
Somewhere Near You

Life is what you make it. Abigail is a lady who chose to focus on her goals and dreams. She wanted to become not just a successful woman living but the most influential one. She will do everything to reach this goal. But along the way, she will meet Perry. A flirty- silent guy who dreams to become a big celebrity-singer. He already has everything. Their meeting is an unexpected one. Abigail was already torn between her goals and the promise that she gave to Perry. The confusion started in her heart and mind. Will, she let her feeling hinder her in reaching her dreams? Will she need to choose between the promise or will she leave him for the dream that she has? Why can't she do both? Is Perry feel the same way, too? Or he has different motives in locking Abigail into a promise? This will lead her to a very crucial decision.

Irishmaei · Celebrities
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3 Chs

Her First Day

Most of us face a new day after waking up but for Abigail, this is a fast pacing day. After her night shift job, she immediately takes a bus going to her dorm to take a bath and go to school. This is her first day of class. Yes, she doesn't have any sleep.

Abigail takes the LRT since this is the fastest way for her to be on time. She knows that it will not guarantee her to be in her first class on time. Luckily, her professor is very kind. Abi is 30 minutes late but her professor understands her (it's her religion subject). Since all of the chairs at the back are occupied, she takes one of the seats in front. She promised herself that she will be a mysterious type and not so expressive in ideas than before. I think it will not turn what she is expected.

Once the professor asks a question and no one is reciting, it drives her to do the first move. before she raises her hand, a guy beside her raises first and expresses his ideas. The guy does a good job but Abi is not satisfied with his answer. So as expected, Abi raises and expresses hers. After all, this is the typical way of expression for her. Everyone shows their amazement after she speaks and even the professor is satisfied.

"You are impressive," says the guy beside her.

Abi doesn't pay to attention but she hears it so she just smiles as a sign of gratitude.

"I am Perry by the way," as the guy introduces himself.

Abi thinks that this is not necessary. She doesn't want to be attache to anyone else there but she also doesn't want to ignore the person. In the end,

"I'm Abigail. Nice meeting you," she replies.

The plan of Abi to be alone didn't come true. She just met a guy and he's her classmate to most of her minor subjects and the other thing is, he is her seatmate. Abi thinks this is just nothing so she just falls asleep on her seat to get some nap. Her excitement turns into tiredness. She wanted to rest but she still has class until 4 pm.

After class, she immediately walks fast to the LRT to get to her work. As she enters the train, she takes a nap and she programs herself to wake up in 20 minutes since that is the length of the travel. She knows that this will not be easy for her but she wanted to stand on her decision until she finishes. She is strong. She knows she can endure it.

Hi guys! Sorry for the late update. I was just busy for the past weeks working for a new project.

First of all, I wanted to thank you all for the views. I didn't expect to have hundreds of views in just few days.

Writing this story is not easy for me. The reason for this is, the story is not just a whole fiction but some of the happenings are true to life. The name of the university and the characters are purely created by my mind. Some scenes are not true as well but some are very close in my heart.

I am looking forward to inspiring people through this simple story and looking forward to hearing from you.

Let me know how you feel about this and I will respond to the best that I can. God bless everyone!! :)

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