
The Phenix enters

"Make love to me"






Matsuda's head went blank at her sudden request. Had he finally gone insane?

"Um um um, ex-ex-excuse me Buchou b-but i… think I may have… misheard you but what did you say?"

Seeing his confused expression, Rias speaks up once more

"I want you to take my virginity."


"Hurry up and get to bed. I will get ready soon" she hassles him while taking her uniform off. Under normal circumstances, Matsuda should have felt ecstatic over the fact that that the women of his dreams wanted to sleep with him. However, right now he had no idea what was happening. His mind couldn't keep up with Rias actions.


Rias takes off her skirt revealing her white underwear underneath as well her beautiful long legs. He couldn't help but be captivated by her thighs that he definitely wanted to touch.

She then reached for her bra

"um B-Buchou, this is…"

Matsuda was clearly panicking at the situation before him. Even a horny pervert like himself was confused when Rias suddenly appeared in his room and said something like "let's have sex" out of nowhere.


She removes her bra allowing full view of her magnificent breasts that Matsuda always dreams about.

Rias takes a deep breath before approaching Matsuda.

"Matsuda! Aren't I good enough?"

"W-What nononononono, absolutely not Buchou" he shacked his head at full speed.

"I thought about all possible solutions, but this is the only method I have left."

Method! What method Matsuda couldn't help but wonder.

"If there is evidence, then they won't be able to complain about. The only person close to me who is able to do it with me is you."

She wanted to give his first time to him. He desperately wanted to scream that it was an honour but lacked the confidence to do so.

"Yuuto-kun won't do it out of chivalrous intentions. He would definitely decline had I asked him. That's why you are the only possible choice, Matsuda-kun."

Matsuda would have totally celebrated over the fact that she had picked him over pretty boy.

"… There are things you still lack in but you do have the potential"

Rias fingertips touches Matsuda's cheek causing his cheek to flush crimson and his heart beat very fast.

"You are the only one who would do it as soon as I asked and will continue all the way."

"B-Buchou" was all he could say before he is pushed down on the bed with Rias on top of him. Her butt and thighs touching his most private parts. Such a scene would normally have been something he would gladly have died for, were it not for his inner turmoil.

"This is your first time, correct Matsuda? Or do you have prior experience"

"It's It's my first time"

"It's my first as well as well. So let's keep going all the way. It's pretty simple. All you have to do is put it inside here" She touched her important part with her finger stimulating Matsuda's mind to no end that it felt as though his brain would burst into a million pieces.

Rias then took his hand and…


She places it on top her voluptuous breast.

All of a sudden, Matsuda had a massive nosebleed. The sensation of her breasts that he dreamed of for so long was just to much to bear. It was absolutely amazing that he felt as though he could die right now without any regrets.

"Do you feel it?" his thoughts were interrupted by Rias who spoke in her charming voice.

"I'm also nervous. You can feel my heart beat, right?" Now that she mentioned it, he could feel her heart beating fast through her soft breasts and if he looked carefully, he could notice her white skin slowly turning red. Was she actually nervous?

Rias then started to strip Matsuda of his clothes which flustered him greatly

"B-B-But I don't have any confidence Buchou" he whined to her. Rias then brought her face near his ear.

"Then let's see what we can do about that."

With that comment, he could no longer hold back his instincts. He decided 'screw it' and just take the plunge as he grabbed her by her shoulders and pushed her down his bed. There was a beautiful woman right in front of him so there was only one thing to do.

His body was slowly inching closer to hers


All of a sudden, the floor of his room flashed once again as another magic circle appeared.

Seeing that, Rias sighed.

"It appears I was to late."

Too late… to late for what was all Matsuda could think about as he watches Rias looking at the magic circle in disgust. He looked at it and noticed that it was a Gremory magic circle.

Was it Akeno, Kiba or Koneko? No, it can't be otherwise why would Rias look at it in disgust. In that case, it would have to be someone related to his Buchou then. But that is an even worst-case scenario for him. What happens when they see him in this position with the heir of the Gremory. He would certainly have hell to pay for, servant or not.

'Oh no, what if it's Buchou's brother?' If he remembered correctly, she said that her brother was the current Lucifer, one of the 4 leading Maou's of the Underworld and from what he heard about him, he was an enormous sis-con. If he were to see Matsuda on top of his sister, he was definitely dead, no question about it. He began to sweat profusely as his life was once again in mortal peril. What rotten luck. First a dragon king and now a Maou. Is this the curse of the Heavenly Dragon.

However, his prediction turned out to be wrong as instead of a Maou, a beautiful silver haired woman appeared from the magic circle. He was astonished by her beauty which rivalled Rias. He also noticed that she was wearing a maid uniform. Does that mean that she was a servant of the Gremory family? He sighed a small breath of relief knowing that it wasn't the Maou that appeared.

But, wait a minute… things are still bad for him if she reports what she is seeing and he could see that she was silently staring at them with an expressionless face.

"Are you trying to break the engagement by doing something like this?" she spoke plainly as though she was astonished.

'Engagement… what engagement' thought Matsuda as he was trying to figure out what was going on but clearly was coming up blank.

Rias, however, twitches her eyebrows after hearing the maids statement.

"If I don't go this far, Otou-sama and Oni-sama won't listen to me, right?"

"Both Sirzech-sama and the master will be become sad after they find out that you tried to give your purity to a lowly servant such as him."

It would seem Matsuda's suspicion that she was indeed a Gremory servant was correct. Although it still hurt to be called a lowly servant by the maid.

"My purity is mine alone! What's wrong with giving it to someone I acknowledge? Also, how dare you call my cute servant lowly. I won't forgive you even if it's you Grayfia." She stated unpleasantly after hearing the now named Grayfia say that.

Matsuda looked at Rias with awe and was so moved that she came to defend him.

Grayfia sighed before picking up Rias' bra.

"Anyways, you are the next heiress of the House of Gremory, so please do not show your skin to a man recklessly. Even more so because you are in this situation" she told Rias before putting back her bra. She then turned her attention to Matsuda and bowed.

"Good evening. My name is Grayfia Lucifuge and I'm a maid currently working under the House of Gremory. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She gave a polite instruction to Matsuda who could not help but be at awe at her beauty. So much in awe that he didn't answer her which caused Rias to pinch his cheeks because he was gawking at Grayfia.

"Owowow, sorry Buchou" Rias sighed before letting go of her cute servants cheek who then proceeded to rub the affected cheek. It did hurt a bit.

"Grayfia, did you come here of your own accord, or did my parents send you… or was it Oni-sama." Rias made an unpleasant face that Matsuda had never seen on her before.

"All of the above" Grayfia answered. Hearing that, Rias once again sighed as if she was giving up.

"Is that so? You who is my brother's Queen, came to the human world personally. So it can only mean one thing… I understand" Rias then puts her clothes back on.

"I'm sorry Matsuda-kun. Let's make it so the thing from earlier never happened. I wasn't thinking straight as I'm sure you weren't. Let's forget that this incident ever occurred."

Matsuda slowly nodded his head although he felt he might come to regret it later on.

"Matsuda! Wait, is this person?" Grayfia's expression turned into one of shock when she heard Rias mention his name. He did find it pretty surprising himself.

"Yes, this is Matsuda Suzuki, my sole Pawn and the wielder of the Boosted Gear" she replied and if you listened carefully, you could tell that her tone contained a bit of pride in it.

"The Boosted Gear, the one possessed by the Red Dragon Emperor, Ddraig" she stated with surprised and little hint of fear. Grayfia did participate in the Great War and was there when all three factions held a ceasefire and banded together to deal with the Heavenly Dragons that crashed into their war. It was probably the first time that Grayfia had ever experienced true fear. She could recall whenever Ddraig or Albion had their glares directly at her, her body and mind would momentarily freeze up just from the pressure from their gaze that promised nothing but death at interfering in their fight. It wasn't as though she was the only one. Many devils, angels and fallen angels alike were absolutely horrified when facing the two dragons. After all, those two were no ordinary dragons. They were the two heavenly dragons said to have stolen the principality of Domination and Supremacy from the lord almighty and have the strength to easily kill Gods by themselves. Their strength was unrivaled and unmatched. This was further proven by the fact that all three factions had to unite their forces to even stand a chance against those two monsters. So many people had died in the Great War but the battle that had the most casualties was definitely the fight against Ddraig and Albion. Millions of angels, devils and fallen angels, had fallen to the claws and fangs of the two dragons including the original four Maous as well as the God of the Bible who sacrificed himself to seal the two dragons into sacred gears.

(This is technically not correct, but just wanted to change it up a bit because… why not :P Doesn't really change much)

Grayfia herself was on the verge of dying many times against those two. She knew she was a powerful individual, praised as the strongest queen of the underworld but when compared to any of those two, she could not hope to hold a candle to them. What was perhaps the most frightening thing for Grayfia was the fact that Ddraig and Albion were able to cause so much damage without the use of their ultimate breath. Their most powerful arsenal said to be able to reduce even gods to ashes was never once used during the battle, no matter how difficult the battle had been. She shuddered to think what would have happened if they had disregarded their pride and used their breaths during the fight. There was little doubt that had that occurred then the 2 dragons would probably still be fighting in the skies above while their factions would have been reduced to ashes and gone extinct.

"Grayfia, let's go to my room. I will listen to what you have to say over there. Can Akeno attend as well" Rias interrupted Grayfia's thoughts which she silently appreciated.

"The Priestess of Thunder? She may join you. It is a must for a queen to accompany their king for important matters anyway" responded Grayfia.

"I see. Matsuda-kun" she turned to address her pawn. She then calmly walked towards him and


She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Please forgive me for today with this. I have troubled you a lot today with my selfishness and I hope you can forgive me. Let's meet up tomorrow in the clubroom" she apologized to Matsuda before saying her farewell and then disappearing in a magic circle alongside Grayfia.

Even when they were gone, Matsuda was still rubbing the spot where she had kissed him not believing what just happened.

It would take a long time before he was able to nod off and sleep.

"Buchou's problem? Maybe it has something to do with the House of Gremory."

Kiba says that to Matsuda while they were all walking towards the clubroom located in the old school building. The three of them met Kiba on their way to the clubroom when Matsuda posed Kiba a question about how Buchou is acting strange lately, but it seems even he didn't know the reason why.

"Do you think Akeno-san would know?" Matsuda asked.

Kiba nodded at his question

"I believe so. Akeno-san is Buchou's most trusted servant, so she obviously would know."

"Has Akeno-san spoken to you about it?" Matsuda asked Issei. You could tell he was clearly concerned about Rias although a bit more than usual.

"Did something happen?" Issei thought to himself before answering

"Unfortunately, Akeno hasn't told me about anything. She probably didn't want to bother me with such issues." He recalled how he woke up in the morning expecting to see his beloved sleeping right next to him, only to find her missing which he did find worrisome.

"Has something happened?" Issei got straight to the point.

"umm… well k-kind of" seeing Matsuda staggering all but confirmed his theory but before he could ask, they had already arrived at the ORC. That's when he noticed an additional presence inside the room.

Kiba knocked twice on the door and Rias could be heard inviting them in.

"Please come in." Kiba opened the door as soon as he received permission from his king.

Inside the room are Rias, Akeno-san, Koneko-chan, and… an amazingly beautiful silver haired maid. Issei seemed speechless. She sure is breath takingly beautiful possessing a certain grace and maturity not found in many women. Although, now isn't the time to be admiring her. He needed to understand what was going on.

Rias has a very unpleasant face. Akeno-chan is smiling like usual, but she has cold vibe. This definitely told Issei that something was going on.

Koneko is sitting on a chair at the corner quietly. It seems like she doesn't want to get involved with others much as possible.

The room has an atmosphere where no one is talking.

Kiba quietly says "Oh my" from behind me. The four of them go inside the room but none of the members are talking to them like they always do.

That's how tense the atmosphere of this room is.

Asia is also feeling uneasy so she holds onto Matsuda's sleeve with an uneasy face. He pats on her head to comfort her and to make her feel safe. It seems their relationship is improving at a steady pace.

Buchou speaks after looking at each of us.

"Looks like everyone is here. Before we start the club, there's something I need to tell all of you."

"Ojou-sama, do you want me to explain the situation?"

Buchou rejects Grayfia-san's offer by waving her hand.

"The truth is—"

It happens exactly when Buchou speaks. The magic-circle on the floor glows.

From the magic permeating from it I can tell that it belongs to a phoenix member.

"Phoenix", Kiba said proving that what I thought was right. No sooner than he said this, the silhouette of a man came from within the flames. With a sweep of his hand the flames disappeared.

"It has been a while since Riser has been into the human world." Holy crap, the guy talks in the 3rd person. From his posture I can tell that he is incredibly arrogant and thinks himself superior to others. I already don't like him. A sentiment that seems to have ben shared with the rest of the peerage.

The guy looks around the room and smirks after he finds Rias.

"Ah! There you are, my lovely Rias. I've come to see you."

Lovely Rias? Does he have some kind of relationship with him? By everyone's expression I could tell that it was an unwanted relationship. It was further proven as Rias was looking at him with her eyes half closed. Definitely, he was unwelcomed here. However, it didn't look like that chicken cared as he approached her.

"Come now, Rias. We should go and look at the ceremony. The date for our ceremony has already been decided so we should go and take a look before then." Without a care, he grabs Rias' arm. What an asshole.

"Let go of me, Riser." Rias said in a deeper and serious voice while shaking the guys hands off her. If it wasn't obvious before, it certainly is now that she hates this person guts not that I can blame her.

"HEY, how dare you touch Buchou!" Matsuda yelled, pissed off at his attitude towards his king. Riser simply looked at him in disgust, as if he were addressing trash.

"And who are you?" he said in a hateful tone towards Matsuda. Funny how he still doesn't notice me yet or maybe he doesn't care.

"I'm the pawn of Rias Gremory-sama, Matsuda Suzuki. Who the heck are you?" he yelled at the bastard, clearly pissed off.

Riser actually seemed to be surprised by that question.

"Oh… Rias! You haven't mentioned me to your servants. I am quite surprised they haven't heard of me considering we are going to be well acquainted soon enough."

"I didn't tell them because there was no need"

"Oh my, how harsh of you like always" He started laughing.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Matsuda yelled not understanding what he meant. That was when Grayfia came into the discussion.


"Y-Yes" Matsuda was clearly surprised. He had never been called -sama in his life.

"This person is Riser Phoenix-sama. He is a pure blood High class devil." More like a high-class idiot. "He is the 3rd son of the House of phoenix and he is also the husband of the next heiress of the Gremory family." She explained although if you paid close attention, you noticed how she said the last part with a more dejected tone, but subtly.

Wait a minute, did you just say what I think she just said. Isn't Rias the next… oh no.

"He is engaged to Rias ojou-sama!" She answered his worst fears.

"EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Matsuda screamed because of the revelation.

Next chapter