
Kida's Legacy

The sun was shining and the breeze was blowing a golden glow over the pond.

A crow landed next to Li Zian and took the opportunity to peck at his hair.

He probably saw Li Zian's hair and wanted to pull it out to build a nest, but the hair was still on his scalp, so it was difficult for him to pull it out. That's how Li Zian was awakened by those few pecks.

The crow was shocked and flew away flapping its wings.

Li Zian was stunned for a few seconds and rose from the grass suddenly.

There was no incense burner in his hand or on the grass, just a few common stones around him.

He remembered that the incense burner was a little smaller than his fist and that it bore mysterious symbols and patterns. He also remembered the old white-bearded man who called himself Kida, but he couldn't see him anymore.

"Maybe I just pulled out a stone, my brain was deprived of oxygen and the incense burner and the old man with the white beard was just a dream or a hallucination I had?" Li Zian thought.

The spring was unblocked and the stream began to flow again.

Li Zian put on his shorts and shirt and came back with his hoe.

As he was about to leave the woods, Li Zian stopped to look at a clump of small mushrooms growing on a rotting tree.

The small mushroom had a green head and a white stem, and its top was about the size of a round coin, which was rare.

Li Zian had never seen this kind of mushroom before, and he didn't know it either, but as he looked at it, something suddenly occurred to him.

Green-headed Gooseberry Mushroom, a poisonous mushroom, with two tails of lard, ten peppercorns, five slices of the mulberry leaf, five pieces of rice bran, boiled slowly until it becomes a paste, can heal bruises, forms a golden ointment.

Li Zian was stunned for a moment.

He didn't even know what this little mushroom was, so why did a secret recipe for ointment pop into his head?

Hesitantly, he shoveled the Green-headed Gooseberry Mushroom's small clump with his hoe and wrapped it in a leaf. He had to go back and try the secret recipe somehow.

On the way back, Li Zian picked some more mulberry leaves.

At the bottom of the hill, on the way back to the village, a few people were standing.

When Li Zian looked at them, he was suddenly struck by their gaze.

At the head of the group was the famous scoundrel from Crescent Moon, Ma Xiaorong's man Chen Gang, who had a smaller head than his own, but dark and sturdy, with a cigarette in his mouth, and was staring at him in a murderous way.

If Chen Gang was alone, he wouldn't have been afraid to fight. But he couldn't fight against the several people in front of him.

"Li Zian, you wimps, you dare to hit my woman, today I'll slaughter you!" Chen Gang swore fiercely, the cigarette in his mouth barely dropped ashes.

Li Zian took to one's heels and ran away.

The poor don't fight with the rich, the good-looking don't fight with the ugly.

Nowadays, people hate not only the rich but also the good-looking ones.

Most of the thugs did not expect Li Zian to run away without saying anything, and by the time they reacted, Li Zian had already taken several steps.

"You son of a bitch, you're giving me a hard time! "Chen Gang picks up a stone from the ground and throws it at Li Zian's back.


The stone hit Li Zian's left shoulder and he suffered, but he didn't dare stop, putting his long legs back in place and running away before the rats could encircle him.

"Soft food, wait for me! I'm not done with you yet! I'm gonna get you!" The cigarette in the corner of Chen Gang's mouth finally fell to the ground and sank into the mud.

Some thugs chased him, but they couldn't catch up with the legendary Li Zian, and one of them got down on his knees to catch his breath, insulting him.

Li Zian ran for a while and stopped, pulling on the collar of his sweatshirt to observe a large swollen bruise on his shoulder where he had been hit by a pebble, it hurt when he touched it.

"This secret recipe says that the Golden Ointment for Injuries can heal bruises, time to try it." Li Zian said to himself as he was taking the long way to go home.

In the garden, Lin Shengnan was sitting on a taiji chair feeding the koi in the pond.

The stream gurgling and the koi were fighting for food, causing waves.

Lin Shengnan saw Li Zian and her forehead wrinkled: "Look at you, one water story for over an hour, can't you keep track of time?"

" The spring was stuck, it took a bit of work. " Li Zian simply replied.

Lin Shengnan, however, stopped talking to him and took another handful of fish food and threw it into the water to watch the koi fight for it.

Li Zian put down his hoe, took the gooseberry, and some mulberry leaves, and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Li Zian found lard, peppercorns, and rice bran, then put the gooseberry mushroom and mulberry leaves in a saucepan and simmered them slowly.

After about 15 minutes, the ingredients in the pan turned into a paste.

Li Zian didn't know whether it counted as a paste or not, but he wrapped some of the paste in a cloth and applied it to his left shoulder, briefly, with adhesive tape, over the swollen part of his body.

It was so strange that the bruise was very painful, but once the ointment was applied, a cold sensation was felt and the pain stopped.

Li Zian's heart marveled: "The golden ointment works, did I really get the legacy from that old man?"

It was hard to believe.

Li Zian went back to his room and lay down on his bed to keep thinking about it.

He didn't understand what was happening, but before he could understand the situation, a wave of fatigue took hold of him, and he yawned, closing his eyes in preparation for sleep. But as soon as he closed his eyes, the incense burner came back to his mind, emitting a greenish light beam of one milliliter.

" Great pocket stove, pocket stove, pocket stove, pocket... Did that incense burner flow into my body?" Li Zian suddenly understood something.

Suddenly, a symbol and a pattern appeared on the body of the stove, mysteriously emitting an even brighter green light.


Countless words, symbols, and patterns poured from the incense burner, as well as the dictated voice of the one who claims to be Kida. The information gathered into a torrent that rushed through Li Zian's mind.

Li Zian's brain trembled as it absorbed the information like a sponge.

Now it is the true legacy, while at the pond it was only a prelude.

All the information that Kida had sealed inside the large great idle pocket stove were the most powerful techniques he had ever learned in his life.

He specializes in medicine, divination, astrology, and physiognomy.

However, Kida is not ordinary. The skills he sealed in the Great Idle Pocket Stove are unique and complete.

The first mastery is the art of picking and tonic, picking is to collect medicine to make all kinds of ointment, tonic is food tonic.The others are alchemy and medicine, but Kida's art of healing sealed in this stove is unique because it is the result of years of research.

The second mastery is Painting Divination, which is the common practice of burning tortoise shells, three omens of the Tai Bu palm, namely Jade Omen, Wa Omen, and Yuan Omen, to divine good fortune. His method of divination is "Closed Eye Painting", which determines good fortune and bad fortune according to the patterns drawn. Besides, he also has the skills of stargazing, feng shui, and palm reading, which are also unique and unusual.

The third mastery is the Great Sleep Alchemy technique, where sleeping is cultivation. When you sleep, you use your body as a stove to absorb the qi of heaven and earth in order to refine it, to refine the qi to transform it into essence and to refine the essence to form the spirit. This is also different from the cultivation of ordinary squares, which is equivalent to using natural air as a raw material to refine into essence and then using essence to refine and form the spirit.

This Great Sleep Alchemy also contains a fist art, the Folding Branch Fist.

This fist technique involves all kinds of joint blockages, all kinds of techniques to break people's bones, and it's so cathartic.

Once the transfer was complete, Li Zian's brain was so dazed that he naturally fell asleep.

Ambient air went into his lungs, and then the blood was sent all over his body.

The entire body, including the great idle pocket stove in his mind.

A hint of breath entered and exited the incense burner, returning to the body and nourishing all the limbs.

It was the Great Alchemy of Sleep.

Li Zian had never practiced anything, had no experience whatsoever, but at that moment it was as if Kida possessed him, just a natural sleep, and yet he was able to enter into a state of cultivation.

Breathe, blow...

Li Zian didn't even know what he was doing.

It took a while before there was a loud knock on the door.

"Zian, the sun is setting, you're still sleeping, get up and go cook!" That was Lin Shengnan's voice again.

Li Zian opened his eyes, and his brain instantly woke up as if he'd been plunged into a spring. The information from his whole body was reflected in his brain, and he felt wet, warm in some places, and had the sensation of receiving a bag full of hot water.

He stood up, looked at the ground, and froze in place.

His shorts and sweatshirt were soaked with sweat, the sweat was cloudy and acidic. A place in incredible condition, where the temperature was once 90 degrees, but now it is at least 145 degrees!

The wheels have also changed, they were 175 years old, and after sleeping, they were 210!

The reflection also seemed much more fluid than before, and he didn't even need to think about it properly to know why in the blink of an eye.

He had slept, which was the equivalent of practicing the Great Sleep Alchemy, refining his qi and transforming it into essence, and he was naturally energetic!

"Zian, you hear me, I'm so disappointed in you, how could you take a nap?" Lin Shengnan's voice with a sense of discontent.

Only then Li Zian said, "I'll prepare dinner right away."

"Ugh, kid, you're so unmotivated, how can you be worthy of Meilin?" Lin Shengnan sighed and left on her dragon head crutches.

Li Zian couldn't help smiling, his wife's grandmother was actually nice to him, despite her stubbornness and her mania for telling other people's stories.

He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to rinse himself briefly. Rinsing off the sweat from his body, he felt refreshed, regenerated, and surprisingly healthy in every way. What surprised him, even more, was that the shoulder wound had also healed, the swollen bruise from before had completely disappeared, and he didn't even find any traces of the wound on his skin.

This golden ointment against trauma was truly divine!

But it was also a bit bad to see that a certain condition stood out, too good to be true, difficult to live with.

After coming out of the bathroom, Li Zian put on clean clothes and went to the kitchen to cook.

When he was cooking, many secret recipes came to his mind, such as those that help strengthen the body, brain, eyes, diseases, etc.

Unfortunately, there were no relevant plants and ingredients, unable to practice.

"Tomorrow, let's go to the mountains and see if we can gather herbs and ingredients to come back and cook food to tone up the old grandmother". That's what Li Zian's heart was thinking.

The Crescent Moon Village was a village with a loop of smoke and the Qianjiang River surrounding the village, it was really beautiful.

Dinner was ready, with steamed Taiwanese fish, sautéed French beans, Mapo tofu, and egg soup with leeks.

Lin Shengnan sat down to eat at the table.

Li Zian ended up in the courtyard enclosed by a green brick wall, his belly full while he was cooking, wanting to try the Folding Branch Fist that Kida had passed on to him.

He thought about the movements that had come to his mind, learning to paddle, but he was still missing something.

"Oh, Zian, what are you doing?" Lin Shengnan was curious.

Li Zian smiled and said, "Grandma, I'm practicing boxing."

Lin Shengnan sighed again: "Alas, why are you thinking of something useless? I was going to compliment you on the food you prepared tonight, but now I'd rather not bother complimenting you."

Li Zian burst out laughing and started paddling.

Grab, lift, lock, break, and keep up...

Lin Shengnan had finished eating and was about to ask Li Zian to do the dishes, but she was slightly stunned when her eyes turned to Li Zian.

Under the rays of the setting sun, the slender young man seemed to blend into the orange light, his face was angular and his features were three-dimensional, especially his black eyes, which always left a deep impression on people.

Crescent Moon Village Yanjo Wu was not just a nickname, it was a real strength.

But a few seconds later Lin Shengnan sighed again: "alas, an embroidered pillows, impressive-looking but useless"

Almost at the same time as the old woman sighed, Li Zian's mind suddenly released a trace of heat that instantly moved towards the fist he was throwing.


There was wind through his fist!

Li Zian couldn't stop smiling, he had found the sensation.

He kept repeating over and over until a single movement appeared in his mind.

These movements were like an imprint etched in his mind, and after finding this sensation, they became as natural as the flowing clouds and water.

It was as if Kida possessed him!

"Li Zian, get your ass over here!" Suddenly, there was name-calling outside the courtyard door.