
Son Goku The suppressor of Dragon balls.

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Daoist5JHfAl · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 11 Raditz Kills Saab Instantly

Vegeta successfully found the wishing bead after killing the Namek people in a village.

Then after hiding the wishing bead, he went to find the next wishing bead.

On the way, he discovered Sabo through his sense of Qi.

So without saying a word, I chased after him.

Sabo also spotted Vegeta and waited in the air for Vegeta to catch up.

Vegeta caught up after a moment.

Sabo said: "Vegeta, you are so easy for me to find. King Frieza was very angry at your betrayal and specifically ordered me to kill you."

Vegeta laughed when he heard this and said: "It's just you. As far as I know, your combat power is about the same as that fat pig Dodoria. Both of them only have a combat power of 22,000, while my uncle's combat power has exceeded 22,000. Where did you come from?" Can confidence kill me?"

Sabo sneered: "My dear King Vegeta, haven't you heard that there are many races in the universe that can improve their combat effectiveness through transformation. Unfortunately, I am one of those races, so Vegeta , have you thought about how to die?"

Vegeta heard this and said angrily: "Stop bluffing, this prince is not scared."

Sabo smiled and said: "It seems that you won't cry until you see the coffin. In that case, I will help you. Although it will turn into an ugly appearance, as long as I kill you, it doesn't matter."

After saying that, Sabo shouted loudly, the aura on his body increased sharply, and at the same time, the muscles in his body expanded, and his face also changed.

After a while, Sabo turned into a strong man with bulging muscles and an ugly appearance.

Vegeta felt the opponent's aura and was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, but he still said harshly: "You are such an ugly monster, and your combat effectiveness has not improved much."

Before he could say anything, Sabo ducked and punched him in the abdomen.

Vegeta was beaten until he vomited blood and his body bent into a shrimp shape.

Sabo said: "I hate people calling me ugly the most. Originally, I wanted to show my kindness and leave you a whole body, but now I have decided that I will let you die without a whole body, Vegeta."

Vegeta wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said angrily: "Damn it Sabo, I will fight with you."

Then an energy bomb hit Sabo and quickly fled away.

Sabo slapped away the energy bomb and saw Vegeta running away at high speed and sneered.

He accelerated and caught up with Vegeta, stopped in front of Vegeta, and laughed loudly: "Vegeta, where are you going? Are you rushing to the underworld? Why don't I give you a ride!"

After saying that, he ducked behind Vegeta, clasped his hands together, and hit the top of Vegeta's head. Vegeta had no time to dodge and was hit.

The body was smashed straight to the ground, Vegeta fired an energy bomb towards the ground, and then stabilized his body. Before Vegeta could take a breath, Sabo was in front of him.

Without thinking, Vegeta threw out an energy bomb. Sabo slapped the energy bomb away, and then gave Vegeta a headbutt, which made Vegeta dizzy.

Then followed by a knee push, Vegeta was so pushed that he vomited out all the food he had eaten the night before, and fainted on the spot.

Sabo laughed when he saw this, then grabbed Vegeta by the ankles, lifted Vegeta up into the air, swung Vegeta several times, and smashed it to the ground.

After a loud noise, a big hole was made on the ground, and Vegeta lay in it unaware of his condition.

Seeing this, Sabo stepped forward to check and made sure that Vegeta was dead. Then he released the transformation, laughed at Vegeta's "corpse" and said, "I'm just going to be kind and leave you intact, Vegeta."

After that, he flew into the air and returned to Frieza.

As a result, Raditz and Nappa blocked the way halfway.

Sabo saw this and said, "Are you two trash looking for death?"

Raditz laughed loudly and said: "Saab, do you think we are still the same as before? It is easy for us to kill you now."

Sabo laughed loudly after hearing this and said: "Raditz, do you want to laugh me to death? You, a scumbag with only a thousand and five combat abilities, still want to kill me. Just now, I killed all your King Vegetas." , why do you?"

Nappa heard this and said: "I see, it was you and Vegeta who were fighting just now. Did you kill Vegeta?"

Sabo said: "Of course, Vegeta betrayed King Frieza, and King Frieza specifically asked me to destroy him."

Nappa said: "Although Vegeta abandoned me on Earth, he is still my leader no matter what, so Sabo, are you ready to die?"

Sabo smiled and said: "It seems that you Saiyan monkeys are really impatient. All cats and dogs dare to provoke me, so let me send you on your way."

After saying that, he ducked behind Raditz and hit the back of Raditz's head with both hands.

However, Raditz turned around and with lightning speed, struck Sabo's chest with his elbow.

Sabo was elbowed so hard that he vomited blood. He quickly distanced himself and shouted: "Impossible, how could you react? You are just a scumbag with only 1,500 combat power. It is absolutely impossible."

Raditz said: "My fighting power is only 1,500, Sabo, open your eyes and take a good look at the fighting power of Nappa and I."

After saying that, he and Nappa released their auras at the same time, and two white flames suddenly rose from their bodies.

Sabo looked at Raditz with the detector. He was so frightened at this sight that he broke into cold sweat: "Impossible, how can your combat power reach 90,000? You are just a rubbish Saiyan."

Then he looked at Nappa, and saw that Nappa's combat power had reached 45,000. Sabo was stunned.

Turn around and quickly run away into the distance.

Upon seeing this, Raditz fired an energy bomb directly at Sabo.

Before Sabo had time to react, he was blasted to pieces by Raditz.

Nappa said: "Raditz, why don't you play with him? He bullied us a lot in the past."

Raditz said: "What's the point of this kind of rubbish? Let's hurry up and save other villages. If Kakarot finds out, be careful he takes care of us."

When Nappa heard this, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and said: "You are right, let's leave now."

Raditz nodded, and the two flew towards the direction Sabo came from.

After a while, Vegeta was seen squirming on the ground.

It turned out that Vegeta had faked his own death and deceived Sabo, but he was also seriously injured and it took a lot of effort to climb out of the pit.

Raditz and Nappa immediately landed and came to Vegeta.

Vegeta raised his head with difficulty and said: "Raditz, Nappa, since you are here, Kakarot must be here too. What, did Kakarot send you here to kill me?"

Nappa said: "Vegeta, don't worry. We are not here to kill you. Although you abandoned me on Earth, I don't blame you. Speaking of which, I would also li

ke to thank you. If you hadn't abandoned me, I would have It won't be as strong as it is today."