
Chapter 12: Conversation

Grenade returned with great news and gifts. He was successful to steal a small pouch of golden drachmas from one of the layers of the bigger Hellhounds that had too many things, why do they keep it is a mystery for Eny but it means it can be stolen, Luke did not see him as he just entered the shadows after giving the things to Eny. Looking inside the pouch it had exactly 9 Golden Drachmas and the second thing Grenade was able to steal was a small Celestial Bronze dagger that was instantly given to Pruno who wanted to reject it at first, but Eny made him take it and he could not refuse. Eny did not give a weapon to Luke because he was not trusted, and only idiots give weapons to those they don't think they can trust.

It was just Eny's nature.

Soon Eny wanted to try his idea, but he couldn't leave Pruno alone and he was a little wary of Luke, so he decided to give it some time. As soon as he finished bathing Pruno and helped Luke bathe himself, he helped them dry themselves with a silk towel woven by him. Luke was impressed by this and even more impressed by the fact that the silk came from Eny's body. Luke needed new clothes and the silk clothes were thin, and winter was coming so they needed warm clothes. You see, Eny has a thing he does for both him and Pruno so they can go through winter as cozy as possible, and he also does that when he is cold... Like now.

Eny's body began to crack as his bones expanded, spooking Luke who backed away as Eny grew from 4'9 to a 7 feet tall wolf that stood on its hind legs, a werewolf also known as Lycanthrope. While Luke was shocked and scared, Pruno looked at Eny and smirked as his black fur went *thump* and expanded like a furball. Eny sat down on the ground as he used [Monster Mimicry] to add to his Dark Chimera Body the wool of a Carnivorous Sheep. Their wool was very cozy, and with a naturally warm body, he was the perfect heater! His body was naturally warm due to his [Fire Breath] skill he got from the Dragon he ate.

"W-what was that?" Luke asked a little scared, not as much as before because of how silly it was the appearance of a chunky werewolf. Ent just looked at him and said: "A transformation, can't you see it? Pruno, get in, it's getting colder. And you too. Can't let you die after I spent a whole week healing you... You owe me a huge debt and you're going to pay it." Luke nodded, it was only fair, he was surprised that Eny's voice got thicker and deeper when he transformed, as well as his eyes turned golden. The bat wings and the scorpion tail looked a little dangerous, the second mouth below the chin was also creepy, but he took a step forward as Pruno jumped inside the floof and vanished. He could hear the giggles from him, so it meant he was alive, but it looked very deep... Like a lake.

A black lake of cozy floof.

Luke slowly sank his hand in the soft fur and instantly felt his hand being grabbed by another hand as he was pulled in. When he went inside, he instantly saw the difference. Outside had a colder atmosphere, but inside was cozy and warm, it made him sleepy just by that fact alone. He looked around and saw that he was in a sphere that had no fur, so he had a pocket of air where he could stay. Little to no light entered this place, he could barely make out the face of Pruno. "Hey!" He smiled at Luke who awkwardly smiled back and said: "Uhm... Hi." Luke felt the awkward atmosphere here and wanted to say something, so he said the first thing that came to mind: "He is so big Is he always this big?"

Well, Eny was 4'9 at 10 while Luke was 4'5 and Pruno was 4'4. "He made himself bigger to accommodate us. It's nice here, when he does that it means he is cold and that winter is coming... Mother is going back to the Underworld." Luke was surprised: "How do you know that tale?" he asked, hoping for more information about Pruno so he could be his friend. Pruno giggled as he lied down on the silk-covered floor, seconds ago Eny produced a lot of silk to cover the earth so they may sleep well, it was thick enough to the pebbles wouldn't hurt them since they were wearing thin silk clothes. "Well, Eny told me the tale. He taught me a lot and kept me alive to this day... You see, I met him when i was 5 and he was 6, I barely remember anything about that, only about how he taught me things! He taught me how to read, write, and how to use my gifts! He is everything I have."

Luke smiled sadly, he wished his mother was like that but... No, she wasn't. She never taught him anything but to be quiet and to feel pain. "Oh, wait, 5 years?" Luke asked a little shocked, Pruno just smiled and said: "Yeah! He was also cool back then! He always wears that black jacket of his, I don't know what though. We have been going around the country for three years now, Eny is hunting monsters." Luke was once again shocked by this information, he decided to ask: "Hunt them? For what?" Before Pruno could answer, a crunching sound came out of their cozy space, then came the sound of bones breaking and flesh being torn apart by teeth.

Pruno chuckled at Luke's shocked and scared face, he then said while smiling: "To eat!" Luke looked at him like he was crazy for a second, ready to say it was impossible because when killed, the monster's body turns into golden dust! But soon he remembered about the Mermaid that did not vanish as it was killed by Eny, his shock only increased when a wolf head entered the floof sanctuary with blood dripping from its mouth. A deep, hoarse voice echoed: "Pruno, go to sleep, it's getting late already. We're leaving at 5 A.M tomorrow because we need to get to the cave." Pruno pouted cutely, but it was of no use to the big bad wolf, who just ignored him and took his head out of the floof sanctuary.

Luke subconsciously let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as his heart began to beat faster as he felt a little bit of fear. At first, he found it funny that Eny could make his fur expand, but now he remembers how Eny gave him a powerful aura and soon be understood why... Eny could kill him easily and he wouldn't be able to run away.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Writing in this novel to get rid of the author block from the other novel, I suddenly get inspiration at midnight in my country rn.