
Son of Gaia

This is my first Fanfic so constructive advice and criticism would be welcomed. This Fanfic is a DxD, Fate, and Naruto crossover with Seven Deadly Sin Elements. ______________________________________________________________________ A child soldier meets Gaia, she offers him everything. In return, fight in one more war.

xCalamlty · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Philosopher's Stone

Standing in front of the Nine Tails, he couldn't understand how he came here, he fell asleep, not mediated focusing on his heart. [While your mind was weak, she was able to pull a your consciousness into here.] He couldn't say anything. This was a rude awakening that cemented the fact that this world wasn't like his last. 'Am I in any danger?' [Yes and No. While she was able to pull your consciousness into this Spiritual Dimension, she can't kill you. She can corrupt you if given the chance, which is why I woke you.] "What do you want?" The fox was covered in chains, but this did nothing to his increasing vigilance... It said nothing instead continued to stare at him. 'Eve, am I trapped here?' [You can leave if you focus on you body as a whole.] He was hesitant for he didn't what to have to worry about this happening again. But he also realized that this particular tailed beast wasn't even close to being like the others.

Once awake he found himself in the backseat next to his mom. "The Nine Tails pulled my consciousness into its Spiritual Dimension." She looked at him startled, "you know what a spiritual dimension is?" He couldn't understand her. He just said that this unknown entity pulled his consciousness from the protection of his brain and into a Spiritual Dimension, instead of worrying she questions him. She must have read his expression because she said, "relax I have a way to fix this. Come." The car stopped and she pulled him out, they were not at the airport. "Where are we?"

"The Uzumaki Compound has a seal around it preventing teleportation." As she said this, a glass like magic circle appeared both below and above. Quickly the bottom one comes up to meet the other, when it did they found themselves in front of a big looking school. She didn't give him much time to look around as she moved so fast he could barely keep up. Soon they were entering the basement, "what is this?" She opened a secret door hidden as a regular wall. "My private laboratory. Do you want to tell me how you knew about a Spiritual Dimension?" They walked into a stone room lined with bottle filled with the occasionally glowing fluids. "I don't know, the moment I saw it I just knew." He took a seat on one of the benches under the lip of the island filled with weird tools.

"I knew it. Take of you shirt." She was ecstatic as she pulled a bottle with glowing red liquid from the wall and a branding iron from the table. "What are you going to do?" By now his shirt was already off. "It will sting for a bit, but don't worry." She poured the red liquid on the the branding iron, the weird symbol at the end seemed to absorb all the liquid as it too glowed red. "When The Biblical God died, the other gods wanted to absorb his Divinity but couldn't because it disappeared." She stabbed his shoulder with the branding iron, red symbols snaked down his arm to his hand, it felt like someone was carving into his skin. "I believed that this Divinity became a Sacred Gear. And I was right! I noticed it when you were born. I named it Omniscient Truth Eyes. Over the years, I've studied it without fully awakening it. Let me just tell you, it will be beyond powerful once it's awakened, it won't be long now." She put everything away. And grabbed a weird multi-colored stone.

"Long ago, Mages have found that the world works on a very complex equation, we called this The Root. The Root is the cycle of energy that encompasses everything. During my free time, I managed to gather the essence of The Root and give it a physical form. We mages call this a Philosopher Stone. The Philosopher Stone allows the Soul and Body to form its own Root. The problem is the only way to fully fuse with the Philosopher Stone is to be human and to have Divinity. You aren't completely a Dragon yet, and you already have two Divinities. Once you take this, you will become a God." During the explanation, her face contorted into a crazed smile. "You have never tried this out, have you?"

"Of course I've had. Why else would I give this to you." She seemed offended. "Where are these gods you created?" She laughed loudly. "No one else survived, silly. I came to this conclusion after extensive research." He always new she was crazy, but this... This was some NEXT LEVEL SHIT! 'Eve will I survive that?' [Master, I estimate a 92.5% chance of survival.] That not bad. [You will need to say awake for the whole process, should you fall unconscious you will die. The pain will be like nothing before.] "Mom... Do you think we can hold off?" Her face didn't really change just became more... Tame, for the lack of a better word. "No. If you are not human enough then there is no telling the consequences. Thus before your heart changes your race to much we need to do this now."

He sat there staring at his mother, the silence was suffocating. 'Eve, can I escape?' [No. Its currently impossible to escape.] 'What is the percentage?' [0.00000000001%. Try talking your way out of it.] "Mom how come you haven't used it on yourself?" He was starting to find this situation impossible to maneuver. "I don't have Divinity." He had a feeling that thing was going to fuse with his body whether he liked it or not. "Do I have a choice?" Apparently, those words hurt her. "I would have already done it if you didn't have a choice!" He didn't have a choice, he knew it. Why? Because 1, this was the only chance he would have for it to work, and 2, she will do it if she believes that he will become stronger. "I don't want it. I'll achieve Godhood by myself." The words had such confidence that anyone would believe he was only one step away. Instead of a response, he received silence... All she did was sigh, "I'm sorry!"

He watched as a endless darkness collapsed on itself with a flash of light. Slowly the light expanded wherever it traveled it left behind star and planets. The further it got from the center the faster it expanded. It became so fast that he could no longer keep up, so he turned his attention back. He found that when the stars exploded a new one would be formed, when a world collapsed a new one formed. This process repeated endless till the first organism, then the process evolved to fit the new variable.

Then the Universe collapsed and exploded, it ripped apart his very existence. When he reformed he found two Universes, again they collapsed and exploded. And again he was ripped apart and reformed. As this process progressed he found that the destruction and reforming of his Soul was slowly becoming in sync. 100... 200... 500... 12 Thousand... A MILLION... It was only when the process happened countless times. His Soul flickered impossibly fast. It wasn't long before seconds passed and infinite numbers of Universes were born and destroyed, he was being destructed and reformed so fast that he couldn't even process the pain... Eons pasted before he moved. Slowly... Very slowly, his hand reached out, immediately everything stopped. He then slowly closed his hand, as he did all universes collapsed. Just as slowly, he opened his hand, an uncountable number beyond even the previous infinite universes appeared, endlessly increasing with every millisecond.

Finally opening his eyes, the once beautiful bluish green was gone. All black with nothing but flecks of countless different colors. It was like looking into the vast and infinite universe. Getting up from his position on the ground, he sees his mother standing not to far away. Unlike before, what he saw was a seven foot tall spirit looming above his mothers shoulders. Unique flowers braided in golden hair, sea green eyes with golden flakes, a perfectly sharp nose just above full plump lips, topped off with rounded a jawline. "Mother?" He was breathless. Fluidly the seven foot tall spirit and his mother fused together. "So you can finally see me? Surprised?"