
Son of Gaia

This is my first Fanfic so constructive advice and criticism would be welcomed. This Fanfic is a DxD, Fate, and Naruto crossover with Seven Deadly Sin Elements. ______________________________________________________________________ A child soldier meets Gaia, she offers him everything. In return, fight in one more war.

xCalamlty · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

New World

[It's time to begin Master] The voice inside his head would be pleasant except it went off like a bomb. Now awake, he instantly found himself besieged with seven years worth of memories, from the moment of his birth to walking into a surgical room with his mother one month prior. There was no order or steady stream, it was all at once. Imagine looking through a lens that splits your vision into a thousand different direction at once, each direction is playing a different scenario. Each scenario with its own smell, noise, and feeling. He feel off the bed and started puking. Than in a matter of moments, he was being held by someone but didn't know who.

Every second of seven years was being relived in the matter of minutes, by now someone strapped him down. All of scenarios converged into a single one, it started off just getting strapped down to a surgical table and... an unimaginable amount of pain accompanied fog. Endless YEARS of this... Or was it a second! He had no idea, slowly everything begin to numb. Memories fell in order in his mind quickly, before his eyes the same black hair golden eyed woman smiled " You succeeded. The Invincible White Dragon's Heart fused with your body!" The people holding him down let his go and took a step back, they were his father and a silver haired women.

Just then the door opens, to reveal a muted red haired blue eyed girl. "Is he okay?" She didn't really wait for an answer as she walks in and crouches on the floor so she was eye level to where he was on the bed. "He just needs rest Rias. You should go." His mother truly didn't like this young girl from her tone, luckily she was ignored. "You promised to marry me, I thought you died! Don't do that EVER again Millicas." Its true he was promised to her and one other. This wasn't uncommon among Demons but this practice hasn't been used since before and during the Great War. She was the heiress of the Gremory House and he was their weapon. What better way to ensure his loyalty then to have him marry his aunt. Plus it was either him or someone from a different house. "He's fine, he needs rest before we go to Ireland."

Rias was not having this, "Your not taking him to Ireland!" She stood fast and was now face to face with the his new mother. "Rias calm down." Father took a step forward, "There will be no other experiment like this again. Will there?" There was a very subtle threat there, "The Uzumaki Clan believe that the Mother of Chakra has escaped her prison and possessed the Nine Tailed Fox. Thus they need a stronger vessel. Which is why they reached out to me. It won't hurt him." This piece of news shocked them, for the Great Clans stay to themselves. "Having the power of a Tailed Beast will increase the influence of the Gremory House significantly."

"You can't be serious Sirzechs. What if the Great Clans hunt him for the Tailed Beast?" They seemed to forget that he was their listening to every word. "They won't. The Holy Grail War is to near. They won't take the risk, and he needs the extra power if he is to be the Demon Representative." There was a heavy silence, "Get some rest." Finally he was alone, [Do you understand what you just heard, Master]. He looked around for that voice but found nothing. [I am the Artificial Soul bound to your own. I was made by your True Mother to help you achieve everything you desire] "Great!" The sarcastic reply was his only response.