
Somnolence on a cloudy day

"Librarian-turned-roadkill." They should have written that on my obituary; I was hit by a car after all. Although, I suppose I shouldn't really worry about that right now, seeing as I've been shoved inside the body of a baby. By the way I have a twin. He has purple hair. So do I and it's natural too. See where I'm going with this? A KHR fanfic [M] for cussing, sex, and incest (later)

Night_Ink · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Drunk driving can get you killed (obviously)

In all honesty, I didn't expect this to happen.

One second I felt extreme pain, the next, I had been moved into this compact prison and had lost all my senses. My sight had disappeared, I couldn't feel anything, my body couldn't move and my hearing was muffled. In most people's opinion, it was an excruciating position to be in. To me though, it felt pretty comfortable.

Let's go back to the beginning first.


I'd like to say just for the record that I didn't want this at first, it's just that it's really comfortable. Thank you.

Growing up as a kid was as boring as it could be for a single child with distant parents. We had lived in the family home in the mountains since my grandmother was adamant about that. Since my parents had jobs in the city, it wasn't uncommon for them to be absent from the house for weeks. It was a usual occurrence even before I was born so I wasn't upset at all. (I think this was why Grandmother kept on urging my parents to have a child. It gets too lonely in this big house.) Daydreaming was a fun thing to do and it passed the time so I utilized it to the max during when I had free time. As for when I hadn't had free time, I was usually studying since there wasn't much entertainment here on the mountains with the closest town being an hour's ride away. My grandmother had always kept me company so it wasn't as if I was being neglected.

I suppose all that daydreaming in the woods had caused me to blend in with the scenery seeing as people find it a hard time noticing me. When they do, I'm always daydreaming so it seems like I'm staring at them, causing them to feel unsettled whenever I'm noticed. I would like to be upfront and greet them like a normal person, but the last person I did that to had jumped out of a window in fright from suddenly noticing me.

I shouldn't have waved at him. They all avoided me after that.

As a senior in high school, it was my responsibility to find a career that would support me throughout life. However, seeing as my goal through life had been to aim for a comfortable life, I saw that most would be out of the question for me; not because I wasn't qualified for it but because they were too tiring.

My parents hadn't cared about what career I would choose just as long as it wouldn't hurt the family name, and seeing how my grandmother died two years before, she wouldn't object to anything. After brainstorming a couple of ideas for an hour (I'm not that ambitious, the decisions shouldn't be that complicated) I had come up with one ultimate career choice.

A librarian.

Hear me out, being a librarian would be nice—at least for me. What more could I ask for anyway? A quiet and cozy area to work in, a vast number of books to choose from, not needing to move much unless ordering books, and privacy. Talking and making conversation with people is tiring since they usually daze off into space and lose track of the conversation. When I graduated from college with my degrees I had immediately gone to work at the library near my house. It didn't take much time for me to settle in and feel right at home. Aside from the occasional questions about directions, there is zero interaction. The staff is thankfully quiet—but that may be because they always stop talking when I'm around but that's not important—and the library, clean. It was a pretty chill occupation to have since my workplace was in the countryside located in a low-populated town.

Also, the coffee shop across the street from where the library was located had the best teas and sweets so it was a good call.

After six years of working at the library, I'd say that life has treated me well so far. I had re-read the manga collection that had first caught my eye multiple times and was disappointed that it had been canceled so abruptly. I had some favorite characters and some that I had absolutely abhorred. It was about this kid who had one day inherited the throne to a mafia family and was being trained by a tutor. It was pretty hilarious at first, but then got more serious as the series went on.

My 3 o'clock shift had finished so I walked to my car to go home one day. I stopped at the red light after walking for a few minutes. It had turned green after a minute and I had continued on. Upon reaching the middle of the crosswalk, I heard a scream for me to stop. As I turned around, I realized that there was a truck coming right at me with the driver clearly drunk—why is he even drinking? It's three o'clock in the afternoon (A/N) Don't drink and drive kids (A/N)—and seeing as I didn't have any time to get out of the way to save myself it was pretty clear that I would die.

A million thoughts rushed through my mind and one thought stood out before the pain registered and I blacked out.

I should have bought that deluxe Katsudon meal for lunch.

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