
Somewhere Near You

Life is what you make it. Abigail is a lady who chose to focus on her goals and dreams. She wanted to become not just a successful woman living but the most influential one. She will do everything to reach this goal. But along the way, she will meet Perry. A flirty- silent guy who dreams to become a big celebrity-singer. He already has everything. Their meeting is an unexpected one. Abigail was already torn between her goals and the promise that she gave to Perry. The confusion started in her heart and mind. Will, she let her feeling hinder her in reaching her dreams? Will she need to choose between the promise or will she leave him for the dream that she has? Why can't she do both? Is Perry feel the same way, too? Or he has different motives in locking Abigail into a promise? This will lead her to a very crucial decision.

Irishmaei · Celebrities
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Her Non-stop Rhythm

Meet Abigail Dane Sanvictores. An only child who has big goals in life and is willing to do everything to reach those dreams. Her family was well-off. She had everything that she needs since she was well-provided. And things happened when she was a freshman at International Business University. Her family declared bankruptcy in their poultry business when she was in her second semester. That was where the struggle of Abigail started.

The bankruptcy was kept from her before. She just knew it when she can't contact her parents for how many months. She lost communication with them and she didn't know what to do since she runs out of funds. This was the depressing point in the life of Abi. She was forced to live with 500 pesos in her hand for 3 months since he was studying far away from her home and it continued for 3 years more. She tried to finish her degree. She tried harder and hard but she couldn't take it anymore since she already had a big debt to the school. She no longer affords the tuition fee. That led to looking for a job in Manila.

Abigail stopped studying while her batchmates already graduated. It was painful for her since it became a turning point that she became further away to her ultimate goal again- to become an influential successful lady in the business world. It took time for her to move on and accept the fact that she can't control everything. She questioned her capability of doing and giving solutions to things in a short period. Then again in life, there is no shortcut. She just needs to move forward.

Abigail made a decision, that she cannot stop like this. She doesn't end up to be the person she doesn't want to be. So she worked hard for one year as a call center agent. She doesn't want to waste time and effort. She sacrificed her sleep just to earn and save money to go back to school. At that time, she was already 21 years old and she doesn't want to waste every second of her life. She doesn't want to regret anything about why she didn't do everything for her dreams. She doesn't want to end up questioning herself again. Not anymore.

She endured the changing of her schedules and tolerated all the bad words and anger thrown to her by customers and superiors. She tried her best to be positive and just thought of her goals as motivation. She became stronger and braver after every cries. Even storm and the flood didn't stop her to go to work. She needs to work hard for her dreams.

One year of working hard and she saved enough to continue her 1st semester. Now, She needs to find a university around Manila. She looked for a university where she will feel at home and will consider her situation since she still needs to work to afford her daily expenses. She searched over the internet the best one that suites her standard. While browsing, she found Fairmont Emerald University. It's exactly what she's looking for- a university with a 90% discount for all the newbie. Since it was a limited slot, she needs to secure hers so even without sleep, she rushed to go to FEU for admission.

This is it! This is the start of a new journey for Abigail. A journey of reaching her dreams but now, she needs to become a working student. She is a goal-oriented hardworking lady so this will just be a piece of cake to her.

Hi guys! Thank you for reading the first chapter of my Fanfic novel. Honestly, this is my first time finishing a first chapter so please continue to support and cheer me up until the end.

Let's support Abigail to her journey and whatever will happen along the way. Abigail Dane Sanvictores is IU. I really love IU that's why I made her as the main character of my story. :)

More power to us! Feel free to send comments, suggestions and personal messages. I will be happy to read it. :)

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