
Song of the True Kingdom

Lee was an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in the True Kingdom. The king, Young, aimed to undermine Windyce's power. So he ordered Lee to search for the Buddhist relics in the Big Desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce began. Young had three ambitious sons who were keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also started. Step by step, Lee learned a lot on the road and finally became a fighting master. He thought he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroyed his dream. The game of power and war has just begun......

LongRain · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Bloody Battle

The murderous aura was invisible, but Lee could really feel it from those mask men.

The white-robed men drew their swords and rushed over without saying anything.

"Fight!" Lee held the bow in the left hand and a sword in the right hand pointing at the white-robed men.

Tang took the lead, wielding his sword to the crowd. Then Lee and the rest guards also joined the battle.

The white-robed men were very skilled in fighting. They fought in harmony and had the advantage of numbers. Lee's side was at a disadvantage in an instant. In fact, they could resist the white-robed men only because of Tang and Eric's fierceness. Even so, many guards were already covered with wounds. Obviously, defeat was only a matter of time.

The two sides fought intensively, and no one paid attention to Barry and Bell who were lying on the ground tied up.

"Huh, it's really tight." Barry had already pulled his hands out and began to pull off the ropes wrapped around his body.

"Barry, why are you faster than me again?" Bell complained while waved his hands that had just been freed from the restraints.

"I told you, it's a shame for Rissan to have you as his disciple," Barry said.

"Both of you," an old man said lightly. He was in a red robe and stood beside Barry and Bell like a ghost. The brothers didn't know when he showed up.But it seemed that they got used to the way the old man appeared. 

Seeing the old man appear, Barry immediately complained: "Rissan, why did you come so late? I almost had my arm chopped off by them."

"Didn't Rissan knock the sword away with a dart?" Bell doubted.

The old man was Rissan, the master of Barry and Bell.

Rissan had silver hair and long white eyebrows. There were few wrinkles on his face. He looked energetic and decent. He must have been extraordinary and handsome when he was young.

"You were captured by them, what a shame." Rissan said with a serious face.

"We didn't know that their leader was so good at archery," Bell replied.

Rissan said nothing, looking at the battlefield.

When the white-robed men saw Rissan appear, they didn't know his intention and feared that there would be more trouble. So they stepped up their offensive, and the guards around Lee fell one after another.

Knowing that it was difficult to live, Tang was even more aggressive, and his desperate posture forced the white-robed men to retreat continuously for a while.

"General, go!" Tang shouted. 

Lee wanted to run, but those white-robed men seemed to came here just to kill him. He was locked in murderous aura and could not leave the battlefield.

Observing for a while, Rissan spoke: "They are from the True Kingdom, why do they come here?"

"We heard the reckless baby-face say that they were ordered to find whose Buddhist relics," Barry said, "These mask men are just here to kill them." 

"Buddhist relics? Interesting," Rissan said to himself.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Several darts were shot from Rissan's hands one after another. Three white-robed men were hit by the darts and fell down.

Seeing Rissan join the fight, four white-robed men rushed straight to Rissan. This old man was quite threatening to them.

Rissan went forward with bare hands and fought with the four white-robed men calmly. Although Rissan was old, he moved like a tiger descending from the mountain. He dodged the oncoming swords and then kicked them in the crotch and stabbed their eyes. His movements were accurate and powerful, and the four men instantly lost their fighting ability.

"Barry, why does Rissan have to use these dirty tricks? He can beat them easily," Bell felt Rissan's fighting style was so ugly.

"Save time and energy. That's what I should learn," Barry said.

The remaining white-robed men saw that things were not going well, and they became reckless to kill Lee, completely ignoring their lives. The situation on the battlefield changed. Previously Lee and Tang were fighting desperately, but now it was the opponent's turn. 

People on both sides fell down quickly. After a while, only Lee and Tang, whose robes were soaked with blood, were left in the middle and struggling to death. The rest six white-robed men ignored Tang's attack and concentrated on killing Lee. Lee's power was limited, and one white-robed man stabbed his chest by the sword. Blood flowed like a stream.

Lee covered his chest and knelt on one knee. The swords came at him again. Lee blocked with his sword over his head. The huge force shook the sword out of his right hand and Lee fell to the ground.

The blooding wound on his chest made Lee weak. Then one sword of the white-robed man was going to stab him again. At this moment, Lee fainted directly.

A dart pierced through the wrist of the white-robed man. The white-robed man's hand trembled in pain, and the flying sword stabbed directly into the sand next to Li's head.

"Everyone, how about stopping?" Rissan's voice was strong and powerful, reaching everyone's ears.

Seeing nobody take his words into account, Rissan threw the darts and sighed, "What a hassle."


"Is he dead?" Bell walked up and asked.

"No, he fainted from the serious injury," Barry fumbled around Lee for a long time and said, "He is poor. He only has a damn token."

"Don't touch him." Tang glared at Barry. He was tie up by ropes, coughing up a mouthful of blood. 

"Baby-face, you would have died without us. Be polite to your lifesavers," Bell didn't like Tang very much, and kicked Tang while saying.

Tang vomited blood again.

"What token?" Rissan took the token from Barry and raised his eyebrows.

"This token is not made of gold. Not worth money," Barry was extremely unhappy.

Rissan was familiar with this token. There was a mighty lion on the heads, and a chic name, Windyce, on the tails.

"For him," Rissan said, looking at Lee lying on the ground with a pale face and unconscious, "This token is priceless."

"Kill him. We can give you anything you want!" One white-robed man suddenly said. He was bundled tightly.

"Very well. I want to be the king of theTrue Kingdom," Rissan said.

The white-robed man was choked by Rissan's words and his face turned pale with anger.

Barry and Bell had taken those black flame-patterned masks from their faces after tying them up. 

There were nine white-robed men still alive. On Lee's side, except Lee and Tang, Eric and another guard were still breathing. They all became prisoners, and their lives were decided by the old man in front of them.

To Tang's surprise, he actually recognized that Anthony was one of the alive white-robed man. This coward had the courage to kill them?! 

In an instant, he understood many things. Then he realized that Lina told the truth and she was wrongly killed by them. 

But he couldn't care now. He noticed that Lee's breath became weaker. 

"Please, save him!" Tang Begged. He knelt down and looked at Rissan. 

"Baby-face, Rissan is here, it's hard for him to die," Bell said proudly.