

Akari arrived at the Konoha main gate carrying a sleeping baby boy. He fell asleep the moment she said she would be his mother. It was like he knew he was safe with her.

"Akari, you are back. How was your trip?" asked a ninja assigned to the gate.

"It was a life changing journey. I went out a ninja and returned a mother" she replied with a smile then showed him a baby asleep in the basket.

"WOW, were did you find the little guy?" he asked

"I found him crying abandoned in the forest. There were no traces of his parents anywhere so I took him."

The gate ninja wasn't surprised by the fact that the baby was abandoned, in this uncertain times, a lot of children were begin orphaned by the battles between the hidden villages.

"Good luck with motherhood" he said.

Akari waved at him and continued on her journey.

As she approached the centre of the village, she noticed a huge crowd of people, they were drinking and dancing. It was like a festival was going on.

Stopping a random person on the street she asked, "What is going on? Why are there so many people?"

"It's a party…. The fourth Hokage is celebrating his son's birthday"

Akari wasn't surprised, for the past 9 months all the 4th would talk about was his unborn child, of course when he is born he would throw such a party.

Akari jumped on to the roof top to avoid the congested night streets and head towards her house.

When she arrived at her house, she was shocked by what she found, there was an old man in all white waiting for her at her door.

On seeing her approach he spoke, "Akari is it true, did you find a child in the forest?"

"Yes, he was a lone and I had no choice. How did you find out anywhere?"

"An ANBU agent saw you at the gate and reported to me…so can I see my nephew"

Akari removed the now a wake baby boy and passed him to the old man.

"HAHAHA… he is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. Even more adorable than Minato and Kushina's son Naruto." He said with a smile on his face.

"Don't let Kushina hear you or you are a dead man"

He laughed nervously as he looked over his shoulder to make sure Kushina wasn't behind me ready you strike. Confirming he was safe, he asked her asked "So does the boy have a name?"

"Yes, Samuru…Samuru Sarutobi"

"Nice name. Hello Samuru, my name is uncle Hiruzen"

Samuru just looked at him and made happy baby noises.

… Age one…

Samuru had transformed from a chubby adorable baby in to a cute hyper active one year old.

He loved to play, eat and explore his surroundings. Whenever Akari wasn't paying attention, he would slip away to explore.

It was such a problem that Hiruzen assign ANBU trainees to look after his nephew as a starter assignment, most failed. Some of them even swore that Samuru literary run up the walls to get away from them, but no one believe them, after all how can a one year old run up walls.

"You failed as well?" said a man in a fox mask.

"Yeah, that kid in so slippery" replied a woman in a demon mask.

"I don't blame you both the kid is cunning, god knows what kind of ninja he will be when he grows up" said a woman in a white faceless mask, she was the team leader on this assignment.

The trio sighed and left for their next assignment.

…..Age five…

Akari was the happiest mother in the world for at age five she found out her son was a genius.

The first day in school he mastered writing and reading even art. The teacher were so happy about his progress saying that no one could keep up with him, may be except for Sasuke Uchiha.

"Schools is so easy. I thought you said it would be a challenge" said a five year old Samuru to his mother as she picked him from school.

"My little genius" Akari as she held her son tight in her arms, "you are a smart boy, learning everything in one day but are you smart enough to make friends."

Samuru got a confused look on his, he never thought about making friends.

"I shall try that tomorrow and make some friends" he said to his mother with a smile.

….Age 8…

Samuru was now 8 years and old enough to join the ninja academy. He was very happy because it was the dream of very child his age to become a ninja and now he was old enough to take the first step towards his dream.

His mother Akari wasn't as happy with the idea of him joining the ninja academy. Being a ninja was a dangerous profession and she didn't want him to get hurt.

She considered playing the 'l am you mother and I forbidden you from becoming a ninja' card, but that change a few days ago when she came back for the market.

She walked in to her house calling for Samuru to come have a snack but he didn't reply, worried she checked his room and what she saw shocked her.

Samuru was laying upside down on the ceiling reading a book while listening to music on his headsets.

Akari was shocked at the chakra control her eight years old was displaying for even some Jōnin couldn't pull of such amazing chakra control.

"He really is a genius, how can I stop him from doing something he was born to do"

Samuru finally noticed his mother, removing his head set he dropped from the roof and executed a perfect back flip before he landed on his bed.

"Mum you are back, did you bring me a something to eat" he asked

"Yes but before I give you your snack, can you tell me how you learnt to do that" she asked as see pointed at the ceiling.

Samuru shrugged his shoulders and responded, "I didn't know, it just happened. I get ideas about how to do staff and then I try it… and it works"

"Oh like what staff?" asked his mother.

Samuru smiled, "Come I will show you" he said as he pulled his mother in to the back yard, "Watch this mum"

Samuru executed series of hand seals, then looked to the sky and blow out a fire ball shaped dragon which flow up to the sky and then slowly disappeared.

Akari wide eyed looked at the disappearing fire ball dragon, "What the fuc…."

So basically a filter chapter...i might post another to day so look out for that.......

Next chapter first day at the Ninja Academy

ghosttowncreators' thoughts