
Son of The Elder Blood: A Witcher Fanfiction

After dying a boy from the modern world is reborn into the world of the witcher and gets more than he bargained for when he comes to know that he is Ezera Von Ehmyr Riannon twin of Cirilla and thrust into a destiny of swords magic and blood. Armed with the power of the elder blood and the mutations of the school of the wolf he walks the path of betterment for himself and his sister but fate is a fickle mistress and has her ways of playing tricks. Join him on his journey and don't forget to toss a coin to your witcher.

WeebLuvsRamen · Book&Literature
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At Full Sprint

That short burst of time was enough for Ciri's horse to outpace her brothers and the squire as they were only following the trample track in the tall grass leading toward Brokilon. Ezera's heartbeat fasten not only from adrenaline but fear as he knows the inhabitants of the forest are unwelcoming to outsiders especially males so they had to tred very carefully.

As the two boys continued on the path Ezera noticed it becoming razed and scattered only a little bit later to be greeted with the sight of a fallen horse seemingly with a broken leg at the edge of the forest

The Brokilon forest was pretty much closed in by trees, so, it was like it was in its own little world within the northern realm. Green and amber leaves scatter the forest floor, whilst tall trees with dark green leaves loomed over the top of you like giant umbrellas.

Only a tiny bit of light is able to seep through the leaves, gentle and soft like the trunks of each tree. The base of these were massive, and if you cut out the center at least two people would be able to fit in it. In here is where the unwanted would find the elves, and there deaths would surely follow

Dismount his horse Ezera decides to inspect the scene for any traces of his sister as she was nowhere in sight.

" Ciri's horse seemed to tumble and slid from the pattern on the ground and it seems she dismounted before as she could have suffered greatly from injury be that from the tumble or by simply being pinned under the horse itself " Ezera says as he follows the skid marks backwards finding a crued trap tripped by the horse

"Hmmm, some sort of pitfall trap how it's triggered eludes me at the moment but it did it's job as it keep ciri from riding in on her horse cleaver, now where are the tracks of my sister the can't be that far" Ezera looking neat the trap

"Here Prince Ezera I've seemed to have found her tracks " stated Marck as he waited by his discovery

"Alright since I know her starting point this will make tracking her easier, now where's my little friend" Ezera rummaged through his trousers before finally pulling out an obsidian crystal bird skull holding it in between his pointer and thumb light being unable to travel through it

"And how is that supposed to find your sister because I don't think bribery will work " the squire starting to wonder if the boy even knew what he was doing

"Man of little faith" Ezera uttered simply before drawing blood from his thumb allowing it flow onto the skull before grasping it in his palm while whispering an incantation. Following the ending a smoky flash revealed a pitch black raven with red beaded eyes perched on ezera's wrist him with a curled pointer lightly grazed the bird's beak

"Wow, I'm surprised someone your age is already this versed in magic " him clearly being enthralled by the sudden emergence of the winged creature but just as suddenly as it came it went as Ezera whispered something again and it took off soon after

"He will locate ciri as me and her have similar signatures come but keep in mind the inhabitants of these woods won't take kindly to use impeding on their territory" following the warning Ezera took off after the bird leaving Marck to decide whether to follow or not

Ezera and Marck lead by the summoned raven ventured through the forest of Dryads , it was unlike anything you would ever see in their whole life. The trees looked like they could reach the heavens, the leaves covered the sky as rays of light washed down from the open areas, the sounds of birds chirping and small hooves running through the forest made the area seem quite relaxing, but an underlying danger was equal present as up above

A young dryad sat on a branch of a tall spruce listening to the ancient trees humming their hollow songs softly to her. Even though her heart was woeful , this forest was the only place she wanted to be today. If there was a home for her in this world, it would be this spruce - or any spruce, for they had the same spirit. Her home was this forest, for only in the forest she could breathe freely, for only in the forest she could live truly, for only in the forest she could feel herself rightly.

The sun was shining through the foliage, making sliding shadows as the branches swayed the wind and the curious dance of two squirrels around the trunk of the spruce made her smile. She let the scent of the forest fill her senses and the smell could not be named as anything other than spring. The snow had melted, leaving the land bare and making it smell of earth.

The forest whispered to her soul, inviting her to the spring. everywhere full of beautiful blooming flowers, As she was enjoying being one with nature her senses picked up unfamiliar scents alerting her of trespassers she leans over the branch only to see two human boys roaming without a care

"How dare they step foot here, though the question that should be asked is where is the sentry of this section she should be constantly sweeping the perimeter firing warning shots as they only get one" she being fleet-footed maneuvered from branch to branch gracefully not making a sound as not to draw attention

Well trained the skilled female hardly notices the bow any longer, it's as if they have become one. There no longer being a time where the young dryad would have ceded to carrying a weapon, The reflex bow she had was crafted of flexible, slender wood and wound around the grip was dyed red.

she allowed it to relax comfortably in her hand before nocking an arrow. As the string became taught, its position consistent from training she became excited an anticipation ready to take the shot. Just before loosing the arrow a butterfly can and sat on the tip of the arrow as it was marked for the leading boy.

Relaxing her draw watching as it opened and closed its wings seemed to appease the admiral butterfly as it took off soon after. Against her better judgement she quelled her own anger and chose to simply track them for now.

"Ciri seemed to have started running judging from the stride and print imprint as it's deeper towards the front of the foot why?" Ezera wondered as her footsteps were pretty uniform before something or someone caused it to change.

A sudden yelp sounded off breaking his concentration as he looked up to find the source he was greeted with multiple large crater like holes one of which the squire fell into Ezera walking over to cast judgment through his glance

"Are you just gonna state or are you gonna help me outta here!?" Marck slightly scared as the prince looked to his companion who recently landed to make a decision but for leaning down and helping him out

"My goodness these dryads and their damn traps to hell with them and this forest" after those words left his mouth he felt a slight shiver go up his spine as if he just angered the gods their eyes directly on him

"This is no trap, nor is it a simply hole if you inspected your surroundings while down there you would have clearly seen that tunneled from underground and broke through there" anger and a sense of fear leaking from the prince's voice not waiting a second more took off in a sprint

"You can be saying that something made that can you" forcing the words from his mouth as he tried to keep up

"That's exactly what I'm saying and what ever it is I refuse to let it get my sister no way in hell!" No longer entertaining a conversation he sped up once more leaving Marck gasping for breathing as he tried to stay with him.

Once the two males were far enough from the scene the dryad that followed them leap down to inspect the site noticing immediately what made the deep pocket on the forest floor

" raenn veloë wedd na yghern ess vort yers de stráede" this elder speech leaving her mouth with a small amount of sympathy as she could see the male was truly troubled but she understood that what he was about to confront might end in death

Work was hectic today but I seem to write better during my breaks which I didn’t have many of than at home weird.... but anyway

Enjoy the chapter and as always thanks

WeebLuvsRamencreators' thoughts