
Chapter 111: Departure

"That's absurd!" Shouted the blond little girl, throwing her hands to the air as she looked at the sky in a irritated manner. This was of course Annabeth Chase, the young daughter of Athena and member of Camp Half-Blood, a part of Enychta's family and little pack. She, alongside Thalia Grace, the Daughter of Zeus that was also part of Enychta's little family slash pack was also enraged at her father for giving her friends a suicide quest. She knew her father was not the fairest God in all of the divines due to him always cheating on Hera, but to send her friends to a suicide quest was too much!

"I agree." Enychta, a tall 7'2 muscular man with large shoulder and a rectangular build, with slightly tanned skin and black hair and deep purple eyes that if you stared at them for too long you would see an entire galaxy inside his eyes, he was wearing a sleeveless black shirt so everyone could see his scars along his arms and his tattoo of the sun, they were getting ready to leave camp to go to the Sea of Monsters! Enychta was wearing his clothes along side the loves his life, Luke Castellan, the sand blond haired, 6'1 tall (He grew!) muscular boy who had some scars one his arms and legs! Luke was also wearing a sleeveless shirt since Enychta expressed his hate for sleeved shirts and corrupted him to the dark side, exposing his tattooed shoulder that had the Sun Tarot Card. He also had a cross on his throat with little stars in all of his fingers, he wanted to get more tattoos but that'll have to wait.

The last but certainly not least was the 5'7 tall young boy that carried the scent of meadows, spring, flowers, death and decay, with his bright pink hair and eyes he was very eye-catching. Pruno had a sleeved Hawaiian floral shirt, all the flowers were white while the shirt itself was salmon pink. He had a black sunglasses on his forehead while he was packing the things, bringing Supernatural Sunscreen just for precaution alongside some potions brewed by a child of Hermes that wanted to help their big brother aka Luke, with some minor problems. These potions were the simple [Extinguisher Potion], that exploded like a grenade and extinguished all flames in the radius (Not Greek Fire, sadly), and a few [Sleep Potions] that could make something that drank it sleep for 24 hours.

"But it doesn't matter... He gave us the quest, and if i don't do it? He already sent Ares to try and capture Pruno and kill me, now he can't get close to us without breaking his vow to Styx, but Zeus already broke his own vow to Styx when you were conceived, Thalia. What will he do to my family if i don't do the quest? I can protect myself but- i don't think I can defeat a God yet! I'm sacred he will try something, so keep an eye out on Annabeth please." Enychta hugged Thalia, her 5'5 self was fully covered her with his big body. Thalia sighed and nodded, making Enychta relax a little... They separated and Enychta took the military dog tag Pruno gave him and wore it, that was a personalized dog tag with the name of his lovers, Luke Castellan and Pruno Begoni, behind Luke's tag was a pair of wings, and behind Pruno's name was a rose.

After he was also given his black leather jacket, this was a bigger version of the first leather jacket he ever stole! He still has it, he smiles every time he looks at it because it makes him smile, brings him memories of his youth. "We're all ready?" Enychta asked as he took the enchanted bag of holding Pruno had, Luke came back into the room with his new sword... Did k ever describe it? If not, it is a Celestial Bronze sword with a red holder (I don't remember the name for that thing you put swords on), the blade has a perpetual blood line from the point of the blade till the bottom of the handle. It was very sharp-looking as well, capable of cutting a monster in half in a second. Maybe the sword was able to transform into another weapon, like, you know? A scythe of something like that.

Pruno was going to get a new pair of dagger made out of Stygian Iron as a gift from Persephone his mother, but it would take a while to make, so he sadly couldn't use it in this next quest.

"We're off to kill sea monsters!... I wonder what Charybdis tastes like..." Eny wondered as Thalia talked with Pruno while Luke explained some things to Annabeth who was still very scared for them about what they'll find, she just recently read the Odyssey and learned who Scylla and Charybdis were! She was scared, little did she know that Enychta had already eaten a Hydra and could grow as many heads as he wanted to. This time they would take their sweet time to go the place of their quest, the Bermuda Triangle, also Enychta couldn't risk flying with his lovers with him since Mr. Lightbulb could strike him down like the whiny bitch he was! So by boat it was, they didn't have a fight with Poseidon anyway, so it was fine going by boat.

Maybe they could Shadow Travel, but any of them had yet to learn that, and Grenade was living a peaceful life in the Underworld collecting treasure from random Hellhounds that hoard treasures or simply ate a Demigod with their money something like that. Plus, entering and leaving the Underworld was easier than teleporting to a place far away since Shadow Travel is made for Gods to enter and leave the underworld easily, so Luke (Son of Hermes and Mailman of Olympus, he can leave and enter the Underworld easily), Pruno (Son of Persephone, who can leave and enter the Underworld easily too), and Enychta (Son of Nyx, the Goddess that enters Tartarus when is day and leaves at Night, going through the underworld).

And so, they left, not knowing what would happen.