenly shouted excitedly.

Lee looked in the direction pointed by Eric, and saw a city standing in the distance among the clouds and mist. The stone statue of black-scaled snake, the holy totem of the Falling-Moon Kingdom, stood in the center of the city. Women bargained with vendors, children played on the street, and a merchant was trying to introduce a naked woman behind him to the spectators around them, hoping to sell her for a good price.

It was a bit far away, so Lee could only see the vague picture but not the real condition. He couldn't help but feel itchy in the heart. He looked back, seeing Tang, Eric and others stare with wide eyes, and one was even drooling. Lee was so angry that he went up and kicked the drooling guy hard. 

"Tang, did you see this city before the rain?" Lee asked.

Tang wiped his saliva and said foolishly: "Big, really big."

Lee stepped forward and kicked Tang down. This time his movement was too hurry and he felt a pain in his waist. His injury was not completely healed yet. 

Tang finally felt the pain. When he came to his senses and saw Lee staring at him gloomily, he hurriedly got up from the ground and said: "General, what did you say just now? The wind too strong and I didn't hear you."

"I said, do you think the tits are big?"

"Of course! Ah..." 

Tang was kicked down again.

"I'm asking you if you saw this city before the rain! You idiot!"

Tang said, "No, General, I just saw it."

Lee looked at the others, and they all shook their heads.

Lee couldn't help but get excited. A city suddenly appeared in an instant, which was beyond human power. Could it be that Young was right? Are there really immortals and great powers in the world?

"Let's go," Lee ordered.

Everyone couldn't wait any longer. As soon as Lee spoke, they all rushed to the suddenly appeared city.

But after one hour, the naked woman was already bought by a spectator, and the city was still in the distance surrounded by clouds and mist.

"General, could this city have legs and walk?" Tang asked breathlessly.

"It must be the power of immortals," Eric said.

"I think the immortals are fooling us."

Everyone talked about it, and Lee got puzzled. It was actually beyond his imagination.

Then Lee looked up, and saw that the whole city disappeared piece by piece, and finally invisible completely.

Lee was so scared that he sat paralyzed on the sand, unable to speak for a long time. Tang's mouth was wide open, and made unclear sounds in his throat. Several guards knelt down and kowtowed, muttering something.

After a while, everyone was still immersed in great shock.

Lee came to his senses and propped himself up. Although he looked embarrassed, his expression was very excited.

Tang stammered: "General... General, all... all disappear."

"This is a sign of immortals." Lee's voice was hurried and loud. He was convinced that immortals was impossible. In Falling City, Wilcher talked with him, and he was not optimistic about immortals too. Unexpectedly, now he really had a harvest!

If the immortals is found, not only Lee himself, but also his descendants will have no worries about life, and will be rich and prosperous for thousands of years.

"Tang, remember what Wilcher said?" Lee asked cheerfully.

"General, Wilcher said so many, which one do you mean?" Tang rarely understood that Lee was not really asking him.

"'Some things will not exist if you are sincere', Wilcher is really a wise man," Lee said with a smile.

"Immortals are here. Find them!" Lee swept away the previous haze and said to his guards passionately.

Tang sat on the ground and muttered softly: "The immortals fool us so easy. How can you find them?"

Seeing Lee laughing wildly, Tang did not interrupt him. Lee's kicks were still painful.

But Eric realized there was something wrong, he said: "General, our mission is to search for Danny's Buddhist relics, are you forgetting it?"

But Lee didn't seem to hear and continued laughing nonstop. Tang could see that the veins bulged on both sides of Lee's forehead and his face flushed. Tang felt that something was wrong with Lee. 

In an instant, Lee stopped laughing and fell backwards. Tang was quick to support him, and found Lee actually fainted.

Soon, Lee woke up. He asked: "What happened?" 

"I am not sure, general. You must be dizzy with happiness," Tang replied.

Apparently, Lee was overwhelmed by today's experience. When he came back to reality, he had to face current problems. They had not found the missing group as well as Danny's Buddhist relics, not to mention the mysterious immortals.