
Son Goku The suppressor of Dragon balls.

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17 Chs

Chapter 15 The shattered Ginyu Force

Ginyu hit Sun Wuzhen's afterimage with one punch.

After reacting, Ginyu looked around for Sun Wuzhen's figure, and suddenly Sun Wuzhen's words rang in his ears: "Ugly, what are you looking at?"

Ginyu hurriedly stepped forward, distanced himself, then turned his head to look, and saw that Sun Wuzhen was nowhere to be seen. Sun Wuzhen's words came to his ears again: "Dasha Bi, what are you looking for?"

Ginyu exploded with all his strength, flew into the air and laughed: "Kid, you can't catch up with me now, hahaha."

Sun Wuzhen said from behind Ginyu: "Are you stupid, Ginyu?"

When Ginyu heard this, he was immediately frightened out of his wits. He dodged and distanced himself, but Sun Wuzhen was always following Ginyu like a phantom.

After a while, Ginyu's mentality was almost broken.

Sun Wuzhen played for a while and felt bored, so he said: "Ginyu, I don't want to play anymore. I'm going to send you on your way. Are you ready?".

Ginyu heard this and said: "Can you tell me what your combat power is so that I can understand clearly?"

Sun Wuzhen said: "I want to know, but I won't tell you."

When Ginyu was about to have a seizure, Sun Wuzhen said: "Watch your detector carefully."

Then Sun Wuzhen shouted: "Ah~", then white flames bloomed all over his body, and his breath rose sharply.

Ginyu's detector kept beeping, and the value started to rise linearly from 120,000.

"One hundred and thirty thousand, one hundred and forty thousand, one hundred and fifty thousand...two hundred and eighty thousand, two hundred and ninety thousand, three hundred thousand," Ginyu muttered to himself, trembling all over at the same time.

Frieza below was also quite shocked when he found out Son Wuzhen's numerical value, and murmured at the same time: "It seems that not a single Saiyan monkey can be left."

Sun Wuzhen calmed his breath and said: "Ugly monster, have you seen it clearly? Are you ready to die?"

Ginyu laughed when he heard this and said: "Okay, it's a body with endless potential. Now it's mine."

Then he shouted "Exchange", and saw his soul leaving the body and heading towards Sun Wuzhen.

Sun Wuzhen realized that his body could not move, and immediately released three times Kaio-ken. When he realized that his body had returned to normal, he directly gathered all the energy in his body, crossed his palms on his forehead, shouted "Magic Flash", and saw a huge energy column, from The sound from his palm instantly hit Ginyu's soul.

Ginyu only uttered "no", and then his soul was shattered. Afterwards, the energy wave continued unabated, blasting Ginyu's body into rubbish.

All this happened in a flash of lightning, and Frieza was furious when he saw it.

He flew out of the stroller, came to the crowd, and said, "Very good. Since you killed my beloved general, prepare to be buried with him."

After Sun Wuzhen killed Ginyu, he landed from the air and returned to everyone. He just heard Frieza's words and said, "Little dwarf, stop talking nonsense."

Upon hearing this, Frieza directly sent a ray of light, and Sun Wuzhen flew away with a slap.

Frieza saw this and said: "Oh ho ho, it seems that you all have some abilities. I really can't defeat you in my first form, so I'll let you open your eyes today and see my other forms."

After saying that, he hung his hands on his waist and shouted "Ah", and then he saw Frieza's breath increase sharply, the armor on his body shattered, and his body slowly grew bigger. A moment later, a man was three meters tall, holding a pair of huge horns. Frieza, appeared in front of everyone.

Frieza finished transforming and said to everyone: "Oh ho ho, you should feel honored to be able to see my first form before you die. I forgot to tell you, this king has three forms in total. The first form Our combat strength is only 1.2 million, but it is more than enough to deal with you."

When everyone heard this, they were just a little surprised and acted as if nothing had happened.

Now it was the king's turn to be surprised and said, "Aren't you scared? Or have you been frightened by my strength?"

Son Goku ignored Frieza and said to Piccolo: "Go and reach out to Frieza, otherwise he will have no chance as soon as I take action."

Piccolo said: "Okay, Mr. Sun, I also want to see how much the Emperor of the Universe weighs."

Frieza laughed when he heard this and said: "Oh ho ho, since you want to die first, Namek, then I will make it happen for you."

Piccolo sneered: "Then let's wait and see!"

After saying that, he flew into the air, with Frieza following closely behind him.

When Son Goku saw both of them flying into the air, he said to Raditz and Nappa: "You two go and take care of the remaining two members of the Ginuit team."

Raditz and Nappa smiled at each other after hearing this, and said to Son Goku: "Okay, Kakarot, they will be left to us."

After saying that, he flew to Bart and Gudu with ill intentions.

Seeing that only Raditz and Nappa arrived, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. Gu Du mocked: "Why did they send you two useless people to deliver food to us?"

Nappa said: "Three months to the east of the river and three months to the west of the river. Don't despise the poor in your prime. I am no longer the same person as I was a few months ago. You are just trash in my eyes. I am here to send you on your way under the orders of Kakarot." .

Bart laughed when he heard this and said: "Nappa, are you trying to laugh me to death? With your little fighting power, you still want to kill me and Gu Du. What are you talking about: three months to the east of Hedong and three months to the west of Hexi? I just give you three months." In ten years, garbage is still garbage, and it is impossible to turn around."

Nappa sneered and said: "Oh, really, then take a closer look at my current combat effectiveness."

After saying that, he let out the breath from his body. Bart looked at it and saw that the combat power of 45,000 was displayed on the detector, and he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He opened his mouth and said, "Nappa, that's right. I haven't seen him for a few months. His combat power has improved a lot. He can be much better than me."

"Oh, really? Then take a closer look at the detector," Nappa said.

Then he activated the Kaio-ken twice, and the aura on his body suddenly turned red.

When Bart looked at the detector again, he was suddenly frightened to the point of being scared out of his wits. He saw a value of 90,000 displayed on the detector.

Bart shouted: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, the detector must be broken."

Nappa said: "Nothing is impossible. If you follow Kakarot, everything is possible."

Raditz said: "Nappa, stop talking nonsense to them and kill them quickly. I'm waiting to see the battle between Piccolo and Frieza."

Nappa said: "Okay Raditz, leave Bart to me."

Raditz nodded, and without saying a word, he sent Gudu directly to the underworld with an energy bomb.

Seeing this, Nappa also released an energy bomb. Bart quickly blocked it, and after holding on for a moment, he was blasted to pieces by the energy bomb.

After dealing with the two of them, Nappa and Raditz returned to the crowd and looked up at the battle between Piccolo and Frieza .