

The next day.

A small boy could be seen slowly flying through the woods. Biting onto a fruit he had just plucked from a nearby tree, he moved at a slow pace.

"My magic is not fully stabilized yet. What is happening..?" He thought while taking another bite.

His magic power has been ravaging, from the moment he woke up. It was also notably faster to replenish used magic, even without eating air.

"Hhmm looks like the other side is a mountain range of sorts. And this side leads to a plain." ascending to further heights, he looked around.

"The plains should be much closer to a city or something right.." He thought while looking towards the plain that was far away.

"Ok..the plains it is...full speed ahead." with a shout he boosted the magic to fly forward.

[A few minutes later]

"Aaaaaaargh....." A scream could be heard as Ciel flew across the vast plains at credible speeds.

"Too much....what's with my magic control today..?" And thus within a few minutes, Ciel was out of the forest he had been.

"I need to stop...the magic" grunting, he gradually decreased the magic output to the point where his speed came to null.

Descending to the ground he sat down.

"I need to fix this problem soon. I can't have my magic running rampant all the time." the boy thought inhaling some air to restore his energy.

"Anyways, looks like I was on the right track." Looking at the place he was sitting, it had a path that leading to somewhere. Standing up he began walking along the road.


A small caravan of sorts, which was filled with goods was seen in the middle of the roads. A small group of armed people had circled the vehicle already.

And the one who would seem to the leader of the people was a bald man with a large sword strapped on his back. He walked towards the caravan and dragged the passengers outside. It was an old man and a boy age five or six.

"Look here old-timer, no hard feelings. We do this to live too" He said with a cruel smile on his face.

"Boss looks like we struck gold this time. The card is loaded" One of his lackeys informed him from behind the caravan.

"Look at that...Isn't that nice" He said looking at the previous owners of the carriage.

Both the boy and the old man were visibly scared. And the frightened boy had already hidden behind the old man.

"Please. Let us go. You can take whatever you want. But just don't harm my boy" The elder said trying to protect the child.

"Of course. I'll let you go...To hell that is.." the bandit leader said slapping the man away. Causing the boy to run after the fallen man.


"Boss what do we do. Shall we kill them both...?" another lackey enquired.

"Kill the geezer. We'll sell the boy as a slave" He said turning around.

Hearing his boss's order the guy started walking towards the fallen man and the child.

"Sorry kid, you're coming with us" Grabbing the child by his arm, he tried to take the kid away.

But the old man was still holding onto the boy.

"Please. I beg you. Don't take him." He pleaded. Tears flooded his eyes.

"What can you offer us, geezer..? We've already taken everything from you." The bandit said once again pulling the boy.

"Please I..." The old man once again tried to plead. But was cut off by the leader.

"You're being an eyesore. Shut up." He said slashing his sword towards the old man.

"GRANDPA....."The yelled as the sword neared the old man.

Just as the sword was about to hit him, a sudden burst of wind came blowing the leader away.

"Ohh...is this what they call a highway robbery..?" The newcomer was also a boy around six or seven. He had a backpack of sorts on his back. With a carefree attitude, he slowly walked towards the scene. Leaving all the people gathered there stunned by the new predicament.

[Ciel POV]

"I had been walking along the road for quite a time now. And I haven't seen a single human being till now. Where even am I." The boy thought impatiently. In reality, it had only been five minutes.

Bringing the water bottle out of the bag, He took a sip.

"Aaaaaah" A high pitched scream was heard suddenly causing him to drop the bottle.

"What was that.." Picking the bottle from the ground and putting it back. He Begun running towards the direction the scream was heard.

"Please be a human...please be a human" he prayed running at a high speed.

After running for some time, he could smell a few people ahead.

As a sky demon slayer, their senses of smell were heightened beyond humans. Causing them to pick up lingering smells or even smell things from a great distance. But the drawback is that it's a tad bit too powerful.

So disgusting smells or strong odors can render them ineffective. Just like dragon slayers are to motion sickness.

Up ahead a few armed people had surrounded a caravan. And a boy and an old man were on the ground.

Closing towards them he could hear their conversation.

"Kill the geezer. We'll sell the boy as a slave" the main guy said turning around.

"What..they're.. they're going to kill those people..?" Ciel thought in shock.

The predicament ahead had turned into a grave situation.

"I.. I have to save them.."

While he was in deep thoughts, the situation had just gone uphill again.

"You're being an eyesore. Shut up." The man said slashing his sword towards the old man.

"Not good.." Boosting himself forward he cast a spell.

*Sky devil's Gale Bullet*

Ripping through the air, the air bullet flew towards the slashing man. And hit him just in time. Taking the full force of the hit the attacker was blown away, leaving the others in surprise and confusion.

"Ohh...is this what they call highway robbery..?" Walking to the bunch Ciel asked.

The bandit leader was in confusion and pain. He had a great day. He found a nice haul. And just as about to silence the old man and take the kid, somehow he was hit by a force and blown away. Was it a mage..? That was wing magic no doubt.

Struggling to stand, he looked around to find the person who had attacked him. He expected it to be a big burly mage, but the attacker turned kid..?

Standing up in great pain he grabbed his sword again.

"Dammit...A kid..hit me..?" He shouted in anger.

Looking at the other bandits who were just standing there looking, he yelled.

"Oiii...you shitheads. What are standing there for..? Maul that kid to the ground." He commanded walking towards the boy.

"Ye..yes boss. But shouldn't we just capture him too" One of the lackeys responded.

"No...We'll pass on this one. How dare he hit me..I'll kill him painfully." He said like a maniac.

"But..boss...He can use magic. This kid's a wizard." another one blurted out.

"That must have been a fluke. He won't be able to cast spells repeatedly. You all go at him at once" He roared.

Hearing their boss. All the lackeys went to the boy at once.

"Hahh...This is why I didn't want to get involved" Sighing, Ciel started dodging all the attacks.

Seeing even all of his lackeys together couldn't even touch the kid, bandit boss stepped in. Enraged, he yelled at all of them.

"How useless, can you all be. You can't even catch a kid. Move aside" drawing the sword he charged at the boy.

But even before he could swing it, the boy closed in and hit him with a fist clad in wind to the gut.

Taking the punch full in his gut, the leader fell back unconscious. And watching their leader get defeated the lackeys also ran away.

"Hmmf..looks like I was able to reduce the power to an acceptable level. He's not dead yet." Ciel said kneeling down to check the fallen man's breath.

"Alright. That's that. Are you guys fine..?" After checking on the bandit he turned around asked the old man the boy.

Both of them were hiding behind the caravan looking at their savior in awe.


Night had come. And three people were sitting around a campfire eating their food. The caravan was parked nearby a tree.

"So you got separated from your guardian..?" The old man asked the boy who was stuffing his face with food.

"Mmm..basically yeah...Dad had written that I would be with that Anna person by the I would wake up. But she wasn't around..! " Luciel said chewing down the food in his mouth.

"Then shouldn't you have just wait there for her though. Maybe went somewhere while you slept." The old man asked.




WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT" The young boy shouted in realization.

"Haaa...do you know how she looks like" The old man sighed dejected.

"Nope. I haven't seen her before. The only way I know she was supposed to be with me was because of that letter." He replied sitting down.

"Mmm..that might be a problem then." the old man said stroking his beard.

"Hey, Luciel.."While the man was thinking, the other boy asked.

"Hmm..what's the matter Noah"

"How old are you..?"

"mm.? I've turned six this year. What's the matter.?"

"What..! You're the same age as me. Yet you defeated all those bad people by your self."

"Fufu. That's right Aren't I great" He said puffing his chest.

"How did you became so strong..?"

"I practiced of course. Dad would make me go through training every day." He said as a cold crept up thinking about all that training he had to go through.

"Your dad huh...Is he strong..?"

"Of course he's strong. He's the strongest person I know."

"But you don't know many people don't you..?"

"Ah..I'm sure he's the strongest though...Even though, he would say that there's always a person stronger than you out there." He smiled remembering his dad's words.

"Looks like your dad was a very strong and wise person Ciel." The old man said.

"Huh..? Why do you say that all of a sudden..? Grandpa Charles. " Ciel asked looking at the man.

"There are a lot of people who use strong magic and boast that they are the strongest in this world. But only a few people will acknowledge their weaknesses. And that's the sign of the people who are truly strong" He said with a smile.

"True strength...



yeah.." Ciel said clutching his fist.

"I'm going to be the strongest. And then I'll go look for dad" He said resolutely.