
Son of The Divine Clan

He has the word Divine on his forehead. He has the Life-Destroying Fist. He has the Eye of Heaven. He has the Wings of Heaven. And he has a Primordial Angel Body that can look down on the 3000 Great Worlds and 3 Heavens. Unlike other stories, when Qin Tian went to another world, he started out as the last son of the Divine Clan, the clan that once ruled the universe. On his first day in another world, he made three breakthroughs directly, defeating a genius with a single blow, captivating the princess of a kingdom. This is not a story of struggle, but a story of a young man who dominated from the moment he took his first step.

Dark_Crow1111 · Eastern
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18 Chs

Strolling in the City

Qin Tian doesn't know what happened in the Xiao Clan.

He had currently arrived at the residence that the Lin Clan had provided for him.

It was extremely luxurious for this city, having many intricate carvings on its walls.

Plus, every material used for the building was highly spiritualized so the spiritual energy inside was much denser.

Qin Tian felt comfortable just standing there.

"Young master, that's the bedroom, that's the bathroom, and that's the cultivation room..." Lin Bao who followed Qin Tian explained.

The latter sat on a chair in the living room, looked at Lin Bao and said, "I want you to explain everything you know about this place, of this city and everything you know outside of it."

Lin Bao had already expected Qin Tian would say that because despite his calmness, when he saw this world, he was also impressed as if he was looking at a very unfamiliar place. And from the clothes he was wearing, he was obviously from a distant place.

After taking a deep breath, he began to tell Qin Tian everything he knew.

Lin Bao was truly someone who had traveled the world. His knowledge was not only limited to the Fire River Kingdom, but also the other surrounding kingdoms. He even knew the political conditions in those kingdoms even though he hadn't actually been to each kingdom.

Traveling from one place to another was actually not so difficult despite the vastness of the world. That's because there are many who open transportation services using flying arks.

Basically, you just need to have a lot of Spiritual Stones.

As long as you don't mind spending them, you can go wherever you want.

Lin Bao previously worked at the transportation service company, so he was able to travel around even though he could be considered poor in terms of wealth.

Qin Tian felt more comfortable after knowing the conditions here.

Although he was a proud member of the Divine Clan, his brain was still functioning to learn and how to act in a new place.

However, amongst all that information, what surprised him was the size of the Sacred Mountain Region, it was the region where the Fire River Kingdom was located.

Lin Bao didn't explain how large the territory was because he didn't know either, but for the Fire River Kingdom itself it was actually almost equivalent to half of all the land on earth.

Qin Tian then told Lin Bao to leave.

He also wanted to be alone. First was to understand his current body condition and learn more about cultivation.

Therefore, he started communicating with Lin Xueyin again.

The latter advised him to continue practicing Divine Clan techniques such as the Life-Destroying Fist, Eye of Heaven, and Wings of Heaven.

According to her, with those three techniques, when he mastered them completely, he could fight without worry because he excelled in three things, offense, speed, and vision.

Qin Tian followed what she suggested.

He had already mastered them a bit thanks to his bloodline and now he just needed to refine his understanding of them.

One night passed quietly. Qin Tian actually spent his time just to master those three techniques.

The next morning, when he opened his eyes, there was a golden light shining, causing vibrations in the air.

He looked down at his hands and smiled with satisfaction as one night of practicing made him feel much stronger.

If he fought with Xiao Ming again, he thought he could kill him.

"Have you mastered them yet?" Lin Xueyin suddenly asked, sounding like she was surprised.

"I think so," Qin Tian replied calmly.

"Damn, looks like all your clan's luck has gone down on you," Lin Xueyin said.

"Do they need time to master them?" Qin Tian couldn't help but be curious because from Lin Xueyin's words, it was clear his speed in mastering them was too fast.

"Well, it's better you don't know, I don't want to see you get a big head," Lin Xueyin replied.

Qin Tian rolled his eyes hearing that.

However, he was the kind that pretty much knew that he was better, he wasn't interested in knowing how much better he was than others.


He then stood up and jumped straight away.

After landing, he walked to the door and opened it.

Right in front of that door, he saw Lin Bao standing, like a guard.

He looked at the Lin Clan members who happened to pass by and showed them pride.

When he heard the sound of the door opening, he quickly turned around and saluted Qin Tian.

"Young master, is there anything you want me to do?" He directly asked him his duty.

A sycophant sometimes gets a good position not because the boss is stupid, but because he likes the way the sycophant works.

In order to make a good impression, a sycophant can go above and beyond.

"I want to take a walk in this city, show me the way," Qin Tian replied.

Hearing is different from seeing.

He still wanted to see this city more clearly because yesterday wasn't enough.

Lin Bao happily nodded, he invited Qin Tian to follow him.

Plus, he also signaled the soldiers of the Lin Clan, ordering them to follow behind.

Since Qin Tian's status was one level above Patriarch, they would naturally follow him even without being ordered.

Qin Tian also didn't mind being followed by more people.

It would make less trouble to have that many guards.

Followed by Lin Bao and about 20 warriors, Qin Tian left the Lin Clan under the gazes of the other members.

They instantly attracted attention when they arrived on the street.

Yesterday's incident was enough to make the entire city and surrounding region know about Qin Tian.

Some even came just to see him and were surprised to find him to be more than the rumors.

With the divine word occasionally shining on his forehead, everyone couldn't help but think that he was truly the Son of Heaven.

However, just moments after leaving the Lin Clan, there was suddenly a paper bird flying from the third floor window of a building.

It landed right in front of Qin Tian.


Lin Bao and the others immediately stared at that window, the first one even shouted angrily, "who is it? How dare you disturb young master."

Unfortunately, there was no answer.

An angry Lin Bao wanted to jump onto that window, but he restrained himself as he saw Qin Tian pick up the paper bird and open it.

Looking at the words written on the paper, Lin Bao couldn't help but be shocked.

(Young Master, I am Xiao Zhu, grandson of the Xiao Clan's Grand Elder, I wish I could meet you here!)

"What does he want to do?" Lin Bao was puzzled as he stared at the window again.

The thing was that the letter was written very kindly, even addressing Qin Tian as young master.

"Let's see," Qin Tian replied.

He had already heard about him from Lin Bao in yesterday's chat, from his talents to his habits.

He then entered the building which was a restaurant.

The first floor was a public place, the second floor was for renting private rooms, while the third floor was VIP.

A beautiful maid approached Qin Tian as he entered. Friendly and excited, she said, "young master, please follow me, Young Master Xiao is waiting upstairs."

Her eyes kept staring at Qin Tian from the moment she saw him, as if she couldn't turn her gaze in any other direction.

She had no idea what was happening. Other than admiring his face which she thought was incomparable, just looking at him from in front of him somehow she felt a sense of pride, as if she was looking at the rarest of treasures.

And she suddenly felt impatient to go back to her village and then tell all the villagers about this experience.

Qin Tian signaled the maid to lead the way immediately.

Seeing that, she hurriedly turned around and walked away while continuing to glance at Qin Tian.

Of course, only Lin Bao followed Qin Tian to the third floor, those soldiers were waiting below.

Quickly, they arrived in front of a door.

The maid opened it, revealing the room inside.

Qin Tian and Lin Bao don't need to look inside to search for Xiao Zhu because the latter is standing behind the door.

Seeing him, Lin Bao pointed his hand at him and said, "Xiao Zhu, what do you want? You're only at the Senior Spiritual Middle Stage, you better not plan anything strange or you'll suffer a fate worse than Xiao Ming."