
Son Goku The suppressor of Dragon balls.

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Daoist5JHfAl · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Subdue Raditz And Challenge Vegeta

Raditz didn't care when he saw this and easily blocked Piccolo's attack.

He was still mocking: "Have you not eaten? Are your weak fists tickling me?"

When Piccolo heard this, he became furious and attacked even faster, but he couldn't touch Raditz at all.

Raditz laughed and said: "It's really rubbish. You can't even touch the corner of my clothes. After attacking for so long, it's time for me to take action."

Piccolo was shocked when he heard this, and without waiting for a reaction, he punched Piccolo in the abdomen.

Piccolo was immediately beaten until he vomited acid at the mouth, arched his body, endured the pain, and distanced himself from Raditz.

When Raditz saw this, he did not pursue him and said to Son Goku: "Kakarot, this is the help you asked for. What a rubbish."

Son Goku said: "Don't get me wrong, I just want Piccolo to see the world. I don't need help at all to deal with you."

Raditz laughed when he heard this: "Kakarot, do you want to laugh me to death? You are a piece of trash and you want to deal with me, your elder brother?"

Upon seeing this, Son Goku said: "In that case, use your detector to see my combat power."

Raditz said with a smile: "Your fighting ability doesn't matter, at most it's a little better than that green-skinned trash."

"Really?" Son Goku said, and then released about one percent of his breath.

Raditz's detector started beeping.


Raditz was immediately shocked by the number above and broke into a cold sweat. He saw three thousand clearly displayed on it.

Son Goku smiled and said: "How about it, my stupid big brother, what is my fighting power?"

Raditz shouted: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. The detector must be broken. You are just a piece of garbage with a birth combat power of only two. No matter how hard you practice, it is impossible to reach three thousand."

Son Goku said: "Nothing is impossible, it's just that you are short-sighted and have no knowledge."

Hearing this, Raditz said: "You say I have no experience. King Vegeta and I fought all over the place. Who hasn't seen you? You only have a combat power of 3,000 points, while King Vegeta has a combat power of 18,000 points. You are the ignorant one."

Son Goku laughed when he heard this and said: "King Vegeta, he is just a dog that bullies the weak and fears the strong. If he dares to come, I will beat him until he doesn't even recognize him."

Raditz laughed when he heard this and said: "Kakarot, you are finished. Your words have passed through my detector and reached King Vegeta. You just wait to die."

Son Goku smiled and said: "It's not certain who will die, but I know you will die soon."

Raditz heard this and said in horror: "Kakarot, what do you mean, do you want to kill me? I am your eldest brother."

Son Goku asked: "Do we Saiyan still have any family ties?"

Upon hearing this, Raditz immediately appeared and knelt down in front of Son Goku, crying bitterly: "Kakarot, do you remember, I hugged you when you were a child, please don't kill me, your eldest brother."

Son Goku saw this and said: "Okay, look at what you look like now. If my father was still alive and saw you like this, he would have to beat you up."

Raditz heard this and said: "Kakarot, you won't kill me?"

Son Goku said: "I have no interest in attacking the weak, but you have to stay on Earth and you are not allowed to attack randomly, otherwise, you will know the consequences."

Raditz nodded and bowed: "Kakarot, don't worry, I won't attack randomly."

Son Goku said: "Give me your detector."

Raditz said: "Kakarot, what do you want the detector for?"

"Yeah." Son Goku glared, and Raditz immediately took off the detector and handed it to Son Goku.

Son Goku got the detector and said to Vegeta on the other side of the detector: "Vegeta, I know you can hear me. I'm waiting for you on Earth. If you don't come, you will be my grandson."

Deep in the universe, on an unknown planet, Vegeta was so angry that his hair turned green when he heard what was coming from the detector. He yelled: "Kakarot, you piece of trash, wait for me, I will kill you." There is no whole body".

Son Goku heard this and said: "Okay, if you have the guts, I'll wait for you to come."

After saying that, he turned off the detector.

Vegeta was furious when he heard this. He condensed an energy ball in his hand and smashed a mountain in the distance to pieces. Then he said to Nappa next to him: "Follow me and go to the earth immediately. I want to kill the damn Kakarot, and Boneless Raditz, dead without a whole body."

Nappa heard the words and immediately said: "Yes, King Vegeta."

So after a while, the two people took the spherical spacecraft and rushed to the earth.

After Son Goku subdued Raditz, he asked Piccolo: "Piccolo, do you want to become stronger?"

Piccolo heard this and snorted coldly: "Of course I do, what can you do?"

Son Goku said: "Come back to my house with me and I will tell you."

Piccolo said angrily: "Son Goku, stop trying to be so secretive. If you want to say something, just say it. If you don't want to say something, just push him down."

Son Goku said: "The way to become stronger is to practice in a gravity room. Do you have a gravity room? Or will you build a gravity room?"

Piccolo was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "I can't do it, can you?"

Son Goku said: "I can't, but my wife Bulma can."

Piccolo was speechless when he heard this.

Upon seeing this, Son Goku said: "If you want to become stronger, come to my house."

Then he said to Raditz: "Let's go back to my house with me."

Raditz nodded, and then Son Goku flew home. Piccolo was thinking about whether to go to Son Goku's home.

After a while, Son Goku returned home and saw Bulma. He handed the detector to Bulma and asked him to remove the listening system and improve it so that it could measure greater combat power.

Raditz is then introduced to Bulma and Chichi.

Under the power of Son Goku, Raditz greeted Bulma and Chichi.

Later, Son Goku used Instant Transmission to pick up Sun Wuzhen and Sun Wuming from Immortal Island.

After arranging for Raditz to stay, Son Goku found Dr. Breeves and asked him to help build a gravity chamber, while Bulma went to improve the detector.

The next day at noon, Bulma completed the modification of the detector. The maximum combat power it could detect was up to three million. When Son Goku found out, he was very happy and praised Bulma. He decided to reward Bulma in the evening.

Then he took the detector and came to an uninhabited place, released his aura with all his strength, and checked his combat power. As he guessed, his combat power reached 300,000.

At the same time that Son Goku released his breath, everyone on the earth felt Son Goku's breath and were shocked.

Piccolo, who was still hesitating, was so frightened that his face turned green after feeling the aura. He stopped hesitating and

rushed to Son Goku's house immediately.

Son Goku calmed down his breath, then Instant Transmission, returned home.

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