
Chapter 37: WWZD


In the waters just a hundred yards from Panama, the marine service stopped us. They were happy to escort us to land and have a conversation about our possession of a missing government vessel, but this would have left us with no way to return to Zane.

“Where is he when you need him?” said Cooper.

“Right?” said Lauren. “One of his ‘heads I win, tails you lose’ gambits is just what’s needed right now.”

Cooper and I were able to arrange a compromise: The marine service would speed Maria to shore and we would be escorted out of Panamania waters. Maria, who had seemed so hardy and resolute, protested.

“Not alone,” she whimpered as careful hands were leading her from one boat to another. “Not alone - someone go with me. Him!” she called out, pointing toward Cooper. “He come with me.”

“But,” stammered Cooper. “I mean, I would. But someone has to pilot the boat back to Cartagena.”