
Somewhere , Someday

"Alexa?" " Or Lina? What should I call you?" Yang suddenly asked grabbing her wrist. Lina remain frozen on the spot. Her hands were trembling. Her heart sank. She was scared to death. Yang walked in front of her and made her look look straight into his eyes. "Wha... what are you talking about??" Lina fumbled and looked down couldn't keeping up with his cold stare. He chuckled. Without breaking the eye-contact he held up her chin. His thumb was caressing her cheeks. Suddenly he removed her glasses ignoring her struggle to break free her hand from his. Without the glasses her ocean blue eyes were throwing daggers to him. "It seems that you forgot something today Miss Ray." " What.. what are you talking about? And It's Miss Park or Lina Park, for your kind information Mr. Lu. Not me, but You seem to be forgetful nowadays." She slapped away his hands. "Now give me back my glasses. Would you please Mr. Lu? I still have cases to take care of." How far can you go for love? How far can you go for friendship? How far can you go to keep the deepest pain in your heart only to yourself? Love? That was never the cup of tea for Lina. But she fell hard for someone. Someone who never look back. Someone who didn't keep his promise to her. Someone whom she couldn't forget no matter how hard she tried. A broken promise forced her to close heart forever. She changed herself, left the place she grew up, let go of her innocence just to forget him. Now a changed Lina is ready to lead a new life where the happiness of her close-ones mattered the most. She can do everything just to see her family happy who did the same for her. But luck happened. Lina met Yang. The only person who can made waves in her broken heart without even trying. Just seeing him from afar could stirr up something in her which she couldn't figure out. Can he mend her broken heart? Here comes Lu Yang. The talented, mischievous, handsome sporty topper of the college. Love? That never came in his way or did it already?. After waking up from near-year long coma he realised that he had already lost 'her.' 'Her'. The 'first love'... no! the 'only love' of his life. He searched for her everywhere but in the end the news of her death came to him like a blow crashing his every little will of living. But he survived. He had to live. He had to fulfill the promises he made to her. So, he made himself alive. Living in a soulless body. A stoned heart that none was able to move. Life goes on. It never stops for anyone. But, One day he heard a voice. A voice that shook his entire world. A voice that haunted him in his sleep every night. A voice so familiar yet so distant. A voice that belonged to 'love of his life.' Will he be able to reach to his beloved? Will love come across their way? Or will they cross each other? Let's find out.... A story of two star-crossed lovers and more. The world of 'Someday, somewhere' is now open. Connect: Instagram - @anaya_t9

AnayaT · Teen
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53 Chs

Her family (2)

Later that day, Lina was shifted to the infant ward. As her condition was quite severe she had to stay there for a longer period of time.

Lina's mom, Isha was a single mother. She literally stayed with her at the hospital through day and night and only returned for making food. Lina was the last hope in her life. She couldn't bear to leave her for a moment.

Isha also took care of the newborn baby she helped. The baby was staying in the next bed of her. She didn't see the father or any relatives visiting her for the first few days.

Isha heard from the nursing staffs that the father was busy with his wife's funeral and mourning over his beloved's death by drinking his life out.

Later when the father came back to senses from his mournful condition and realised that he had been neglecting his daughter all these time, he ran to the hospital like a madman. He colossally missed the last remaining part of his wife .

After the burial, the father reached to his daughter only to find out her sleeping quietly on the lap of a woman. Another baby was sleeping on the bed just beside her.

He was bewildered to find the woman to be his daughter's life-saver. He saw a barely acquainted woman whom he didn't even thank properly, was taking care of his daughter better than he could have done ever.

During his most pessimistic time, Isha stood by him, the man, Nanxian Park, bowed to the woman bending his knees.

He couldn't thank her enough for saving his daughter and taking care of her without even asking.

The man was Nanxian Park. And the newborn was Rini. And this is how Lina met Rini.

Isha Ray and Nanxian Park got acquainted well. The single mother and recently widowed father were taking well care of their babies. They even decided to share shifts so that both can rest a little.

Isha had seen him in his most measurable state. She advised him to come back to life and starting fresh. They would often reminiscing about the past.

Later Nanxian found out that Isha was staying in the same neighborhood as him. Isha aided a helping hand to him. She insisted on leaving Rini in her care seeing her weak physical condition. She felt bad for the innocent motherless child.

Nanxian Park had become a broken person from inside losing the most important part of his life. He needed time to mend his broken heart.

Nanxian could not decide the way of managing work and the baby after her discharge. He had trust issues with the nanny's. He saw Isha as the savior. He had no problem leaving Rini with her though he barely knew her.

Nanxian Park, a allumni of MIT, was in a higher position in a multinational company. Isha, worked as the lecturer at a college after getting her degree from Yale University. They decided to share their work schedules so that either of them can stay with the babies for more.

Rini used to stay with Isha and Lina when Nanxian was out to work. Whenever Isha had classes She would leave Lina with Nanxian. Lina and Rini literally grew up together.

Gradually Isha became Rini's godmother. Rini grew up knowing Isha her mother meanwhile Lina regarded Nanxian as her godfather.

Lina and Rini attended the same kindergarten and then same elementary school. They were each other's epitome. Rini used to spend most of her days in Isha's place and Nanxian had no problem with that .

They had mutual understanding between themselves. The two small families grew closer over the years. Nanxian and Isha grew closer too. But there were boundaries between them. Even if there was sparks flying sometimes they used to avoid the tension between them by changing topics each time. In reality, both of them were afraid of again fall into misery again.

It wasn't until that time. Lina just turned six. Rini was merely five years and few months old.

That day, Isha received an invitation letter for joining her dream job in a prestigious college.

The problem was that, the college was in a different state and they wanted her to join as the assistant professor as soon as possible.

Isha was beyond happy. It was her dream come true. She was eager for this day to come. Isha was glad to join them.

But Lina refused to go. She refused to go with her mother in a different place. She was afraid of parting ways with Rini and Nanxian. Lina disagreed to let go of her godfather and sworn-sister.

On the other side, Rini went into hunger strike after hearing about Isha's leave. Her mother was going far away leaving her behind. Her older sister was going to leave her. Rini loved them so much and couldn't imagine a life without Lina or Isha.

Nanxian too, never thought of this day. He felt helpless. But deep down he knew this day would come one day and he had no right to make it stop. He tried to make his daughter understand the situation. But it was of no help. Rini didn't even drink a drop of water the whole day.

Isha, too, tried to persue her daughter. But she flatly refused her. Lina wasn't even ready to hear anything from her. She looked herself in a room.

The both guardians had hard time managing their respective wards but alas. The girls were not ready to part away.

I'm loved them so much and couldn't imagine a life without Lina or Isha.

Nanxian too, never thought of this day. He felt helpless. But deep down he knew this day would come one day and he had no right to make it stop. He tried to make his daughter understand the situation. But it was of no help. Rini didn't even drink a drop of water the whole day.

Isha, too, tried to persue her daughter. But she flatly refused her. Lina wasn't even ready to hear anything from her. She locked herself in a room.

The both guardians had hard time managing their respective wards but alas. The girls were not ready to part away.

Rini and Lina had already planned to live together. After long discussions over phones the little girls found out an incredible idea to spend their life together.

" Why don't Mom and Dad get married to each other ? This will solve everything. Then We can both live with mom to her place and As dad can't leave his job ,he can visit us every now and then. This would be perfect. "

Upon reaching the neighborhood, The girls announced after a long day of discussions at the elementary school and the cram classes.

And as if they declared the verdict of the century, the both began to giggle like proud peacocks.

Nanxian and Isha both looked at each other embarrassingly. Right after, they took both of their respective wards and left for their individual destinations. The place they call 'home'.