
Son of Gaia

This is my first Fanfic so constructive advice and criticism would be welcomed. This Fanfic is a DxD, Fate, and Naruto crossover with Seven Deadly Sin Elements. ______________________________________________________________________ A child soldier meets Gaia, she offers him everything. In return, fight in one more war.

xCalamlty · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


Sitting on the cooling sand at a beach is a fourteen year old boy, his eyes never moved from the calm ocean as the sun set, other than to blink. The ocean breeze gently caressed his scarred face as he visibly relaxed, before he became tense once more as someone sat beside him. "Have you come to finish me off?" He said with a sign before he relaxed again. "I'm ready." *Cough Cough Wheeze Cough*. "No." The voice was soft and gentle compared to his hoarse deep one. He coughed again as one arm reached up to cover his mouth while his other kept him steady. " You are surprisingly polite considering you just asked me if I came to kill you!" If he had looked over he might have seen the most beautiful women in the world, but once his eyes were back open they never left the ocean. "You said you weren't going to kill me." For some reason he laughed only to begin another coughing session. "I could be lying." He felt a hand touch his back, a cool wave rushed through his body easing his pain. "Do you know why this war started?" She said nothing so he continued. "Water. Because of water." This warranted another laughing session, but unlike the others, it didn't end with coughing.

" When Russia allied itself with China in 2021 and then the increased terrorist attacks over the next 5 years after, basically started all this. The destruction of Oil refineries tainting small bodies of water, the existence of Covid turning the common cold lethal, climate change increasing the number of storm and natural disasters. Humans could have come together and solve all these problems, but NO! INSTEAD!... Instead they have a pissing contest. Go over to their country and see who has bigger guns, better spies and assassins, more DESTRUCTIVE BOMB!" Whatever she was doing to him couldn't stop this coughing session. Blood leaked from his nose as he cough even more of it up. "Bet the Gods laugh now." This laugh was bitter and empty. "You believe in Gods?" There was surprise in her voice. "Not really. But I do believe in something higher than us." He shrugged. "Explain." Maybe it was her voice, maybe he was because he was dying. It didn't matter anymore. " Look at the me for example. Right now I dying of radiation poisoning, somewhere deep down I crave affection, companionship, security. Thus in my in my final hours my body is releasing endorphins while my subconscious creates a final minute friend. The Universe's creation can be chalked up to coincidence, a collapse in space caused a dust particle to become the Universe. But how do you explain humans, how do you explain the similarities in culture and religion?"

"If I was one of these Higher Beings, and I offered to make your greatest wish true, what would you say?" There wasn't even a moment of deliberation, "Nothing." She was stunned, Mortals dream of Something, Anything, coming down and offering their greatest wishes. "Why?" Her confident voice was now a mere whisper. For she couldn't understand why! "Your mother sold you to mercenaries for drugs after your little sister died. You have spent your entire life fighting. You have suffered every monstrosity Humanity has to offer. So Why?" Stilling looking out over the ocean, at the setting sun. "Its because of that. My mind won't allow me to forget anything! Every person I've every killed, the way their voice sounds as they beg, the way their blood splatters, the way they fall. Even the way their eyes lose light as their souls leave." He breathing was unsteady, but not because of the fact he's dying. "Their faces engraved in my soul. And yet I envy them. Their freedom, their will to live, the fact that there is someone that loves them. *Sign* When first started fighting, I kept telling myself that it was to live, to survive. But over time even that never mattered. I had no purpose, no one cared or loved me, no reason to live. I flew over oceans just to fight in another war, but never. NEVER. Have I ever seen it. Now here I am, not only at the ocean but watching the Sunset. THE SUNSET!!! Can you believe it!?" The excitement in his voice made you forget he was dying or that he was in pain, or the fact that his voice sounds like he swallowed glass. "What more could I ask for?" The smile would have been charming if his mouth was stained red, or the fact that boils covered half of his face, or the fact that with every strong wind hair falls from his scalp.

Looking at this tortured soul who was to never find peace, be at peace looking at what everyone takes for granted. She began to hurt... For him. "Your going to Hell." She said this even though it wasn't going to effect him. "I know." He whispered back, still fixated on the ocean and sunset. She came to him because he was the only human left alive, he was going to Hell. What did it matter if he saw her. He should have begged, cried, pleaded, for her blessing, for her help. And yet he didn't even look at her. She, the Immortal Mother of Existence, she may not pay attention to her creations, instead made sure their continued existence. But she had to come to one of the Oldest Worlds just to finally purge it and create anew. To find a soul so innocent yet tainted... She was beyond pride so the fact that he considered her a delusion did not anger her. "There is no Heaven. Energy can't be created nor destroyed thus I created an endless cycle of Reincarnation. But there is a Hell, those who are too tainted to be in this cycle must be cleansed. Thus in Hell you will be not only be broken but tortured until the your every existence is cleansed." She wanted to see him waver, even if just a little. But she was greatly disappointed as he just seemed to achieve an even greater level of peace, not caring for whats to come.

"I'm adopting you!" He chuckled at this, truly believing her to be a figment of his imagination. "You will have endless power, and everything you want. But, as to balance this. You must suffer. More than you already have." The sun began to fall below the soft waves, the sounds were like a lullaby, the breeze was like the soothing caress of a mother tending to her sick child. He found that whatever delusion he was suffering from was over. His body slumped onto the smooth cool sand, as his eyes still never left the ocean. Some hidden strength kept him there, in that moment to see the sun finally fall behind the horizon. The lights flickered out on that dead world at the same time as the light in his eyes faded.