
Somewhere , Someday

"Alexa?" " Or Lina? What should I call you?" Yang suddenly asked grabbing her wrist. Lina remain frozen on the spot. Her hands were trembling. Her heart sank. She was scared to death. Yang walked in front of her and made her look look straight into his eyes. "Wha... what are you talking about??" Lina fumbled and looked down couldn't keeping up with his cold stare. He chuckled. Without breaking the eye-contact he held up her chin. His thumb was caressing her cheeks. Suddenly he removed her glasses ignoring her struggle to break free her hand from his. Without the glasses her ocean blue eyes were throwing daggers to him. "It seems that you forgot something today Miss Ray." " What.. what are you talking about? And It's Miss Park or Lina Park, for your kind information Mr. Lu. Not me, but You seem to be forgetful nowadays." She slapped away his hands. "Now give me back my glasses. Would you please Mr. Lu? I still have cases to take care of." How far can you go for love? How far can you go for friendship? How far can you go to keep the deepest pain in your heart only to yourself? Love? That was never the cup of tea for Lina. But she fell hard for someone. Someone who never look back. Someone who didn't keep his promise to her. Someone whom she couldn't forget no matter how hard she tried. A broken promise forced her to close heart forever. She changed herself, left the place she grew up, let go of her innocence just to forget him. Now a changed Lina is ready to lead a new life where the happiness of her close-ones mattered the most. She can do everything just to see her family happy who did the same for her. But luck happened. Lina met Yang. The only person who can made waves in her broken heart without even trying. Just seeing him from afar could stirr up something in her which she couldn't figure out. Can he mend her broken heart? Here comes Lu Yang. The talented, mischievous, handsome sporty topper of the college. Love? That never came in his way or did it already?. After waking up from near-year long coma he realised that he had already lost 'her.' 'Her'. The 'first love'... no! the 'only love' of his life. He searched for her everywhere but in the end the news of her death came to him like a blow crashing his every little will of living. But he survived. He had to live. He had to fulfill the promises he made to her. So, he made himself alive. Living in a soulless body. A stoned heart that none was able to move. Life goes on. It never stops for anyone. But, One day he heard a voice. A voice that shook his entire world. A voice that haunted him in his sleep every night. A voice so familiar yet so distant. A voice that belonged to 'love of his life.' Will he be able to reach to his beloved? Will love come across their way? Or will they cross each other? Let's find out.... A story of two star-crossed lovers and more. The world of 'Someday, somewhere' is now open. Connect: Instagram - @anaya_t9

AnayaT · Teen
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53 Chs

: Library - (2)

"Like what you see? "

His deep voice broke the silence of the room.

Lu Yang looked at her. Her lips were parting in an awe, loose strands of her hair were flying in the air. He felt a bang inside his heart.

Sensing his gaze Lina got flustered. She was in daze until then, blessing herself to be lucky enough to get too close to her idol twice that day.

" Huh...?"

' Like what you see? ' His husky voice was still lingering in her head. Her chicks turned a shade redder immediately realizing the meaning.

Lina adjusted her specs.

"Uh... actually… It's my usual place. Don't mind… Carry on... I'll sit Somewhere else." She lowered down her head in embarrassment and turned back to leave. "Sorry for disturbing you."

Lu Yang was simply enjoying her every action It's rare for her to express any emotions. She usually carried a stony expression in college unlike outside. Sometimes he thought, they both can't be the same person at all.

" Oh! I didn't know that. Just thought the view was great. Never mind but you can sit here. I won't mind at all."

"It's okay tongxue (同学 = classmate). I prefer studying alone. My presence might be disturbing to you. Thank you for offering though. "

Lina politely declined his offer and sat on the next row placing her books on the table accordingly and connected the headphone with the mobile and start reading.

Lina was a huge music lover. Music was the only ray of light in her turbulent world. Only music could give relief to her by letting her forget about the rest of the world.

Lu Yang was unblinkingly watching her every move — the way she sat, took off her bag, kept her books, adjusted her specs, pulled back her hair, put on the headphone, and started studying without giving a damn to his stare.

He felt another loud bang in heart. "Those eyes..." he blurted out abruptly.

Yang was always curious about her sparkling eyes behind those glasses. It was so mysterious to him that he wished he could sink in those deep black orbs again and again.

The first time he saw her the lines from Shakespeare's sonnet immediately came to his mind ....

" My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sunne

Currall is farre more red, then her lip red… " 

To him those eyes were some priceless riddle that he wanted to solve.

Feeling the fluttering pleasure building inside his heart Yang decided to enjoy the view.


Lina was having a sip of water while she felt some burning gaze on herself. Following the gaze she found Lu Yang staring at her with utmost attention. Which made her cough almost chocking the water.

He hurriedly ran towards her.

"Are you all right? What happened? " He patted her back.

Composed herself Lina gestured him that she was ok and told him to remove his hand from her back.

She did not like to be touched.

"It's okay. Just chocked." she cleared her throat.

"Are you sure?" he asked. Concern was written all over his face.

" Yeah. 200 % " Lina smiled. "Thank you for the help. "

Lu Yang was still holding her wrist, blankly staring at her smiling face.

Clearing the throat again she indicated him to release her hand only then he let go of her wrist.

Lina was utterly shocked see many shades of his tendering nature.

'Was not he famous for being the cold guy who doesn't give a damn about a girl's feeling ?! Lu Yang was known to break hearts. He used to flatly decline whoever proposed him or expreed their affection towards him. '

'Argh!! Rumours are not to be believed these days. ' Lina warned herself.

Little did she know that Lu Yang only cared about a girl in the whole world beside his family. She was his one and only precious 'Ai'. How could he be aloof of her well-being ?

You guys are still here !! I'm blessed to have you guys. Thank you for reading.

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