
Sometimes, “The Unknown”, it's better than the alternative.

[If you want to understand more, read my new work "REALITY SUBDUERS"] In the vast cosmos, lies an uncountable number of planets, one of those is “Hûlfhednär”, with an extremely hostile environment, high gravity and atmospheric pressure due to his gargantual size, the unforgiven climate, force all the inhabitants to become more resilient than what was needed, even so, is the cradle of a forgotten civilización with high advanced technology and an almost unparallel evolution, “The Hûrngoth”, they rise until became the Apex of his solar system and continue their expansion with steady peace, until … , for an “Unknown” reason, they decided to go into his Homeworld, isolating themselves to achieve something absolutely imperative. Some say they successfuly obtain their goal, others think they failed, but the truth … , not always is simple or straightforward, some occasions, the answer is trickier, twisted and deeper than a black hole. Give it a try, is my first published Novel and my first work on English, so i personally recommend to read up to Chapter 28 before deciding. Proper SMUT after Chapter 35, full intercourse planned in the next Volume. I'm not native speaker so any mistakes i appreciate if you point them out for me to correct them. Leave a comment if you like, have any questions or doubts. My next work "REALITY SUBDUERS" is in progress, it is going to continue the story from another perspectives. Expected Tags in the Content: Romance - Adventure - Action - SMUT R18 - BDMS - Yuri - Dark - Gore (Not initially) - Mystery - Cosmic Horror. Everything on this history has a reason and a hidden meaning, the hints are already there so … DO NOT EXPECT "PLOT ARMOR".

Marshack · Sci-fi
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77 Chs

Volume 0 (69): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 69 : Cleansing Part 1.

Thalia and Marshack stroll around over the beautiful streets of Varannassi, reaching the Milkshake establishment Zergirion had suggested to the Team in the past days.

The attendant is a young female, it has a light cinnamon skin across its chubby constitution, covered by the Barloen Endodermis Suit, and showing her height of 9 and a half Vul (4.75 meters), with massive breasts disproportionate to her body, ready to sprout out of her attire at the minimal opportunity.

Sturdy white cattle horns protrude from her temples, highlighting themselves over her litmus short wavy and curly hair of metallic dark grey colour.

Lastly, her face, with whitish freckles on the fleshy cheeks and happy eyes with glowing irises of a light sparkling honey shade, portraying cheerfulness due to her sincere smile.

§ Arelia Creamous Shania §

Quality 25 ★ Category 5

Species: Real and Authentic True Cõûtllë

§ First Year Student §

—Welcome to "Milk me already"; Said with embarrassment Arelia »—What would you like to order?.

Marshack reply swiftly —Two jars of Cold Vanilla Milkshakes with Condensate Prio Plasma Pollen, employ the best ingredients available.

The Apex places his right hand on the counter paying upfront 25,000 Crwdz while commenting to Arelia »—Don't skimp on resources, "I" will pay for what you do.

The attendant nods stupefy with her mouth completely open, starting with her work as Thalia sigh looking at the massive boobs of Arelia, bouncing constantly under the Endodermis Suit with every motion of breathing, walking or the struggle she has while opening the small containers with all the might and force her arms can exhort.

—She is cute; Comments Thalia »—I would like to know her better …

The Fof'blir doesn't stops ogling at the attendant, a clear difference on her behavior, triggered by Persea's Pheromones and the ones that belongs to something else.

{Shlõvthy said they were enhanced by the orgasm, but i am detecting other two types of pheromones inside of Onice}.

—Ask her; Mention Marshack, provoking an intense blush on Thalia cheeks, her intentions weren't about facts in a conversation if not about exploring Arelia's body.

—Maybe i will do it; Teasingly said Thalia with a lewd smile and enticing look on her eyes, observing the two massive udders of the attendant behind the big translucent jars with yellow milky liquid and tiny little bright spheres of Orange Prio Plasma, sparkling like starts across the liquid content.

§ Pollen Vanilla Milkshake §

Quality 25 ★ Category 20

Nutritional Level • 5.55

Nutritional Index • > 225,000

Cost 11,950 Crwdz

§ Prio Plasma §

—Enjoy your drinks!; Cheerfully express Arelia, delivering the milkshakes to Thalia and Marshack.

The former winks at the attendant, saying sensually —See you around cutie; Arelia keeps smiling at the comment of Thalia, but is evident she is puzzled, the usual remark she receive is someone calling her "Fat", "Cow", or anything related to her massive tits.

The two customers leaves the counter and walk for a few steps, taking a seat in the closest table they encouter, observing the attendant sporadically, causing Arelia to be slightly nervous at the continuous glances.

—I like how fun is teasing her, now i understand the appeal it has for the attractive Celebrities and Nobles of my Homeworld; Thalia remark is accepted by Marshack with an —Indeed; He teases his Bride Norraine occasionally, conscious of the beautiful energetic display that it is her aura with the abrupt change on her emotions.

Both individuals finally drink the Pollen Vanilla Milkshake, the taste is almost perceived by Marshack, and the ecstatic sensation showed in the beautiful face of Thalia makes unmistakable how delightfully delicious, sweet and fresh the concoction is.

*Mmm* —Wow, Bverxkka this is fantastic!; Enthusiastically and satisfied asserts the female Fof'blir, gulping down another portion of the drink.

»—I would like to have another one, please; Said Thalia and Marshack pays upfront for two more Milkshakes, the Nutritional value of this food is incredibly high to let it pass.

*Mmm* —It is so sweet!, to the point that almost makes me forget those bitter grains of rye i have to ingest during the journey over the "El Camino"; Thalia mention this with a tint of displeasure.

»—It was near as bad as the ambush of the Gnardbejh when we were going to sleep, but the acquittance of Persea was incredible, like a Battle Goddess, killing those not so little horny creeps with her bare hands, or using a kind of ethereal Red Pyro Plasma Claws with some ammunitions of [Compress] Orange Prio Plasma that blasted apart the Energy Shields of the most resistant Gnardbejh, what about your journey Bverxkka?.

—Boring and slow; Confess the Apex »—We would arrive even earlier if it wasn't for how much the gravity impede the movement of my Teammates.

—So you didn't fight?!; The statement surprise Thalia, along the other Teams, they have big skirmishes with the Gnardbejh every two to four hours, and oblivious duos or trios that were quickly neutralized.

—I couldn't; Marshack said annoyed »—The cowards didn't approach at less than 45 Vulq (225 km) of us, at least the pressure was nice as a massage, i enjoyed the feeling as it was in the past.

Thalia laughs and finishes her milkshake, receiving the second one as Marshack does.

—Then, nothing relevant to say Onice?; Inquire the Apex with accusatorial tone and predatorial smirk with his glowing lilac irises locked on the femele.

Thalia blushes deviating her sight and glancing at the young male Hûrngöth a few times, being evident that he is aware of what she did —Come on Bverxkka, i know you know already …

The Fof'blir is embarrassed a little and Marshack keeps staring at her —I want to hear it from you.

—Ok; Accept Thalia, breathing faster, remembering what she did with Vöulmmurn »—I was intimate with Persea during the journey, not too intimate, but …

Thalia makes a pause and gasp for an instant with lost sight on her eyes »—Persea, she made me feel really good, i, i liked all what she did to me, a lot …

Thalia's satisfied smile feels slightly off to Marshack, he sucks on this matter, but is weird how fake and fabricated he perceive this interaction.

{Onice is not lying, or partially she is doing it, maybe is unconscious about this, i lack knowledge and expirience to deal appropriately with the pheromones that i don't know}.

Thinking with accelerated speed with his three enzymes, he decides to act and charge at the problem head on, talking with a serious and firm voice —Onice, You and I, have decided to not engage intimately with Persea for a good reason …

—We didn't planned this, it simply happened Bverxkka … ; Thalia interrupted the Apex, who alters his posture, constricting his pupils intensifing the heaviness of his glare.

The Fof'blir petrifies in place realizing with obvious understanding how vast is the difference between each other, however, there is a tint of excitement on her face, expectant and ready to comply with Marshack's words.

—Breaking a promise both of us accept, deserves an adequate punishment, right Onice?.

The Hûrngöth commanding and patronizing voice doesn't leaves doubts about the answer that Thalia should pronounce, and with how clouded her judgment is, she quickly accepts.

Finishing their Pollen Vanilla Milkshake, Thalia and Marshack goes out of the establishment and walks up to her room on the Biotechnological Institute Of Varannassi.

Nervousness is evident in the posture of the Fof'blir but resolution remains in that beautiful face of her's.

Inside the chamber, lies a simple design with austerity, having a dresser, a bed and a wardrobe that is part of the wall.

Thalia faces Marshack and he admire the gorgeous silhouette she has, he even use Quelizt and Adrenaline to enlarge the moment.

Words are irrelevant, both of them know what is going to happen, and the silece only exacerbates that outcome.

Marshack left hand goes to her face, touching the soft orange skin on her right cheek while one of his thumbs border her juicy red lips …