
Son of the Dragon Gods

A fanfic where Issei is the son of Ophis and Great Red

LazyKiller1632 · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs


Issei smiled as he looked towards his mother and mate.

"Let's go back" Ophis and Akeno nodded as Ophis held Akeno once again and teleported back to the observatory room. Issei teleported himself back there. He was greeted by the sight of Rias and his friends who congratulated him on his victory. Rias was beyond grateful as she thanked him over and over again. Issei tried his best to calm her down

"It was no trouble at all Rias. You are a friend and I also promised everyone to leave the matter to me." Issei said.

"Still, thank you very much Issei. I'm very grateful that you consider me a friend." Rias said as she hugged him, gaining a little bit of jealousy from Matsuda. Issei then noticed the other Maous and the parents of Riser and Rias approach. He also noticed that Ajuka was no longer present so he assumed that he must have left earlier for reasons unknown to him. He stepped forward and faced Sirzechs.

"I have won the match therefore, as promised, Rias engagement is annulled and she can choose whom she marries in the future." He stated their initial agreement. Sirzechs nodded.

"Indeed. As promised, Rias is now a free woman and is free to decide whom she will marry in the future. You have my word as the Maou Lucifer" he stated all too eagerly. Rias was on the verge of tears considering that she had assumed her life was over but now she was finally free.

"Good. In that case, we will be leaving now" said Issei as he turned around. However, the Phenex Matriarch shakily stepped forward.

"Ex-Excuse me!" Issei turned back around to face her.

"Yes?" he asked politely.

"Is my son… alright?" she paused momentarily as she asked him her question, fearful of the answer. Luckily, to her relief, she saw him nod.

"I'm assuming you are talking about Riser Phenex. Yes, I've spared his life. He was probably teleported to the medical facilities or he simply teleported himself out".

Lady Phenex breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Thank you very much for sparing my son. I truly appreciate it." She thanked him.

"I didn't do it for him. But if you wish to thank me then I would ask you to erase those drawings in your corridor about my race. I refuse to allow my race to be made a mockery out of especially by such lies." Issei said with a hint of anger in his voice. Even though he never lets his pride get in the way, he does have a lot of pride in his race and he refuses for anyone to slander them in any way.

Lord Phenex was not pleased when he heard that.

"How dare you acc…"

"It will be done."

Before the lord Phenex could say anything, he was interrupted by his wife who glared at him and that was enough to silence him. Issei couldn't help but laugh in his mind as it appeared that it was the Matriarch who held the pants in the relationship. However, his mind then went to his mates and he couldn't help but wonder if this is what awaited him in the future. Scary thought. For now, these thoughts should be left aside for another time.

"If you wish to thank someone, then you should direct to Akeno because it was her who convinced me to spare your son. Otherwise, I would have eliminated him without hesitation for insulting my mate." Issei pointed at Akeno and Lady Phenex turned her attention towards her.

"No thanks are needed. I mean no offense to Lady Phenex-same, but I did it for Issei rather than to save your son" admitted Akeno. She only did it because she didn't want to see Issei reduce himself to Riser's level and because she knew he was a lot better than that.

"It does not matter whether you intended it or not you intended it. It was due to your actions that my son has been spared. So, for that, allow me to offer you my sincerest gratitude." She thanked her with a bow.

"You're welcome" responded Akeno. With that done, the lady and Lord Phenex teleported back to their estate.

Taking out the invitation Sirzechs had given him, Issei flipped it over and sent some of his magic into it. The paper glowed and from it a Griffon. Issei had never seen one up close. He had only heard about it through Tannin and his parents. It's pretty cool. Issei assumed that Sirzechs had given him the Griffon as a means of transportation although he didn't need it. However, he had an idea and he might as well make use of it.

"Oy Matsuda!" he called for his friend who responded.

"Yeah, what's up Issei?"

"Why don't you take Rias back on the Griffon? We may as well use it since Sirzechs provided us with it and I'm a dragon so I don't exactly need it." Issei suggested, which earned him a very exciting nod by Matsuda.

"YES, I would love to." He quickly made his way towards the griffon and climbed on it. He then extended his hand towards Rias who took it as he helped her climb aboard and she seated herself in front of him.

"I guess I'll see you guys back at the clubroom" Matsuda said as he waved them goodbye. The others waved as well before the Griffon flew up in the sky with the both of them.

In the air, Matsuda is feeling amazing because he can hold the woman he loves by his side. He needs to thank Issei after this, both for the opportunity as well as for saving his beloved king. Unfortunately, having that thought turned his mood upside down as he recalled that he was unable to do anything against Riser Phenex. He was unable to protect his Buchou despite all the training he did and it ate him inside. He vowed to himself that he would never let this happen again. His hand tightened on the reins, something Rias noticed as she looked back towards Matsuda.

"Is everything alright Matsuda-Kun?" she asked, unaware of his inner turmoil. Usually, due to their proximity, he would either become a blushing mess or have a perverted grin as he stared at her assets then have a massive nosebleed. She didn't mind it. It was a part of her pawn and she accepted him as he was. Besides, it's not like he is the first guy to do so. Practically all the boys in their school, except for Issei, would lust after her and Akeno, and as shown with Riser, so did many High-class devils. However, unlike Matsuda, she did not care for the rest of them. Matsuda was her beloved pawn and she cared greatly for him. More than he would know.

Matsuda looked towards her with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry I was unable to protect you against that bastard Riser, Buchou. I failed you as your pawn." He said feeling dejected. Seeing this, Rias stroked his cheek.

"You didn't fail me Matsuda-kun and neither did the others. You all fought as hard as you could and I couldn't be prouder of all of you." She responded with a smile. She knew they gave their all for her sake during the match so there was no way she was going to blame them for her defeat, especially not Matsuda who never gave up when facing Riser. Matsuda gently grabbed her hand

"Still, it was my job as a pawn to protect my king, whatever the cost and I was not able to do that despite all the training we had gone through to prepare. If it wasn't for Issei, Maou would have forbidden what that bastard would have done to you. I was powerless to stop Riser. I never want to go through something like that again and I never want to see you cry. That is why I vow to you now Buchou" He looked straight into her eyes, not noticing the small blush on her cheeks

"I will become a lot stronger. I will master the boosted gear and become the ultimate pawn so that next time, I will be able to protect you and everyone else I can about. I will make sure you never feel as helpless as that ever again and will never have to cry again. This I vow to you, Buchou" he stated with a serious expression. Rias had never seen him so serious. The fact that he hadn't noticed her blushed face only cements it.

She could tell that he seriously cared about her and it deeply moved her that he wanted to become stronger for her sake. But then, again she should have expected this. Matsuda was someone who cared more about his friends than himself. That is why her next action came pretty easily.

She placed her hands around his neck and kissed him. When Matsuda felt her lips, at first, he wasn't sure what was happening. Whether it was real or not. However, his brain did stop functioning for a moment. When Rias separated from him and saw his expression, she couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"Ufufu! Are you that surprised by a kiss Matsuda-kun. It was my first kiss after all" said Rias.

"EHHHH, B-Buchou's first kiss," said a surprised Matsuda.

"Yes, it was. If I'm not mistaken, the first kiss is something very special for girls in Japan?"

"I-I believe so. But Buchou, are you alright with giving your very valuable first kiss to me." He asked her shyly. Rias nodded.

"Of course. I wouldn't just give my first kiss to just anyone Matsuda-kun. Besides, you did something worth kissing with me." She responded with a smile. This was when his mind was overloaded with absolute joy.

"WOOOOHOOOOO, I kissed with Buchou!" He screamed off the top of his lungs

"ufufu, was a kiss with me that was special to you." She teased him. Matsuda nodded his head enthusiastically.

"YESSSSSSSS, I will treasure this moment forever!" he shouted with clear joy.

"Geez, you are honest with these kinds of things. Although, it would seem that I will have to apologize to Asia-chan for having taken a kiss from you. Ufufu, hopefully, she won't be too upset." Remarked Rias.

"EHH, Asia-chan is upset… … OH NO! if Asia-chan gets upset, then O-O-Ophis and G-G-Great-red are going to murder MEEEEE." He stuttered in absolute fear. He knew that Ophis and Great-red viewed Asia as their daughter and if he accidentally upset her, then they would have his head. His soul could be seen flying out of his body at the moment.

["HAHAHA, I won't be able to help that partner. You may have been my shortest host but you have also been my most entertaining. It was nice knowing you. We had a fun ride partner"] Ddraig laughed as he gave his condolences to his host.

"NOOOOOOOO, I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET. I STILL HAVEN'T TAKEN BUCHOU'S VIRGINITY" he yelled, fearing for his life. Maybe if he genuflects before them, they would spare his life… … maybe!

"ufufufufu! You truly are honest with these kinds of things" she repeated as she laughed at Matsuda's crisis as they kept flying towards their home.

(Back with the others)

Seeing the griffon ride off with Rias and Matsuda, it was time for the rest of them to go home as well.

"I think it is about time we head back as well." Remarked Issei. The others agreed as they all nodded.

"I'll head home then Issei. I'm sure your father will want to learn what's transpired here." His mother stated.

"Alright, I'll see you at home."

"Goodbye Aunty."

"Bye oka-san."

Ophis smiled at Akeno and Asia. "See you later," she said before teleporting herself back home.

The other soon followed suit as Rias Peerage teleported back to their clubroom, one by one until Issei was the remaining one.

He turned his attention towards Serafall, Sirzechs, and Grayfia who remained. Sirzechs stepped forward.

"I would like to thank you Issei Hyoudou. Thanks to your efforts, my sister was able to escape her unwanted engagement with Riser and is now free to choose her partner." He thanked Issei.

"You're welcome. Although it is weird to hear the Maou Lucifer thank me considering I pretty much scarred a member of your society." Issei raised a brow causing Sirzechs to chuckle.

"Certainly, as a Maou, I should be concerned over the potential consequences of your actions but I'm not here as a Maou but rather as a brother who is extremely grateful to you for saving his little sister. My actions are severely limited due to my status as a Maou and there was nothing I could do to intervene in her plight. That is why once again I Truly thank you from the bottom of my heart." Sirzechs stated with a small bow.

"I would also like to thank you Issei-san for what you did for our family. Thank you very much" Serafall added. Rias was her sister-in-law and she was as worried for her safety as Sirzechs when she thought about what Riser would have done to her should the wedding had gone through. Therefore, she is very grateful to Issei for having saved Rias and she was sure his beloved younger sister would be grateful to him as well.

"You're welcome. Rias is my friend and she deserves someone a whole lot better than that idiot." Issei responded. Anyone was better than Riser in his opinion.

"I'm very happy to hear that. Now, I believe it is time to take our leave. I'm sure we will have a lot to explain to the general populace and calm them down." Sirzechs explained.

"I'll handle the populace. You, unfortunately, have to deal with the council." Serafall stated making Sirzechs sigh.

"I know. That is something I am not looking forward to.

"I do apologize for the inconvenience" Issei offered an apology. Sirzechs waved his hand.

"No need to worry about that. This is just another day at the office for us. In any case, we will take our leave." Sirzechs said before he and Serafall walked away leaving behind Grayfia who had yet to say anything.

She stepped forward and bowed her head. "Thank you very much for saving Rias Ojou-same. We owe you a debt that cannot be repaid Issei-sama" Issei chuckled.

"Didn't I already tell you to skip the formalities with me and just call me Issei?"

Grayfia smiled. "Indeed, my apologies Issei. However, allow me to offer you my sincerest thanks for saving Rias-sama. If it wasn't for you, then she would have become a mere trophy to Riser Phenex."

"It was my pleasure, Grayfia. As I told your king, she is a friend and I promised everyone that I would save her. I never go back on a promise. Besides, there is no way I would have been able to do this without your and Sirzechs invitation so most of the credit belongs to you two." Issei explained.

"You truly are a humble person" she answered. Issei shrugged.

"I wouldn't say humble but more or less truthful. Thanks to your intervention, the situation has been dealt with relatively peacefully, otherwise, I would have taken more drastic measures to intervene. You could say I was in a bit of a bind on how to proceed but you two provided the perfect means to save Rias so it is I who should thank you. Besides" he stepped forward and patted Grayfia's shoulder "There's no way I wasn't going to save her when you asked me so earnestly." He smiled at her, causing Grayfia to blush a bit.

"W-Well I do appreciate it nonetheless. In any case, I'm sure you would like to go back to your home so I will no longer keep you here. Once again, allow me to thank you for saving Rias-sama." She bowed gracefully.

"And once again, it was my pleasure, Grayfia. I hope to see you again." He answered before gently grabbing his hand and kissing the top of it. He did this by instinct which is why a moment later he could not help but blush at his action. It was a shame that he looked away from Grayfia because he would have noticed a similar expression from Grayfia whose cheeks had become red. It took a moment for both of them to take a deep breath and calm down before she responded to Issei.

"I'm sure we will." She responded before he teleported back home. She then proceeded to walk back before she noticed Sirzechs and Serafall a bit further behind, now sporting enormous grins as though she had been caught in the act. Her expression didn't change as she approached them but, in her mind, she couldn't help but think 'oh no!'

"my oh my! It seemed you two were having a little moment. Could it be that someone has finally caught your fancy, Grayfia-chan?" Serafall teased her.

"It has been a long while since I have seen you blush like that," Sirzechs added.

"I was simply thanking him for having saved Ojou-sama." Grayfia answered in her usual tone, hoping to divert the conversation but looking at the two of them, she could see that it was not going to work.

"Come now, you don't need to hide your feelings, especially from us. If he interests you, then you should try and pursue him. I already told you in the past that you have my full support whenever you want to engage yourself with another." Sirzechs reminded her of the promise he made her a long time ago. Grayfia couldn't help but sigh.

"Even if I was, his heart already belongs to another." She responded, remembering how he had embraced Akeno back in the rating game field.

"Pft. That would have been a valid excuse if he had been Human, Grayfia. However, Issei is a dragon, and dragons are known to have multiple mates, especially the strong ones. Also, if I remember correctly, Issei is in a relationship with Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon king which proves that he is willing to have multiple mates if he falls in love with them. I'm not too much a love expert but from what I could see, he is most certainly interested in you. Don't tell me you never noticed him blushing when you both made contact with one another." Sirzechs smirked at Grayfia, causing Serafall to lightly smack his head.

"Don't be like that Sirzechs. It's not her fault. I can tell you that a woman in love will always be blind to certain things when it comes to romance." Serafall intervened against her husband.

"Oww Sera-chan, you didn't need to smack me." He complained. All he got in return was a smirk from his wife.

"It's one of the many benefits I have as your wife. Anyways, Grayfia-chan, the point is that if you wish to pursue a relationship with the boy then, by all means, go ahead. Like Sirzechs-chan stated, he is most certainly interested in you. If you want to be 100% sure, then you need to try or you will never find out. You deserve a chance to pursue your happiness." Stated Serafall. Sirzechs nodded in agreement. Grayfia sighed but then showed a smile to them.

"Thank you. I'll do my best but for now, I have work to do so if you will excuse me." She bowed gracefully to the both of them before teleporting back to the Gremory residence to continue her maid duties.

Sirzechs chuckled "She never changes does she!"

"It's part of her charm, my dear husband. Now, I believe it is time for me to go as well. I will have to make an announcement to the people and calm them down. I'm sure they are in a small state of panic after witnessing such a crazy fight and I cannot blame them. Hopefully, I will be able to erase their worries once I explain to them that Issei is an ally rather than an enemy." Serafall hoped she would be able to calm down the public.

"I'm sure you'll be able to convince them easily," Sirzechs reassured her. Everyone knew Serafall had a bright and cheery personality which is why she was the best person suited to calm down the public. Even Sirzechs had to admit that she beats him in that department. She was a good spokesperson which is why she was the Maou responsible for foreign affairs with other Factions. No one was better than her at public relations. Even the council had to admit begrudgingly that she was good at her job. That was saying something since the current Maous never really saw eye to eye with them.

"Thanks, Sirzechs-chan. After we deal with this, how about we go on a date. It has been quite a while since we spent time together or we can spend time as a family with Milicas and Grayfia." She smiled at Sirzechs as she made her suggestion. Sirzechs nodded.

"I would love that." He said before they both shared a loving kiss. After they separated, Serafall waved goodbye before teleporting to her office. Sirzechs decided to do the same as he had a lot of documents to go over.

Sirzechs was busy signing a few documents that Grayfia left for him when all of a sudden, a magic circle appeared in front of him. He looked up and recognized whose it belonged to. A moment later, Ajuka Beelzebub appeared from the magic circle just as he predicted. It still surprised him a bit, considering that Ajuka would usually knock on his door first before coming in. He doesn't mind it considering they are best friends. However, for him to have immediately teleported to his office without warning means that whatever he wants to talk to him about must be important.

Sirzechs lowered his pen and lifted himself from his seat and went to welcome his friend.

"Hello, Ajuka! Is everything alright?" he asked Ajuka who nodded his head.

"Everything is alright Sirzechs. I simply wanted to inform you of a particular matter that requires your attention. I'm assuming, since you are in your office, that everyone has already left." Ajuka asked. Sirzechs understood that the people he mentioned were referring to Issei and the others.

"Yes, they have. Did you perhaps wish to talk with them about something? I would have asked them to wait a while had I known you wanted to ask them something." Sirzechs inquired. He would have asked them to wait if he had known Ajuka wanted to talk to them.

However, Ajuka shook his head negatively.

"None of the sort. I simply asked because the matter I wish to discuss involves the young dragon." Ajuka replied. This made Sirzechs raise a brow, very curious as to what Ajuka wanted to tell him.

"Please explain," Sirzechs asked him to elaborate.

"When Issei Hyoudou unleashed his power against Riser Phenex, I noticed that his energy seemed oddly familiar, as though we had already encountered it someplace before." Ajuka started. That's when Sirzechs remembered that Ajuka had excused himself in the middle of the game and left for his laboratory.

"Ah, true, you did mention that before." Sirzechs interrupted but then motioned for Ajuka to continue.

"As I mentioned to you, I had a theory on where we've encountered his power which is why I immediately headed to my lab. After making a few analyses and comparing his energy signature, it would turn out that my theory turned out to be correct. Do you remember the incident in Kuoh almost a decade ago?" He asked his friend who nodded.

There was no way he could forget that. Almost 10 years ago, He and his fellow Maou had sensed a colossal amount of power that originated in Kuoh and when they teleported to the scene, they arrived only to find the surrounding environment obliterated. Not to mention that the incident also caught the attention of not only the Fallen Angels and Angels but also the Shinto, Norse, and Greek Pantheon. They had all agreed to come together and investigate the source.

"Indeed I remember. If I recall, we all determined the perpetrator to be a dragon and the investigation is still ongo…" His eyes suddenly went wide when he understood what Ajuka was pointing towards.

Seeing that his friend had caught on, Ajuka continued "I believe you've already guessed what I was alluding to. Indeed, after carefully comparing both signatures, I discovered it to be a match to Issei Hyoudou. Even now, I still find it hard to believe. The incident took place almost a decade ago and if the young boy wasn't lying about his age, he would have been barely a decade old. For him to possess such power at such a young age would make him truly monstrous even for a dragon. I also can't help but wonder what caused him to decimate the place. He didn't seem like the type to explode." Wondered Ajuka as his brain began to think of different possibilities. However, Sirzechs believed he already knew the answer to the question.

"I believe I know the answer to that if you simply look at the location. That place was the Himejima shrine where my sister's queen Akeno Himejima lived alongside her family. Based on what she told me, Akeno and Issei Hyoudou are childhood friends whose families used to hang out very often with each other. However, one day the Himejima clan ambushed Akeno and her mother in their home while her father Barakiel was away resulting in the death of her mother.

This is purely speculative on my part and based on the reports of the investigation from the past but I'm assuming the Himejima clan used some kind of spell to destroy the entire Shrine altogether and I assume the young Issei must have arrived at the scene witnessing all of that. Akeno is his mate and for a dragon, losing one of their precious mates is enough to send them into an outrage which is what I'm assuming happened to the boy." Sirzechs finished explaining. Ajuka nodded in agreement with his opinion.

"In regards to the topic regarding his incredible power, I think that can easily be explained if his mother is who I believe she is." This time it was Ajuka who raised a brow, wondering what Sirzechs meant.

"His mother?"

"Indeed! Shortly after you left, just when Issei was about to kill Riser off, his mother teleported to the rating game field and used her powers to stop her son's attack. Although it was brief, there was no way for me to be able to mistake that being's aura. That was most certainly Ophis" revealed Sirzechs.

Ajuka, uncharacteristically, suddenly went wide-eyed in shock upon hearing that. Not that anyone could blame since the news was that shocking.

"O-Ophis! Are you positive about that Sirzechs?"

"As I said, there is no way I would be able to mistake her aura. You know I wouldn't joke about something as serious as this" answered Sirzechs.

"I still find it hard to believe that it is her. From our reports, Ophis had disappeared nearly 2 decades ago and no one had seen her since. I had assumed that she had simply returned to the dimensional gap since as far as I know, the only thing Ophis had ever been interested in was to return to her home. To think that she would suddenly reappear and also have a son." Said a surprised Ajuka, still trying to wrap his head around this fact.

"Believe me, I share the same sentiment. However, if you look at the facts, it does pan out. Issei Hyoudou is approximately 17 years of age which coincides with the time frame that Ophis disappeared and it would explain the boy's enormous power if he were the son of a Dragon God." Said Sirzechs as he explained his reasoning to his friend. What he said made sense to Ajuka. He couldn't deny that it did coincide with the timeframe Ophis had supposedly disappeared.

"I see! However, this is a very concerning situation. How many people have figured out Ophis's identity?" asked Ajuka. It would cause widespread panic if people figured out Ophis was in the Underworld.

"Luckily, I believe only myself and Serafall figured it out since we were paying close attention. The others were luckily distracted by Issei Hyoudou to notice his mother."

"Well, at the very least that's one concern we don't have to worry about. However, that begs the question, what should we do with this information?" Ajuka pondered. They needed to tread carefully or things could go downhill real fast.

"To tell you the truth, I was thinking of simply doing nothing at all. From what I can see, she hasn't done anything against us and seems to be living peacefully in Kuoh." Sirzechs shrugged as he gave his answer, causing Ajuka to look at him in surprise. He honestly didn't expect that answer from Sirzechs. Seeing his reaction, Sirzechs continued.

"It's not like we can do much. If we take any action against Ophis, it would likely bring her wrath down on the Underworld and we would practically be wiped out. That is not even counting her son, Issei Hyoudou whose strength seems to rival if not even surpass ours. We would probably also have to face the wrath of Tannin, Tiamat, and the dragons. We wouldn't stand much of a chance alone against such a force."

"Tannin?" Ajuka raised a brow.

"Yeah! Tannin practically adores Issei as his most favored pupil and treats him as his nephew. Everyone over in the dragon's territory boasts about their Dragon Prince and I have little doubt they would take their side over ours any day.

Don't forget that Tannin-dono became a devil to help prevent the extinction of his species that required the use of Dragon Apples. He easily discarded his pride for the benefit of his species and I have little doubt that he would take the side of someone who he considers his nephew. I have no intention of starting a pointless war that will cost so many innocent lives. I've had enough of that during the Great War." He said in a saddened tone as he recalled all his friends who died in the war.

Ironically, most casualties were inflicted during the fight against the heavenly dragons and that was when they had combined forces with Heaven and Grigori. By themselves and against a Dragon God of all beings, there was only one guaranteed outcome should they be in combat, extinction!

Ajuka nodded. "Very well. I will follow your lead on this one. I agree that we cannot afford any sort of conflict against a dragon god; therefore, keeping quiet about this is the best option." Ajuka agreed with Sirzechs opinion.

"Indeed. Besides, if it was revelation was discovered, it would lead to a colossal amount of unwanted questions from those old bastards."

Ajuka understood he meant the devil council. It wasn't a secret that the 4 Maous and the devil council did not get along very well and he was sure that the council would raise several complaints about what transpired today.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Think about it! If they knew that Issei's mother was none other than the Ouroboros Dragon then it would raise the question of where she hid all this time. We know that she disappeared almost 2 decades ago and we know now that it was due to having a son. Since we also know that Issei and Akeno were childhood friends, it stands to reason that Ophis had been living in Kuoh for a time until the incident that happened in the Himejima Shrine. Then that would beg the question of where she went afterward. However, the answer here can easily be found due to her son."

Ajuka quickly caught on to what Sirzechs was pointing to.

"The Dragon Prince" he stated with Sirzechs nodding.

"Exactly! The rumors circulating the Dragon Prince started around a few years ago and since we all know that the Dragon Prince is Issei, it means that he and his family must have been living in Tannin's Territory for at least that long."

"So Ophis has been living right under our noses," Ajuka stated out loud as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"Yeah! I'm assuming either Ophis forced Tannin to allow them in or Tannin himself offered them sanctuary. Though I'm confident it's the latter considering how special Issei's existence would be.

Case in point, if the devil council found out that Ophis has been living in the Underworld all these years, they would probably start accusing us that we hid her as a power struggle to overthrow them or some other bullshit. This would no doubt lead to a civil war among us or in the absolute worst case, they will demand us to attack Ophis and drive her out of their home which would lead to our destruction. I'll be damned if I allow those old coots to lead our people to their deaths." Sirzechs finished explaining.

"Alright, I do agree with you on that point. However, in regards to Issei Hyoudou, should we tell the other factions about him? You did promise them that we would notify them should we find out who caused the incident back then!" He reminded him of his promise to the other leaders.

"True, however technically speaking, our investigation is still ongoing and they have yet to find any promising leads so I'm not exactly going back on my word." He twisted his words.

Ajuka could help but chuckle.

"You are a sly devil," Sirzechs smirked.

"We are Devils, we lie and deceive others. It's part of our job description and in this case, I'm not lying, just bending the truth a little," he stated. He is not exactly wrong.

"Very well. I'll trust you and go along with your plan."

"Thank you, my friend! Things certainly have gotten interesting to say the least. Our side now possesses the Red Dragon Emperor and it is only a matter of time before Red and White clash once more. And now a new Dragon God has been born. I wonder how things will change from now on. Only time will tell."

Sirzechs wondered before Ajuka decided to take his leave and teleport back to his laboratory while Sirzechs had to finish working on his documents.


The classroom bell rung signaling the end of the day as students rapidly got their things and either headed straight for home or their clubroom. Usually Issei and the others would have headed to the ORC however Rias let them know that she and Akeno were going to be busy to attend some matters and that they would meet tomorrow after school instead.

Since that was the case, Kiba and Koneko went ahead to meet some clients. Matsuda went back home and Asia followed him since Matsuda's mother invited her for dinner.

"Don't worry Asia, I'll let mom and dad know where you went. Go ahead and enjoy yourself." Issei smiled as he waved her goodbye.

"Thank you, Issei-san. I'll see you later!" Asia also bid him farewell as she followed Matsuda back to his place.

Once they were out of sight, Issei decided to head straight home. On the way, he began pondering what he should do for the rest of the day and decided that after greeting his parents, he would head to Tannin's territory and continue training on his abilities. There was still so much more to learn.

Eventually, he had arrived at his home. He could sense that both his parents were home.

He opened the door and entered.

"Hey mom, dad I'm home" he said before looking into the living room




Then he froze at the sight in front of him.

In front of him was a black-haired young man who he could tell was Ophis. Next to Ophis was a crimson haired beautiful woman who he knew was Great-red. However his mind could not compute what was going on.

"W-What the hell is this?" he shouted in disbelief. His parents turned to face him.

"Oh hey Issei, nice timing my son. Your mother and I were talking about some stuff then it somehow ended up in a debate over the fact that each of us believe we could assume a better-looking form than the other" Great red said in his new female voice.

"W-What" stuttered Issei. Honestly, everything his "dad" said went in one ear and out the other because he had no idea what to make of the situation in front of him. His parents saw his confused state and instantly understood what was going on.

"Oh right! We forgot that we never mentioned this to you; however, your father and I are technically genderless beings. We able to assume a male or female form whenever we want." His mother said in her male form while Great-red nodded in agreement. Seeing his distraught expression, they both reassumed their normal form.

"What your mother said is true son. Like she said, we never mentioned this to you so your reaction is understandable. Sorry about that!" Great-red apologized to his son who took a deep breath to calm himself.

"O-Okay but if both of you are genderless… does that mean that I'm…" Ophis and Great-red shook their heads understanding what he was asking.

"Don't worry son. You were born a man and you are a male unless of course you would like to change gender. I'm sure I could do something about that" Great-red smirked as he joked to his son.

Issei shook his head vehemently. "nonononono, I'm fine with being a male. Don't even joke about that, please" Issei said in a distressed tone. He was so grateful to learn he was male. Just thinking he could have been genderless made him shutter. Not exactly a conversation he would like to have with his mates.

"Jokes aside, between your mother and I, who had the best male and female form." He asked his son who simply glared at him.

"Are you seriously asking me if I thought my father's female form is more beautiful than my mother and whether my mother's male form was better than you. I hope you are joking." He said distastefully. Seeing how bothered he seemed by the topic, his father apologized

Issei simply took a deep breath. "It's alright. Anyways, I'll be going to my room. I was thinking of training but right now I don't feel like it. I'll just go and meditate a bit to calm down." Issei stated before walking up the stairs to his room.

His parents looked at him go before Great-red looked at his mate.

"I still think my forms looked better than yours" he said with a smirk.

"Hmf, in your dreams Baka-Red" replied Ophis.

Omake End

Chapter End