
Song of the Forgotten Angel

She bear the painful past. Unknown to many, she has two different personalities with a different names.

LadyKpencil88 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 20: The Devil

   The silent cold night witnessed the human's greeds grows from a small bud of a desire into an uncontrollable darkness of one's heart. Fier still fast asleep on her hospital's bed when someone sneaked into her room. When she sense a negative aura follows by the light footsteps, she open her eyes and a man in the black cloak reflected in her eyes. The man quickly covered Fier's mouth with a handkerchief without given any chances for Fier to scream. She struggled, then her moves weakened and finally stopped because of the chloroform had taking effect on her body. The man carried Fier's body silently through the emergency staircase that lead to the hospital's basement.

   The next morning, the hospital in a ruckus with a patient was missing from her room. Detective Ashia did a security check on the CCTV's footages but found no trace of the perpetrator was shown in the frame. It is seem that the perpetrator knows the hospital very well when he able to take advantages of the CCTV's blindspots.

    K and Ayesha also started to blaming themselves for not staying with Fier last night. While, Fier's parents had been informed by the police about their daughter's incident and they are on their way to the city from the countryside. Although Fier did always deal with the dangerous jobs but this is the first time she has been kidnapped.

  Fier jolted from her deep slumber in a room full with the red candles. She gasped for the air for a while then she tried to sit and realized her body had been tied up to the bed. She look around the room, no one is there. Fier try to snaps on the straps that have tied her up as hard as she could but to no avail and she gives up with a frustrating grunt after a few attempts.

   "I'm sorry..." A soft sorrow voice startled Fier, her eyes wildly scanned every corners of the room.

   "I'm sorry I brought you into this mess..." A woman appeared from the side of the bed with a sad expression.

  "Who are you? Let me go!!!" Fier pulled on the straps.

   "I can't..." Said the woman, she looks pale.

   "Why?" Rage started to boiled up in Fier's mind.

   "Because I'm just a projection of a helpless spirit..." The woman touched on the straps but her hands went through.

   Fier sighed. "Spirit of whom?" Her eyes look straight into the ceiling lamps above her and then towards the spirit.

   "Mia Yu..." She looked down on her feet.

   "DJ MiYu?" Fier's eyes widen. The spirit nodded.

  Fier lay back, frustrated. She been tied up and that spirit is useless too. The door cracked open when Fier was busy looking for a way to untie herself. The man walked in and the spirit of Mia Yu tried to stop him but to her dismay, he just walked through her projection's form.

   "You have already awake." He sit next to Fier and caressing her hairs.

   "Fan Lun??!" Fier's eyes rounded.

   "Yes..." He gives her a wicked smile.

   "What are you doing? Untie me!!!" Fier's gaze changes between Fan Lun and Mia Yu.

   "Shhh... She said only you is the most suitable vessel to resurrect my Mia." LuLu whispered and touched Fier's face fondly.

  "She?? What do you mean???" Fier's rage build up more.

  "The Witch... She said you are the chosen one. You're different from those filthy girls." He smiles wickedly.

  "Chosen one my foot." Fier chuckled. She close her eyes and her breathes racing. Fier's emotions had collided.

   "Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" LuLu felt wary when Fier passed out.

  LuLu shakes Fier's body many times, he become anxious. Fier passed out for a few minutes before her eyes suddenly open and she stared at LuLu in disgust. It make her look like she has been possessed. LuLu is a bit taken aback with Fier's change of personality. He stepped back for few steps away from her, the chair he sat on earlier rolled on the floor.


   "Hey Fan Lun, do you wanna see your wife that badly?" Fier chuckles then she smirked.

   LuLu trembled. When Fier opened her eyes just now, their eyes had met and LuLu felt like she was eating his soul away. The inside of him had signal out an ultimate fear that unbearable for him. He felt like a thousand of unseen hands are crawling on him when she stared at him like that. What is wrong with this woman, he asked himself.

  "Shut up!!! Your tricks won't work on me!!!" He shouted at her in fear, tried to be brave.

   Fier smirked then she laughs provocatively.

   "I'm not lying to you like The Witch did. Come and hold my hand and see it yourself if I'm a liar." Fier waved her hand although it was tied to the bed.

   At first LuLu a bit hesitated but later he untied Fier. She sit up and facing him, "Here."

   She reached her right hand towards him and he cautiously hold her hand. LuLu was startled and released Fier's hand in an instant once he saw Mia is standing in front of him.

  "Why? Are you scared? Didn't you want to see her that badly?" Fier asked LuLu in a sarcastic tone. A smile curved on her lips.

   LuLu shivered as he still could not believe his eyes when he saw his wife standing in front of him sorrowfully. He takes a deep breathes and hold Fier's hand once again. Mia is there, really there.

  "Mia!!" He released Fier's hand and wants to embraced Mia but she disappeared. LuLu look around but he could not see Mia.

   "You need a spiritual medium to see her." Fier yawns and stretched up like a lazy cat.

    LuLu's soul engulfed by fear more and more. He trembled a lot as his guts were telling him that is not the Fier Vermillion that he knew. That woman's gaze was too deadly. It was like everyone that look into her eyes will be cursed. And she was too calm like she knew what had lies ahead of her.

   "Are you scared of me that much, LuLu?" Fier's gaze soften.

   "Who? Who are you?" LuLu lost all his composures in front of that woman. She is like a living devil.

  "You know who I am. I'm Lin Qii alias Vermillion Fier. Rest assure. You're not my target. Somehow... Someone did pay me to find her, this is like I'm killing two birds with one stone." Fier take off her hospital's gown revealing the skin tight black leather jumpsuit inside.

  "You...you're not Lin Qii!" LuLu shouted at Fier. He unable to hide his insecurities from her.

  "Shh... low your voice or I break your neck!!!" Fier gave LuLu a warning because she catches a glimpse of silhouette passed by behind the curtain.

   LuLu shook his head. "You're a psycho woman! That witch had lied to me!!!"

   "Shhh... Keep your voice down or I really snapped your neck this time. She is right about me, I'm different from those girls. But I'm not here to hurt you although I indeed used you to find this place." Fier chocked LuLu's throat and suppressed his body against the wall.

   "Miss Vermillion... Please forgive him, please..." Mia kneeling in front of Fier, she bowed at her many times.

  "Okay, okay. I'm just joking." Fier put her hands up and LuLu collapsed to the floor. He could not believe it that Fier had that much strength and almost chocked him to death.

   Mia hurriedly to her husband's side and hold him although he unable to see and feel her.

  "Tch...!" Fier feel annoyed.

   Then she once again catches the glimpse of a woman walked by and immersed into the darkness behind the curtain. She ever saw that woman before at K's house. Fier wants to follows that woman but then she stopped and turn towards LuLu and Mia Yu.

   "Don't worry. I'm not after you, LuLu. I only want to help Mia Yu go to the afterlife peacefully and help you to let go of your obsession." Fier taps on LuLu's shoulder while he is cowering like a kitten. Once Fier's hand touch his shoulder, he able to see his wife again. Mia smiles at her husband.

  "Honey, long time no see..." Mia greets her husband lovingly. She cupped his face in her hands and smiling.

  "Well, I think this pendant have enough spiritual energy from your wife's spirit. It may help you to be able to see your wife for a while. Keep this with you all the time and save those girls who are still alive. Get out from this place while you can. This is Mia Yu''s wishes." Fier put the pendant that she was taking from K at the hospital into LuLu's hands. He surprised when he looked at the pendant since it was belong to his wife. He asked K to send the pendant to the jewellery washer three days ago.

   LuLu saw his wife and able to hears her although her projection a little bit blurry compared to when he held Fier's hand earlier.

   "Your wife will tell you the truth. Leave this place with those girls and call the police. Repent for what you had done." Fier smirked.

   After Fier make sure that LuLu does follows her instructions. She leave the couple in the room and sneaking into the passage that divided the room with other rooms. She opened door by door until she finally reached a red chamber. In that chamber, she found a bunches of files label by year on the bookshelves.

   Fier took a file and flipped it open. She saw a list of names and on the next pages were pictures of the women were brutally killed for their organs. The other files were list of the buyers. This Witch is really systematic, Fier chuckles as she speaks to herself.

   'The Witch' is the name of a woman that tricked young women by promising them a great prosperities and then harvest their organs for the black markets after she lured them to her lairs. Fier have tracked down that woman whom real name is Lydia Tye for years since most of her clients were The Witch's victims.

   Fier walked around. She tipped on the dark mahogany table, she opened the drawers. Inside one of the drawers, there she found a photo of a woman. She shoved the photo into her jumpsuit. Fier took a few photos of the room with her smartphone when she saw a woman standing behind the door from her smartphone's camera. She put down her smartphone and that woman quickly run away. Fier follows the woman until she reached another room at another level below.

   She cautiously observed the room from in front of the door and saw a silhouette of a woman standing behind the pillar inside the room. Believes that woman to be The Witch, Fier entered the room. Just a second after she stepped inside, the door close with a loud bang.