
Son of Origin

This novel has: SYSTEM, Protagonists, Powers, God's, Action, Fantasy, Fate ________________________________________ Born with an unusual fate, Alex endured a life of misery. However, his fortunes changed when he was given a chance to be reincarnated. In his new life on NEXUS, Alex embraced a peaceful existence. But everything shifted when a mysterious stranger he met in a park triggered the awakening of his dormant powers, threatening the tranquillity he had finally found. Follow Alex as he navigates his journey to maintain peace in a world now fraught with danger.

Dealer8923 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: Echoes of the Golden District

Well, then you might ask why not ask her to kill the protagonist and live a happy life.

But do you forget the words you used, protagonist? They might look like humans, but in reality, they are all Cockroaches that are hard to kill.

A normal person couldn't kill them, the only reason he can. Well, don't forget about his powers that stopped all the creator's influence on him. Well, it also makes it possible for him to kill the protagonist.

Well, it's still as hard as killing cockroaches. But at least he could kill them with enough preparation.

But he always needs to take care of outer influence, like A powerful being suddenly appearing to protect the protagonist or the protagonist suddenly having power up for some bulshit reason.

Well, you can imagine how hard it is to kill a Protagonist.

Now If you want to ask, how was he able to kill that protagonist yesterday that easily; well, there were two reasons for this.

First, he was the weakest protagonist one could be; even though he had some mind control power, he was still low-level. He was at level 1 or 2.

Second, his powers had just been unsealed after being sealed for 18 years, it was overloaded. Having some extra effect.

We have already seen its effect on Rim's mind. But, Well, now his power was normal, no overloaded, no extra effect.

But it was good; those extra effects might do more harm to him than good.

Suddenly, he felt someone pulling him. When he looked, it was Abby. She was pulling him today the house exit.

He looked at her and asked, "Why are you pulling me?".

Abba looked at him and said, "We are going for the shopping".

Seeing her serious eyes, he could tell that even if he didn't want to, he had to go for shopping. Well, let's just do it he also needs to buy some new clothes.

They exited the house and booked a taxi.

they had left the house leaving Rim alone.

Rim looked at the clock and got up, then she went to her room and sat on the bed.

Suddenly a woman dressed in gray clothes appeared beside her. The woman looked at Rim, got on her knees, and said, "Boss, they found out about Alex".

Hearing the grey-clothing woman's words, a glint passed through Rim's eyes; her fist tightened, and anger could be seen on her face.

Because of the aura she was releasing, blood came out of the grey clothing woman's mouth, Mirrors in her room started cracking.

She looked at the ceiling and said, "Those bastards, I have already told them not to interfere with Alex's life".

She looked toward the grey clothing women and said, "No.1, go and kill them, leave no traces".

Hearing Rim's words, no.1 vanished, leaving Rim alone in the room. Rim took a deep breath and smiled.

She fell onto the bed and became lost in Thoughts about Alex.

In the Golden shopping district.

Abby looked at Alex and said, "See, this is the most luxurious shopping place in the capital of Flame Kingdom".

Hearing her words, he could now guess where her lakhs of gold went. From what he heard, the most luxurious shopping district in the capital was called, the Golden district.

It was the most expensive place in the kingdom they lived, the Flame Kingdom.

He looked toward all the shops in his sight; he was stunned. To him, it looked like he had entered a new world.

Everything was so expensive; the clothes he brought for 1 silver were sold for gold in here. Well, he could see they had better quality, and the material used to make them was of higher quality.

But still, he had never seen such expensive things in this life. Well, he was a home guy, to begin with. He had spent most of his time in his house.

Spending Time with Rim and Abby. He rarely left his house.

Abby didn't even need to see his face to know what he was thinking. After all, he never really tried to explore the world; she held his arm and ran toward a clothes store.

They entered the clothes shop, well to Alex it looked more like a mansion, that's how big it was.

When they entered the shop, a shop assistant welcomed them and asked what type of clothes they wanted.

They tried many types of clothes, and Abby brought all the clothes he liked. The shop assistant looks at him with admiring eyes.

To others he looked like a person who had a rich sugar mom, buying him everything he needed.

He could feel all the admiring gazes of men all around him.

At last, they left the shop after shopping there for an hour; the shop had a home delivery feature. So they didn't need to carry any luggage.

While they were going to another shop they saw people gathering around the auction house. Seeing all the people gathering around, Abby became interested in what was happening.

She held Alex's arm and ran toward the auction house. Seeing the crowd around the Auction house, Alex had a bad feeling.

He remembered some of the protagonists he had met this way. When he comes near the Auction house.

His fear became true; there he was, a brain-dead protagonist, the Same as always.

He is wearing dirty and poor clothes, trying to enter a luxurious palace, and when the guards stop him and say that he can't enter with those dirty and poor clothes.

Shouting That the guard was looking down on him, and suddenly, a rich and powerful person who knows the protagonist appeared and helped him.

Then as always our protagonist face slap the guard and entered the luxurious place.

Without even seeing anything, he could already predict what was going to happen. Well, he had a thousand years of experience.

And as a citizen of Earth and a dieheart weeby, those were common knowledge that he had.

Yeah, this was his 2 reincarnation and his third life.

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