
son of the mountain you stole my heart

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT AHEAD. "Now that I have tasted the serenity of laying my head on your masculine chest, no one can shove me away from you my king. we're entrapped to each other my King ... come with me tonight...let me feed you the honey from my mother land...let me reveal to you the fertile untilled land which no man has ever set their feet upon.. for it has been hiden from them for many a days...it is only for you till your highness..." Sheshije, a young maiden from the ukadama kingdom is forced by her greedy for power farther to mary Kodawa, the crown prince. Who is considered arrogant and evil by nearly every person in the kingdom... While being the damsel in distress she meets her knight in shining armor. Seghete who introduced himself to her as a hunter... due to reasons best known to fate.. the two end up falling in love at the very first day they met. Sheshije's father and the crown prince try their best to stop the mighty bond that was drastically sprouting between the two... Shock grips them all after finding out that Seghete is actually not a hunter but the only son of the great Tubheta emperor! SON OF THE MOUNTAIN YOU STOLE MY HEART. Is a novel beautifully painted with romance and a little potions of the taveta culture. One finds it hard to put it down once they start reading.. it has a fair portion of explicit mature content which may not be good for younger readers.. or anyone who feels uncomfortable with the content..

Joy_Rayasi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Several weeks have passed since the day Sheshije had undergone through the rite of passage as , a tradition which the Tubheta community had been practicing ever since the beginning of time.

Her planned wedding with the Ukadaman prince was to be held in a week's time. Knowing how unruly his daughter could be, Sheshije's father had strictly ordered his wife and the family members who had come for the wedding to confine her , so that she would not escape in case she plan to.

unknown to him that his daughter had totally broken down...

In one of the huts that were built at the periphery of the home yard..a girl laid on the mad floor. Her tender back was bruised because of it being pressed on the rigid ground for a long time. A faint smell of iron painted the suffocating air around. Few drops of blood were leaking from her wounds.

streams of painful tears had soaked her cheeks, her eyes were sore. Sheshije was trembling on the ground like an opharn chick.

She had tried to plead with her parents not let her undergo the painful act in the name of tradition but her father was adamant about it. The women with blades had mercilessly sliced a section on her most treasured part of her body.. The brutal action had not only taken away a part of her body but also her entire soul,pride and the vigour she once had.

As if that wasn't enough amidst her recuperation she had been dragged in the lonely hurt she was currently in, to be imprisoned until the wedding day.

She had never felt so dejected ever since she was born until the heart wrecking actions done to her by her family especially her very own father.

'It is so ironic...a family that should stand in line to protect you is the one that wants to destroy you so badly for material gain..so this is how the sacrificial lambs have been feeling all along? to suffer and die for the peace and prosperity of others?! ' she spoke in her head. She had become completely dumb and refused to talk after the encounter with the haunting women with blades.

She let out a maddening laugh that was filled with pain and anguish. Her soulless body vibrating along, darkness enveloped her vision and everything around her turned dark..


His body shaking with rage. His hands tightly gripping the railings of the metal bars. His eyes flickered with a blazing yellow light that illuminated the cell room. He was furiously panting.

(a few hours earlier..)

Seghete was seated in the cell shackles tightly engraved his masculine body. when his heartbeat suddenly picked a foreign pace .. when he shut his eyes to receive whatever kind of message his inner self was bringing out.

His whole body went numb after witnessing what was unfolding in his vision.

The girl whom had stolen his heart..the girl who has possessed his soul so much that all he could think about was her and her charming personality..

She was trembling and crying.. lying hopelessly on a cold ground..her will power long gone with all the essence of bravery in her.. she looked nothing less to a luhungu woman ( mad woman) her sobs sent an unexplainable wave of pain in his system..then he saw her collapsing on the ground her body stilling as if her soul had left her body.

( Back to the current moment)

His controlled demeanour had vanished into thin air, all he wanted was to go berserk and burn down not only the palace premises but also the entire Ukadama kingdom!

He so badly wanted to destroy everything and take away his beautiful rose with him to the empire.

The ground had begun shaking tremendously and cracks had started to form on the walls of the dungeons.

He was at the verge of falling in to complete darkness. The long time secret which had been carefully preserved for generations about the imperial family was about to be brought out in the open.


Back in the imperial palace, The empress stood, her hand tightly gripping the railings at her patio. The sky was coated in a dark hue of smoke which was invisible to all the mortals. She knew her son was the only immortal capable of emitting such a powerful aura. She needed not to be told that Seghete was not doing well wherever he was and that he was in a process of going completely berserk.

' This is not good at all' she muttered to herself. She was so deep in tension that she failed to notice someone coming her way.

"Hail the imperial family. Greetings to the gracious flower of the Tubheta empire." One of the servants deeply bored to her.

" Rise Metiaki, what brings you uninvited to my chambers?" She asked the emperor's personal guard.

"Your highness, his Majesty the Emperor summons you in his private chambers."

Metiaki politely informed.