
Song of Numen

So, here is the deal. My name is Christian Grey. Maybe, as you read this familiar name, you might have raised an eyebrow and silently accused my dear mother and father of plagiarism, but I swear it wasn't intentional! Alright, alright, maybe just a teeny tiny bit. You see, my dear reader, my mom had a bookcase that could give any library a run for its money. I think she came up with my name from some random character in one of her books or maybe from one of those movies that…let's just say they made themselves at home on our screen more times than I can count. I sincerely don't remember the origin of this name. In fact, as I sit here writing these words, my memory seems to be playing a hide and seek game with me. I can't remember the specifics of my life back on Earth. It's been ages since I have reincarnated in this world! But hey, I can't complain. It was indeed satisfactory. Ops! I have blabbered on too much. I am indeed getting senile; my granddaughter is right. Let's move on. Where did I stop? Right, Right, How did I ended up in this world? Once upon a time, in the sad and depressive corporate life, I was just your average person, working day in and day out, while secretly dreaming of becoming a great author…. Wait! What was that arched eyebrow again, prick? I can practically hear your mind screaming from my side of the universe, "Oh great! Another one of those boring reincarnation stories where the main character is an overpowered, handsome and courageous man!" Blah Blah Blah. Believe me, I get it! *Cought* *Cough* But thank you for the last part, I am indeed overpowered, handsome and courageous. You are such a sweet person. I know that you have already read about it all before in those countless reincarnation novels and animes. It's like a broken record, a recycled and infinite plotline. I won't deny it, my story is indeed quite generic, familiar to some and new to others. But trust me reader, dear reader, I am about to take that well-worn path and maybe give it a little twist that you have seen it coming all along. Right? Oh, right! Just saying that the final chapter of this diary or novel if you might call it, may never reach your hands. I am not dead yet and maybe I will never be. Now, I will leave things here. I wish you a good ride. So, buckle up, grab some popcorn, and expect some crazy vanilla, some predictable and not at all creative stories. This all begins on day one, they day when I accidentally killed the Main Character of my own novel. -x- Yoo! This is a new series that I will be launching sporadically, together with my other work "Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World!". Thank you for the support! Don't forget to drop by to know my other work!

Stoicist · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Presentation Ceremony (I)

The Presentation of the Crown Prince of the Aestum Empire was an important day, not just for the empire, but for all of Menhur. Every major power had sent representatives bearing gifts for the next ruler of one of the most formidable forces in the world, one of the three great empires in this world.

Heralds had traveled far and wide, proclaiming the news in every city and village under the empire's rule. The whole world was bustling with talk of the young dragon hidden within the palace walls, now set to make his first appearance before the world. Celebrations was happening across the empire. Mages stationed in each city had orders to launch firework spells as soon as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the night sky in brilliant colors, welcoming the new crown prince.

And me? I was staring at the massive double doors ahead, two dragons carved into the wood, locked in an eternal fight. I swallowed hard. Beyond those doors was a hall full of envoys, nobles, and dignitaries. hundreds of eyes waiting to meet and analyze the new Crown Prince of Aestum.

It hadn't even been an hour since I woke up, and here I was, being thrown into one important event. I was still somewhat dizzy.

But it wasn't the crowd that had my heart racing. No, what terrified me was the fact that this was the exact moment where the story I had been reading back on Earth began. The hero, my supposed-to-be-dead twin brother, was meant to be introduced to the world here. This was supposed to be his moment, not mine.

Instead, I was the one stepping into the spotlight, the spotlight I had been trying to avoid ever since I realized the kind of world I was in. Now, it seemed fate had other plans. It was like the universe decided, "Well, we're down a hero, guess you'll have to do."

"Damn it," I cursed under my breath. "I should've read that book more carefully."

I only skimmed through the first few chapters, barely paying attention to the details. The one thing I remembered for sure was that the demons were gearing up for an invasion, and Aestum, this empire, was the wall standing between them and the rest of the world.

And here I was, the new crown prince, about to be thrust into the chaos that was about to happen. If I recalled correctly, the demons started getting more aggressive right after this very presentation. But the specifics? I had no clue. It was all fuzzy. Knowing I was in a novel but not remembering the plot was like playing chess without being able to see the board. I was a pawn, blind to the player's moves.

"Prince," Lilia's voice broke through my spiraling thoughts.

I turned to see her standing by the doors, her emotionless green eyes fixed on me. Her hand rested against the door, ready to push it open for my grand entrance.

"Do not look down. Lift your chin and keep your gaze steady. You are the young dragon of Aestum." Her tone was as cold and formal as ever, but there was something that gave me confidence in her words, as if they were magical.

I took a deep breath, forcing my heartbeat to slow. Yeah, there was no running from this now. Maybe I could figure things out later, find the real hero and shove them into the spotlight instead. For now, I had to get through this. One step at a time.

"Alright," I muttered to myself. "First things first."

Straightening my back, I lifted my chin, my golden eyes glinting with a confidence I didn't even know it existed. "Open the doors."

Lilia glanced at me one last time, and for the briefest moment, I saw something flicker in her eyes, an emotion I couldn't quite place. But just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone.

With a soft creak, the doors swung open, and I was immediately bathed in the warm glow of the floating yellow magic spheres hovering above the great hall. The light flooded out, spilling over the richly adorned room, where hundreds of heads turned in my direction.

And just like that, there was no turning back. The voice of the Master of Ceremonies echoed through the hall, a voice so shaky it sounded like the man was holding onto life by a thread. I glanced at him, an ancient figure who looked like he should have retired decades ago, his bony hands barely managing to hold the parchment in front of him.

"Prince Christian Aestum Dragonheart, the legitimate heir to the Dragon Throne, enters the hall," he loudly declared, each word sounding like it might be his last.